
  • 网络passive
  1. 提出了一种可应用于钍基先进CANDU型反应堆(TACR:Thorium-basedAdvancedCANDUReactor)压力管与排管间的非能动热开关设计方案。

    The paper presents a design of passive heat-switch between pressure tube and calandria tube of Thorium-based Advanced CANDU Reactor ( TACR ) .

  2. AC-600非能动安全特性分析

    Analysis for the Passive Safety Behavior for AC-600

  3. PLC在非能动双罐交替工作装置中的应用

    Application of PLC in a two-pot none-motile working equipment

  4. AC-600非能动安全系统设计

    Passive Safety System Design for AC-600

  5. 另外,CEFR又是世界上首次在堆内采用非能动手段来排出堆芯余热的池式快堆。

    At the same time , CEFR is the first pool-type LMFBR ( Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor ) using dacay heat removel system to .

  6. 当核反应堆处于失水事故时,利用堆芯补水箱(CMT)内含硼水的重力特性对堆芯进行非能动注水,实现应急堆芯冷却。

    When the nuclear reactor is in the state of leaking , the boric water 's gravity characteristics can be used to supply water to core passively , which can cool the core urgently .

  7. 基于热胀冷缩原理的TACR压力管与排管间非能动热开关设计

    Design of Passive Heat-Switch between Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube Based on the Principle of Metal Expand on Heating and Contract on Cooling of TACR

  8. 含有不凝性气体的蒸汽冷凝是先进反应堆非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCCS)中重要的换热方式,是当前核反应堆热工水力学研究的一个热点。

    Condensation of steam in the presence of noncondensable gases is an important heat transfer mode in the passive containment cooling system ( PCCS ) .

  9. 根据CARR的实际情况,对应急堆芯冷却系统的停堆冷却措施和典型事故进行了分析,论证了该系统是如何在正常停堆和事故停堆状态下实现非能动堆芯冷却的。

    Based on the real condition of CARR , this paper also analyzed the typical accidents and the shutdown cooling of the ECCS , and demonstrated how the ECCS carded out the passive cooling at normal and accidental shutdown .

  10. 200MW供热堆采用自然循环的余热排出系统,具有非能动安全的特点。

    A residual heat removal system ( RHRS ) with natural circulation is used in 200 MW Heating Reactor . It is a passive safety system .

  11. 本文对安全壳进行长期效应的分析结果表明,AC600非能动安全壳冷却系统能够保证安全壳的完整性。

    This paper gets the conclusion that the PCCS can ensure the integrality of the AC600 containment in the long-term .

  12. 非能动余热排出系统是模块式高温气冷堆(MHTR)实现固有安全性的重要保证。

    Passive residual heat removal system is the key assurance for the inherent safety of modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ( MHTR ) .

  13. 非能动安全系统和减少核电厂建造初投资是AC-600设计的重点。本文介绍了有关非能动安全系统的设计特点和安全功能,同时对AC-60C的经济性能也做了初步分析。

    The passive safety systems and nuclear power plant capital cost reduction are planned to be two major design emphases for AC-600.This paper introduces the design characteristics and safety functions of passive safety systems and discusses the economic benefit of AC-600 as well .

  14. 本文针对压力管式钍基先进核能系统(TANES)提出了一种非能动余热排出(PRHR)系统方案。

    This paper presents conceptual design for a passive residual heat removal ( PRHR ) system of the pressure tube water reactor ( PTWR ) that is called thorium-based advanced nuclear energy system ( TANES ) as well .

  15. GT-MHR满足第4代核能系统(GenIV)关于非能动安全性、良好经济性、高度防核扩散性及改善环境的要求,比现代核电厂所产生的核废料更少,燃料的利用率更高。

    GT-MHRs can satisfy Generation IV goals of passive safety , good economics , high proliferation-resistance , and improved environmental characteristics , including re-duced waste and better fuel utilization than the current generation of nuclear power plants .

  16. AC600二次侧非能动应急堆芯余热排出系统实验装置是一座大型非能动安全系统实验研究装置。

    The secondary side passive emergency Core residual heat removal system ( ECRHR System ) test facility is a large scale passive safety system experimental test rig , which is designed base on the thermal hydraulic simulating theory and criteria .

  17. 密度锁在反应堆非能动安全中的作用分析

    The Analysis of Density Lock Used in Nuclear Reactor Passive Safety

  18. 非能动余热排出系统的瞬态特性数值分析

    Numerical Study on Transient Characteristics of Passive Residual Heat Removal System

  19. 简要描述了实验过程及实验结果,为先进堆非能动堆芯应急冷却系统的设计提供了实验依据。

    The experiment process and experiment results were described in this paper .

  20. 非能动安全壳冷却系统水分配装置设计

    Design of Water Distribution Device for Passive Containment Cooling System

  21. 先进钍基核能系统非能动慢化剂余热排出系统概念设计

    Concept Design of Residual Heat Removal System with Passive Moderator of TANES

  22. 非能动安全是反应堆固有安全性的重要组成部分。

    One of the significant compositions of inherent safety is passive safety .

  23. 核动力装置非能动余热排出系统的数学建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Passive Residual Heat Removal System in Nuclear Power Plant

  24. 非能动安全在压水堆设计中的应用

    Application of Passive Safety in PWR ′ s Design

  25. 用人工神经网络方法进行非能动安全壳冷却系统可靠性分析

    Reliability quantification of PCCS through artificial neural network algorithm

  26. 中国先进压水堆非能动余热排出系统瞬态特性研究

    Transient Characteristic Research on Passive Residual Heat Removal System of Chinese Advanced PWR

  27. 快堆非能动安全研究发展概况

    Development status on passive safety study of fast reactor

  28. 先进堆非能动余热排出系统冷热芯位差阈值研究

    Advance PWR Passive Residual Heat Removal System Cool Hot Core Potential Difference Threshold Research

  29. 先进堆非能动安全壳热工水力瞬态分析及研究

    Transient Analysis on Heat Transfer and Hydraulic of Passive Containment Vessel of Advance PWR

  30. 核动力非能动安全特性研究

    The Characteristic Study of Nuclear Power Passive Safety