
  1. 所以,每当他在我耳边轻语:“你爱我,真的,假的?”我便告诉他:“真的。”

    So after , when he whispers , " You love me . Real or noe real " ” I tell him , " Real . "

  2. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。

    In your life , there will at least one time that you forget yourself for some one , asking for no result , no company , no ownership nor love .

  3. 这里有谁爱我?你爱我吗?

    Who here loves me ? Huh ? You love me ?

  4. 如果你爱我,你不会舍得伤我。

    If you love me , you cannot give up injury me .

  5. 问题一:“你爱我吗?”

    Question 1 : " Do you love me ? "

  6. 艾伦:点《只要你爱我就好》如何?

    Allen : How about " As long as You Love Me "!

  7. 就跟以前一样,告诉我你爱我!

    Just like on that day , tell me you love me !

  8. 今天,我学习了《只要你爱我》。

    I learned As Long As You Love Me today .

  9. 对我说你爱我,然后就此了结吧。

    Just tell me you love me and get it over with .

  10. 告诉我一件事:你爱我吗?

    Tell me one thing : Do you love me ?

  11. 为了让你爱我,我已经做尽了一切

    I 've done everything I know to make you love me .

  12. 让我深信你爱我仍如前。

    Let me believe that you love as you loved .

  13. 克里斯汀:在每次醒来时说你爱我。

    Christine : say you love me every waking moment .

  14. 我没有资格让你爱我!

    I haven 't competency let you love me !

  15. 男孩:那告诉我你爱我。

    Guy : Then tell me you love me .

  16. 你爱我,结果就这样了。

    You loved me when it came to that .

  17. 思嘉:说你爱我!

    SCARLETT : Just say that you love me .

  18. 你爱我的其中一个原因。

    Serena : One of the many reasons you love me . Blair .

  19. 如果你爱我,整个世界都会是我的!

    Love me and the world will be mine .

  20. 如果你爱我,就要接受我本来的样子。

    If you love me , you must take me as I am .

  21. 只要你爱我,就让他们瞧见吧。

    And , but thou love me , let them find me here .

  22. 请你爱我,否则我会死。

    Please love me or I 'll be gone .

  23. 你爱我?是的

    So , you love me ? I do .

  24. 但那个吻并不表示你爱我。

    But that kiss doesn 't mean you 're in love with me .

  25. 我的天堂坠落在你爱我的时分

    My heaven is falling when you love me

  26. 再说一次你爱我。

    Tell me that you love me again .

  27. 你爱我吗?即使只有一次

    You loved me ? Even if only once

  28. “妈妈,”杰瑞米问道。“你爱我有多深?”

    " Mommy ," Jeremy asked . " How much do you love me ?"

  29. 是不是因为你爱我所以对我如此高的期望?

    Is it because you love me that y'all expect so much of me ?

  30. “你爱我,对吗?”他说着,就把自己的嘴唇按在她的唇上。

    " You do ?" he said , pressing his lips to her own .