
  • 网络The State of Things;state of affairs;Der Stand Der Dinge
  1. 程序能够理解计算机内部事物的状态,而人类只能理解真实世界的事物状态。

    A program may understand the state of things inside the computer , but only a user understands the state of things in the real world .

  2. 因为数学方法是用数学语言表达事物的状态、关系和过程,经过推导、运算与分析,以形成解释、判断和预言的方法。

    Because the mathematical method is to use mathematical language to express the state of things , relationships and processes , through the derivation , computation and analysis , to form explanations , judgments and predictions of the method .

  3. 这种情况下,gdb会获得控制并中断程序,从而可以让您检查所有事物的状态,如果运气好的话,可以找出原因。

    In this case GDB will take control and interrupt the program , allowing you to examine the state of everything and hopefully find out why .

  4. 很难说,鉴于当前事物的状态。

    Hard to say given the current state of things .

  5. 在每一个时期里面事物的状态、特征是不同的,生命周期论强调了成长的阶段性。

    Inside each time the thing are different , the life cycle theory emphasized the growth gradualness .

  6. 他通过提供状态报告以及频繁的更新和预测,努力确保他的经理了解所有事物的状态。

    He works hard to ensure his manager knows the status of everything by supplying status reports and frequent updates and forecasts .

  7. 英语中,形容词或副词的最高级常用来描述人或事物的状态,使之达到顶峰,增加修辞效果。

    The superlative degree of the adjective and adverb usually describe a state of people and thing to the highest way for a better effect .

  8. 世界的信息化展现的即事物的状态与过程被抽取为不依赖于人而存在的客观的信息和信息流。

    The informational emerging of the world means that the message of the situation and the process of the things are drawn out , and they are become the objective information and information flow .

  9. 要处于你已经拥有的事物的富足状态。

    Be in a state of abundance of what you already have .

  10. 信息是指事物运动的状态与方式,是物质的一种属性。

    Nevertheless , information refers to a state and form for things to move as an attribute of materials .

  11. 人们总是习惯于事物一贯的状态,即使你想要改变它,也是很困难的。

    You 're used to the way things are , and even if you want to change , it 's difficult .

  12. 以自然为本。人们在评判事物的存在状态和发展态势时,有肯定、否定与未定三种方式。

    There are three ways : affirmative , negative and uncertain , when people judge things in the presence of state and the development trend .

  13. “和谐”作为一种道德理念与事物的完美状态,千百年来为人类所孜孜以求。

    As a perfect state of moral conception and matters ," harmoniousness " has been diligently sought after by human beings for thousands of years .

  14. 在这个系列的水墨画中他检视了几十年前在这个小而鲜为人知的岛上所发生的事情对于事物目前的状态承载了如此巨大的重量。

    In the series of ink paintings he examines how events which happened decades ago on this small insignificant island hold great weight for the present state of affairs .

  15. 不间断无纷扰的连续的意识集中与某一事物或意念的状态叫作冥想。

    This means uninterrupted stream of the content of consciousness is called meditation .

  16. 在西方哲学中,真理指事物的无蔽状态。

    In western philosophy , truth of things is " uncovering " state .

  17. 儒家主张和谐是不同事物的共生共存状态;

    Confucian advocates " harmony " is the state of the coexistence of different things ;

  18. 事物的多种混乱状态。

    A confused multitude of things .

  19. 形容词是现代汉语词类的重要组成部分,表示人、事物的属性或状态。

    Adjectives is an important part of Modern Chinese , it represents the attribute or the state of people or things .

  20. 和谐是中国传统文化中具有代表性的观念,是事物存在的最佳状态,也是一切美好事物的共同特点。

    Harmony is the representative of Chinese traditional culture , the concept is the best thing there is a common feature of all good things .

  21. 自然力并不是朝向于地心,它只是让事物保持现有的状态。

    The natural motion is not towards the center of the earth , the natural motion is just to keep doing what its currently doing .

  22. 人与自然和谐相融、万物与我为一的大美境地。儒家主张和谐是不同事物的共生共存状态;

    The ideal state of the harmonious coexistence of human beings . Confucian advocates " harmony " is the state of the coexistence of different things ;

  23. 表现事物的非正常状态、表现事物的新变化状态、表现主体的主动追求性是把字句常见的三种语用限制条件。

    Three common restrictive conditions of language application are : the expression of abnormal states of things , the expression of newly changed states of things , the expression of active pursuit of subject .

  24. 从技术的本质来看,技术的作用将事物存在的自然状态或发展的自然进程打断,通过人为干预将事物带入人工进程。

    In its basic nature , technology involves a kind of breaking in the natural state of existence or the natural process of their development , and taking objects into the artificial process by human intervention .

  25. 然后,就自顶向下方式的性能是否一定优于自底向上方式,以及理想的逻辑数据库事物间联系的状态是否应当没有回路问题提出不同的看法,与文[1]的作者商榷。

    Then , a different opinion about whether top-down is naturally better than bottom-up and whether EDB relations in a logic database should be acyclic is put forward to discuss with the authors of [ 1 ] .

  26. 一种使事物保持好的工作状态的行为。

    Activity involved in maintaining something in good working order .

  27. 一切事物都处于动荡的状态之中&一切事物似乎都在进行变革。

    Everything is in a state of agitation-everything seems to be undergoing a change .

  28. 所以说抽象是一种流动的现象.是具体于当下所感知事物的暂时的经验状态。

    So abstraction is a mobile phenomenon . Is specific in the current perceived state of things , the experience of being .

  29. 人们进行思维推理的一个主要方面就是对事物状态可能性的思维,即思考既定条件下事物可能的状态是什么。

    A major aspect of people to thinking and reasoning is the possibility thinking .