
lì hai
  • powerful;severe;terrible;fierce;sharp;formidable;cruel
厉害 [lì hài]
  • [terrible;formidable; fierce; powerful] 剧烈;猛烈的手段

  • 天热得厉害

厉害[lì hai]
  1. 温和的和温柔的;不猛烈的、不严厉的或不厉害的。

    Soft and mild ; not harsh or stern or severe .

  2. 用比较厉害的脸色或者行为对付别人。

    Teach someone a lesson with severe countenance or action .

  3. 你以为自己够厉害的,是不是?

    You think you 're so tough , don 't you ?

  4. 她不喜欢看起来退色厉害的牛仔裤。

    She didn 't like jeans that looked too washed out .

  5. 我在那里时孩子一直哭得很厉害。

    The baby was howling all the time I was there .

  6. 她打出的球旋转得很厉害。

    She puts a lot of spin on the ball .

  7. 她会很不愿意让他看到她的双手抖得厉害。

    She would have hated him to see how her hands shook .

  8. 门边的地毯磨损得最厉害。

    The carpet by the door takes the most punishment .

  9. 最近能记得的风暴中,这是最厉害的一次。

    It was the worst storm in recent memory .

  10. 车的漆面划损得很厉害。

    The car 's paintwork is badly scratched .

  11. 最厉害的一阵风暴过去了。

    The worst of the storm was over .

  12. 我今天背疼得厉害。

    My back is really hurting me today .

  13. 他看上去病得很厉害——他的生命力似乎枯竭了。

    He looked very ill ─ his life force seemed to have drained away .

  14. 孩子们吵得厉害。

    The children were making an awful din .

  15. 这一跤把他摔得好厉害。

    The fall gave him a nasty jar .

  16. 疼痛越来越厉害了。

    The pain got worse and worse .

  17. 她经常头痛得厉害。

    She gets really bad headaches .

  18. 她母亲病得很厉害。

    Her mother 's very sick .

  19. 我头痛越来越厉害了。

    My headache is getting worse .

  20. 疼痛越来越厉害。

    The pain got progressively worse .

  21. 他病得很厉害。

    He was violently sick .

  22. 两队拼得很厉害。

    Both teams battled hard .

  23. 她不肯听我的忠告,所以只好吃了苦头才知道厉害。

    She won 't listen to my advice so she 'll just have to learn the hard way .

  24. 铺在楼梯上的地毯磨损得很厉害,都快散了。

    The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel .

  25. 直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。

    The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself .

  26. 她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。

    She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent .

  27. 我的手抖得如此厉害,几乎都拿不住麦克风了。

    My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone

  28. 我的眼睛肿得很厉害,几乎看不到东西。

    My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see .

  29. 工作中头疼得厉害时,我常服用扑热息痛。

    I often take paracetamol at work if I get a bad headache

  30. 以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。

    Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current .