
  1. 黄河长江&中华文明的摇篮

    The Yellow River and The Yangtze River & Cradle of The Chinese Civilization

  2. 那厂矿高楼,公园广场;更有起伏山峦、黄河长江

    That high-rise factories and mines , Park Plaza ; more undulating hills , the Yellow River Yangtze River

  3. 中国的城市起源于新石器时代在黄河长江流域产生的永久性村落,后来由于战争,各个部族建起了城堡,这就是中国城市的早期形态。

    Cities in China originate from the permanent villages along the Yellow River and Yangtse River Basins in the Neolithic Age . Tribes who set up the castle due to the war constitute the early shape of cities .

  4. 中国传统园林文化模式的形成、演化、扩散主要来自黄河长江流域经济基础的嬗变与整合所产生的内力控制与推动,所以黄河长江流域园林文化相互影响、彼此渗透,其表现形式和内容趋向一致。

    The formation and development of Chinese traditional garden culture are closely related to the inner force of integration and changes of the economic base of the regions along the Yellow River and the Yangtze River , whose mutual influence has led to the integration of form and content .

  5. Sr、Co、Rb则可以用于区分黄河、长江和韩国河流沉积物的来源。

    Sr , Co and Rb can discriminate sediment sources of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Korean rivers .

  6. 其物质来源主要为黄河与长江。

    Their source areas of the sediments are Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers .

  7. 黄河和长江的石英颗粒表面形态具有典型的河流环境的特征。

    Quartzs from the two rivers have the general characteristics of fluvial quartz .

  8. 同黄河、长江和渭河的现场资料相比,也能很好地相符,用其计算平均流速能够得到满意的精度。

    Good results can be obtained to calculate average water velocity with it .

  9. 哪条河长一些,黄河还是长江?

    Which river is longer , the Yellow River or the Changjiang River ?

  10. 黄河与长江的悬浮沉积物分选都很差,但两者相比黄河悬浮沉积物的分选性更差。

    The sorts of the Huanghe and Changjiang suspended sediments are all poor .

  11. 黄河、长江和珠江三角洲近代沉积物的沉积化学特征

    Sedimentary chemical characteristics of recent sediments in Huanghe , Changjiang and Zhujiang Rivers Deltas

  12. 我们由黄河到长江跃进了一千里。

    We have advanced five hundred kilometers from the Yellow River to the Yangtze River .

  13. 黄河、长江流域水土流失现状及森林植被保护对策

    Forest Protecting from a Viewpoint of Soil and Water Loss Actuality of Huanghe River and Changjiang River Valley

  14. 西部地区跨越黄河和长江这两个与人类文明密切相关的流域,各个时期的文化遗址遍布全区,具有重大的研究意义。

    The west China spans two drainage areas of Yellow River and the Yangtze River related to human civilization .

  15. 利用双谱分析对河川径流时间序列数据进行了定性分析,分析结果说明黄河、长江干流径流时间序列数据结构具有非线性特征。

    The results shows that the stream flow time series of the Yellow River and the Yangtse River are nonlinearity .

  16. 黄河、长江输送大量沉积物到河口和中国东部海域。

    Modern sediments on the Yellow Sea and East China Sea Shelves are mainly from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers .

  17. 这是由于黄河和长江之间的中原地区,我徒步走过这一片平原。

    It comes because of the central plain which I was walking right across between the Yellow River and Yangtze River .

  18. 当冬季北太平洋涛动偏弱时,夏季主要多雨带位于黄河与长江之间,中心在淮河流域一带(即2类雨型)。

    Yellow River and the Changjiang River in summer ( Rainfall pattern 2 ) when NPO is weaker than normal in winter .

  19. 黄河与长江流域水土流失灾害分析及减灾战略

    The analysis of soil erosion hazard in Yellow River and Yangtse River Valley and the strategy of its reduction to lighten this hazard

  20. 根据最近50余年资料研讨黄河、长江月平均流量的特征,揭示其若干演变规律。

    The monthly average discharge variations of Yellow and Yangtze River have been studied from the accumulated data in recent more than 50 years .

  21. 本文对黄河、长江、珠江三角洲土壤中5种微量元素的形态分配及其地理分布趋势进行了研究。

    The partitioning and regional distribution of 5 trace elements in soils from Yellow River , Yangtze River and Pearl River Deltas were studied .

  22. 在原始社会末期,居住在黄河和长江流域的原始人,已经开始制作泥塑和陶塑了。

    Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .

  23. 根据2001年8月和9月分别采自黄河与长江河口沉积物样品的磁性测量和粒度分析,探讨长江和黄河河口沉积物的磁性特征及其差异。

    Magnetic properties of sediments from the Changjiang and the Huanghe Estuaries have been studied on the basis of magnetic measurement and grain size analysis .

  24. 中国有着许多美景,你可以看到长城、黄河、长江和布达拉宫。

    There are many beautiful sceneries in China , including the Great Wall , the Yellow River , the Yangtze River , and the Potala Palace .

  25. 黄河和长江蕴藏着丰富的水力资源,其理论出力分别占全国总量的6%和39.6%。

    The Yellow river and the Yangtze river possess abundant water power resources , respectively reaching 6 % and 39.6 % of total theoretical water power in China .

  26. 降水量的增加对内陆水系的合并和外流的黄河和长江流域等产生重大影响。

    The increased precipitation would have important effects on the convergence of inland water systems and on the catchment change of the Changjiang River and the Yellow River .

  27. 苦皮藤在我国拥有丰富的自然资源,广泛分布于我国黄河、长江流域的丘陵和山区。

    It is rich of natural resources of Celastrus angulatus . It is widely distributed of Yellow River , Yangtze River , river valley hills and mountains in China .

  28. 我们的开放要像黄河、长江、密西西比河一样,任雨水在任何地点、任何方式流入一样的方便的接入。

    Our open like the Yellow River , the Yangtze River , the Mississippi River , rain water in any place , any way into the same convenient access .

  29. 沿着黄河与长江的源头,漂流而下,过壶口,闯关东,走三峡,奔大海。

    Along the Yellow River and Yangtze River 's source , rafting down , over Hukou into being the East , take the Three Gorges , Ben the sea .

  30. 渗透了以君权为核心的儒家伦理,体现了黄河、长江流域内向聚敛的黄土文明。

    This is permeated with the Confucian theory taking regality at the core and embodies the mainland civilization that the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys are introverted and convergent .