
shì xiàng
  • matter;item
事项 [shì xiàng]
  • [item;matter] 事情的项目

  • 注意事项

事项[shì xiàng]
  1. 像“写文章”这样的待办事项是要花很长时间的,但它可以分为几个步骤,比如:写提纲,写作,修改你的前言。

    A to do list item like " Write essay " is the kind of thing that will take long hours of work , but it can be broken into steps , like : write an outline , free write , revise your intro paragraph .

  2. 在todoforeign中,这将需要两个列;删除日期可能为null,表示该事项仍然在活动中。

    In todo_foreign , that would require two columns ; the deletion date might be null to indicate that the item is still active .

  3. 这是妊娠期间锻炼的一些注意事项。

    Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy .

  4. 这没有列入她最优先考虑办理的事项。

    It did not figure high on her list of priorities .

  5. 那个电话把一整套事项安排好了。

    That telephone call set in train a whole series of events .

  6. 上次会议记录方面有无尚待解决的事项?

    Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting ?

  7. 就这样吧,我想我们几乎已把议程上所有的事项都讨论过了。

    OK then , I think we 've just about covered everything on the agenda .

  8. 工党尚未将该问题列为优先考虑的事项。

    The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority

  9. 沃尔什先生深刻理解选民最为关注的事项。

    Mr Walsh has a keen appreciation of the priorities of the electorate

  10. 他不得不把所有事项都对他详细说明了两次。

    He had to have everything spelled out twice over for him .

  11. 涉及学校课程的全部事项都已提出供大家讨论。

    The whole question of school curriculum is up for discussion

  12. 这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。

    These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise

  13. 非洲人国民大会在所有事项皆已完成前不敢有丝毫松懈。

    The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out

  14. 请向我推荐最合适的彩色胶卷,并告诉我一些注意事项。

    Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and don'ts.

  15. 备忘录的结尾写道:“请将此事作为亟待处理事项。”

    The memo ends : ' Please give this matter your most urgent attention . '

  16. 所有这些事项都尚无定论,也不是我可以决定的。

    All those matters are in dispute and it is not for me to decide them .

  17. 书中严格规定了审讯17岁以下未成年人时应当遵守的事项。

    There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen .

  18. 会议主席说今天下午有一长串待议事项。

    The chairman says there is a lengthy agenda this afternoon .

  19. 把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。

    The relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion .

  20. 一经宣布战争事项,就有很多人报名参军。

    As soon as the war was declared , many men volunteered .

  21. 主席先开头,简略地介绍了议事日程上的讨论事项。

    The chairman opened the ball with a few introductory remarks upon the items on the agenda .

  22. 但被调查者将它排在优先事项列表的最后。

    But respondents ranked it last on a list of priorities .

  23. 在TamarAvnet和AnneLaureSellier进行的实验中,他们让参与者按时间或待办事项列表来组织项目规划、假日购物、瑜伽等活动,以评估他们在“时钟时间”和“任务时间”下的表现。

    In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier , they had participants organize different activities — from project planning , holiday shopping , to yoga — by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under " clock time vs " task time . "

  24. 为了找出时间做饭,你首先必须调整你的优先待办事项。

    You must adjust your priorities to find time to cook .

  25. 为什么我们要将做饭这个生活中的基本事项交给外面的人,尤其考虑到在外就餐十分有害?

    Why would we want to outsource this basic task , especially when outsourcing it is so harmful ?

  26. 下面是在线学习者的一些常见注意事项。

    Below are some common do 's and don ' ts for online learners .

  27. 最贫穷的人最不可能弥补与厄尔尼诺有关的灾害造成的损失,因此减少他们的损失必须是优先事项。

    Since the poorest are least likely to make up for their losses from disasters linked to El Nino , reducing their losses needs to be the priority .

  28. 为保障游泳安全,你可以遵循以下事项。

    Here are a few things you can do to swim safely .

  29. 在高速公路服务站张贴着多种语言的告示,告知外国游客注意事项。

    Notices in several languages have been put up at motorway service stations to warn foreign visitors of the rules .

  30. 判例只能用作实际判决事项的法律依据。

    A case is only authority for what it actually decides .