
  • 网络Very sudden;Expect The Unexpected;Burn Notice;Fai seung dat yin
  1. 它是出乎意料的便宜。非常突然而且出乎意料。

    It was surprisingly cheap . exceedingly sudden and unexpected .

  2. 主要的区别是福岛当初的洪水发生的非常突然。

    The main difference is the rapid flooding that occurred at Fukushima .

  3. 我一进去他就非常突然地离开了。

    He left very hurriedly as soon as I entered .

  4. 接任邀请来得非常突然。

    The takeover bid came right out of the blue .

  5. 它不是很符合物理现象的,它是非常突然的变化。

    It 's a nonphysical thing , it 's a very abrupt change .

  6. 例:我父亲的死非常突然,非常不幸。

    My father died very suddenly and very tragically .

  7. 他的怀疑也似乎出现地非常突然,让大家都吓了一跳。

    His suspicions also seem to appear very suddenly , catching everyone by surprise .

  8. 袭击来得非常突然,我们来不及逃避。

    So sudden was the attack ( that ) we had no time to escape .

  9. 话剧的结尾非常突然。

    The play finished rather abruptly .

  10. 我的上一个秘书死了,一位年轻的女士,非常突然地死于血块凝结。

    My previous Secretary died , a young woman , just very suddenly of a blood clot .

  11. 当我从朋友的妻子那里听说这个消息,我感觉非常突然。

    When I heard the news from my friend 's wife , it came as a complete surprise .

  12. 我母亲是一名美术老师,她的离世非常突然,大家都震惊了,孩子们非常难过。

    My mum was an art teacher and passed away quite suddenly , which was a shock to everyone and so hard on the children .

  13. 枯萎病对植株的影响非常突然,常会使健康、丰满的植株在短短几天内完全枯萎,变成褐色。

    Wilt affects plants very suddenly , frequently going from a healthy , full plant to totally wilted and brown in just a few days .

  14. 在这一点上,反馈环被破坏,以及安培过渡到全面的非反馈着增益,这意味着剪报发生非常突然。

    At this point , the feedback loop is broken , and the amp transitions to the full non-feedback forward gain , which means that the clipping occurs very abruptly .

  15. 即刻;非常突然我没有记下撞倒你的那辆汽车的车号,它一下子就开走了,我只知道那是一辆棕色的大轿车。

    in a flash I didn 't get the number of the car that knocked you over . It was gone in a flash . All I know is that it 's a big , brown car .

  16. 让人难过的是,鲁西科作为反犯罪战士走得非常突然,那是2013年的7月份,当时它正在检查车辆,车子突然行进,鲁西科受到了强烈冲击,不幸身亡。

    Sadly , Rusik 's life as a crime fighter came to an abrupt end . He passed away in the line of duty in July 2013 when a vehicle he was searching suddenly jerked and struck him . Foul play is not ruled out .

  17. 说时迟那时快,非常迅速突然地你都还来不及反应过来,她突然就上了车开走了。

    very quickly or suddenly Before you could say Jack Robinson , she 'd jumped into the car and driven away .

  18. 她非常感激,突然抱住他吻了一下。

    She was so grateful she fell on him and kissed him .

  19. 琳达非常生气,突然抓起花瓶扔到窗外。

    Linda caught up the vase and threw it out of the window because of anger .

  20. 非常好,突然他就收拾好自己的东西,告诉我都结束了。

    They were ... great , and then suddenly he 's packing up his things and telling me that it 's over .

  21. 《亚洲名人聊天室》安姿丽:全世界都认为你在电影中饰演的角色而认识你你当初可以说是以《非常嫌疑犯》突然蹿红的,也因此城得了奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : The world does know you for your movie roles , and you just sort of burst onto the scene , really , with Usual Suspects , and you got a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for it .

  22. 首相用一篇非常有力的演讲突然反击了他的批评者。

    The prime minister rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech .

  23. 大家听见提起爱兰都觉得非常诧异,谈话突然停止了。

    At the mention of Ellen everyone felt queer and conversation suddenly ceased .

  24. 她正玩得非常开心,这时突然钟敲十二点!

    She was having such a wonderful time when suddenly the clock struck twelve !

  25. 同时,路面特点的一致性非常重要,因为突然到完全不同的路面上跑步会造成伤害。

    Consistency is important , too , because a sudden change to a new running surface can cause injuries .

  26. 她非常友好、“突然他沉默了”以及“我的包重45公斤”这几句话中的动词都是连系动词。

    In the sentence'she was friendly ' , 'suddenly he went quiet'and'my bags weigh45kg ' , the verbs are all linking verbs .

  27. 1998年美国人类学协会为了邻近种族的杂交而生理上的特徵有非常逐渐而不是突然地跨过地理区域感到很紧张。

    The American Anthropological Association in1998 stressed that neighboring populations interbreed and that physical traits tend to vary gradually rather than abruptly over geographic areas .

  28. 我非常激动地说突然地,爸爸从外面回来,他好像听到我们在争吵似的!

    I am very excited to say that Suddenly , the father came back from the outside , he seemed to like to hear our arguments !

  29. 因为鹰的被杀而极度激动;因为新增的税项而变得非常恼火;他突然为赛车而激动。

    Was terribly het up over the killing of the eagle ; got really het up over the new taxes ; he was suddenly het up about racing cars .

  30. 这种因非常的刺激而突然兴奋的惊异之感,给人带来了快感,使人精神愉悦,因此它本身就含有审美的因素。

    This is the stimulus for the sudden sense of excitement of wonder , bring the pleasure , make the spirit of joy , it itself contains the aesthetic factor .