
  • 网络You've been there;Have you been
  1. 你一直都在生我的气吧?

    Have you been hating me all this time ?

  2. CNN特派员桑杰·古普塔:你一直都在进行跑步吗?

    SANJAY GUPTA , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Were you always a runner ?

  3. 卡萝尔,可你一直都在干涉我的生活。

    Carol , you meddle in my life all the time .

  4. 你一直都在做后备歌手。

    You have been a backup singer all of your life .

  5. 卡尔文,你一直都在新墨西哥过得吗?

    Calvin , have you spent all your life in new mexico ?

  6. 等等你一直都在偷听我们的谈话吗

    Wait . You were listening ? This whole time ?

  7. 自从你们分开,你一直都在想着她。

    You 've been thinking about her ever since you guys split .

  8. 什么你一直都在牙医那边吗

    What ? You 've been at the dentist this whole time ?

  9. 我很高兴你一直都在帮助我。

    I am glad that you are always helping me .

  10. 问:对于大宗商品的价格,你一直都在敲响警钟。

    Q : You 've been ringing alarm bells about commodity prices .

  11. 我知道你一直都在学习英语。

    HR I know you 've been studying English .

  12. 你一直都在电话亭换衣服的?

    Do you always change in a phone booth ?

  13. 在任何情况下你一直都在那儿。

    You 've been there through thick and thin .

  14. 你一直都在跟女孩们谈笑风生。

    You 're aiways Iaughing and chatting with giris .

  15. 你一直都在等我们吗?

    Were you waiting for us the whole time ?

  16. 好几百年了,你一直都在享受着你的爱情。

    For hundreds of years , you twisted your roots together in love .

  17. 你一直都在愧疚,现在该是原谅你自己的时候了。

    You 've been sorry long enough . it 's time you forgive yourself .

  18. 你一直都在我心里

    You were always in my heart .

  19. 你一直都在欺骗我?

    You cheat me all the time ?

  20. 我知道你一直都在我身边,我也一直都不孤单!

    I knew you side me , I also continuously all are not continuously all lonely !

  21. 毕竟,你一直都在工作、积累经验、既要生活又要应付工作。

    After all , you 've been working , accumulating experience and juggling your job and life .

  22. 你一直都在辛勤的工作,所以这将是你放下工作好好休息的完美月份。

    You 've been working hard and so this would be the perfect month to take a break .

  23. 我知道你一直都在试图亲近我的男友,我刚看钧你在调逗他。

    I know you 're trying to get next to my boyfriend . I saw you flirting with him .

  24. 既然你一直都在这里为什么现在才和我交手

    So if you 've been here the whole time , Then why are we just crossing paths right now ?

  25. 要通过在他痛苦受伤时对他的支持让他明白,你一直都在。

    It is through supporting him when he is in pain and hurt that lets him know that you are there .

  26. 瑞安:不要扮鬼脸了,站直!卡崔娜:我站这里有十分钟了,你一直都在摆弄镜头。

    Ryan : Stop mugging for the camera and stand still ! Katrina : I 've been standing still for 10 minutes , while you 've been setting up the shot .

  27. 如果你一直都在为职场压力而苦苦挣扎,那么《哈佛商业评论》里刊登的这篇文章可能能让你振奋一下,因为这篇报道指出人们可以利用工作压力,化压力为动力。

    If you 're struggling to cope with workplace stress , you might be cheered by this Harvard Business Review article , which says you can make your stress work to your advantage .

  28. Serena你一直都不在这里,在鬼知道什么是哪儿的地方做鬼知道是什么的事儿。

    Lily : Serena you 've been gone , doing who knows what with god knows who .

  29. 你一直都藏在这里吗?

    Trey Have you been hiding in here the whole time ?

  30. 我希望你一直都站在我身边。

    I want you to have been on my side all along .