
fēi bǐ xún cháng
  • Unusual;out of the ordinary;be not of the common run
非比寻常[fēi bǐ xún cháng]
  1. 这个男孩懂得的知识非比寻常。

    The boy 's knowledge was out of the ordinary

  2. 这是一次非比寻常的冒险。欧内斯特·沙克尔顿(ErnestShackleton)和他手下的船员们被困在海冰里数月,最终放弃了被撞毁的船只,徒步逃生。

    It was an extraordinary adventure ­ - Ernest Shackleton and his men trapped in sea ice for months on end before eventually abandoning their crashed ship and making an escape on foot .

  3. NowReadThis是NewsHour与纽约时报的联办栏目,因此于我们而言也有着特殊含义,非比寻常。

    And this is also special and unusual for us , because Now Read This is a partnership between the NewsHour and The New York Times .

  4. 考虑到社会网络非比寻常的成功,例如:Facebook、LinkedIn和Twitter。

    Consider the phenomenal success of social-networking platforms such as Facebook , LinkedIn , and Twitter .

  5. 与2G移动通信网络相比,3G移动通信网络的规划与优化有着非比寻常的不同和变化。

    Planning and optimization of 3G mobile communication network have tremendous differences compared to that of 2G .

  6. 不管怎样,斯科尔斯觉得队员们的心声让他受益匪浅,其他人,包括前小K教练对他帮助也非比寻常。

    Regardless , Skiles feels that the input that he has received from the players as well as others such as former coach Larry Krystkowiak has been beneficial .

  7. 他们对一个分布式JVM的实现是一个非比寻常的成就,但目前来讲这并不能使它成为一个网格计算框架。

    Their implementation of a distributed JVM is an extraordinary achievement , however that doesn 't make it a grid computing framework per say .

  8. 大多数更新管理用户应该都很熟悉Ganymede里的P2结构,这个结构在“平凡的外表”之下有着非比寻常的灵活性。

    The p2 structure in Ganymede should be familiar to most Update Manager users but under the covers there is an enormous amount of flexibility .

  9. 将复杂事件处理处理技术结合到RFID中间件中,不仅能够极大地提高RFID中间件的数据处理能力,而且可以降低RFID数据存储量,这对大规模的RFID应用有着非比寻常的意义。

    Using complex event processing technology to RFID middleware , not only can greatly improve the data processing ability of RFID middleware , but also reduce the amount of RFID data storage , this extraordinary significant for the large-scale RFID application .

  10. 今年也非比寻常,我们相信,苹果公司在今年下半年推出新产品的力度将超过历史同期,我们预计它将推出iPhone5以及“迷你版iPad”,并有可能推出一款苹果电视机。

    This year is also unique in that we believe apple is poised for the biggest second-half product launch in its history with our expectation of an iPhone 5 and an " ipad Mini " , combined with the potential for an Apple TV .

  11. 夏季在普拉卡区有一处非比寻常的露天电影院,它的独特之处在于它建在一个屋顶花园之中,可以俯瞰帕特农神庙(Parthenon)。

    In the summer months , there 's a marvelous open-air cinema in Plaka called Cine Paris . It is unique because it 's in a rooftop garden and has a view of the Parthenon .

  12. 我们对这些非比寻常的爆炸有多少认识?麻省理工学院的HETE卫星正如何帮助我们揭开其神秘面纱?

    What do we know about these bizarre explosions , and how is MIT 's HETE satellite helping us to unravel their nature ?

  13. 识字对于处于教育最佳时段的6岁孩童,其意义更是非比寻常。

    It is of great significance to teach six-year-old kids literacy .

  14. 在某些情况下,即使非比寻常的集中现象也可能不重要。

    Conditions could exist that would make even that concentration unimportant .

  15. 可你千万别这样,我的爱非比寻常,

    But do not so ; I love thee in such sort

  16. 那个五月的早上是一次非比寻常的胜利。

    That may morning was a triumph like no other .

  17. 那年春天,下雨的日子多得非比寻常。

    There was an exceptional number of rainy days in that spring .

  18. 这两家公司都非比寻常,它们的竞争对手对权力的运用要更明智一些。

    Both companies are unusual and rivals have used power more wisely .

  19. 迪士尼对中国版电影导演的选择非比寻常。

    Disney 's choice of director for the Chinese version is unusual .

  20. 但是,理所当然的,它非比寻常的快。

    But , of course , it 's blazing fast .

  21. 因此,城市新区的出现和作用具有非比寻常的重大意义。

    Therefore , the new district and its function have great significances .

  22. 结果就会带来更加宽广的亮度和非比寻常的冷光。

    The result is a wide-spread brightness and unusual luminescence .

  23. 比尔·帕泽特:此次飓风非比寻常。

    Bill Patzert : This was a very unusual hurricane .

  24. 这次旅程使我和海洋的关系非比寻常。

    This has given me a very special relationship with the ocean .

  25. 这是在东部你们有非比寻常的服务传统

    See here at Eastern , you have an extraordinary culture of service

  26. 另外还感受到一种非比寻常的健康的感觉。

    And I also noticed a significant feeling of well-being .

  27. 自孩提时起,他们一直都在保护河流资源和其中的水生动物上大量投入,而现在就已经把童年时的激情梦想成功地转化成了一种非比寻常的职业。

    Now they 've managed to transform a boyhood passion into anunusual profession .

  28. 多数和我老婆打过交道的人,会立刻得出一个结论:她非比寻常。

    MOST PEOPLE WHO meet my wife quickly conclude that she is remarkable .

  29. 它有着非比寻常的轨道和旋转的时期。

    It has such unusual orbit and rotation period .

  30. 但他留下的一切却是非比寻常

    but what he left behind is so extraordinary .