首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 厉鹗研究的回顾和前瞻

    A Retrospection and Prediction of the Li'er Research

  2. 第二节论述厉鹗内心深处孤感伤怀的宋人情结,包括孤情野趣,盛世的不和谐篇章和不求名而名不可磨灭的寒士追求。

    Section two discusses the inner depths of solitary sentimental Li E Song pregnant complex , including solitary feeling of rustic charm , Saatchi discord chapter and " not to name names and indelible ," the poor scholar pursuit .

  3. 他是浙派厉鹗之后,吴锡麒之前的代表人物,在该派中有承上启下的作用,因此在整个清代中期诗坛上也有较大影响。

    In " Zhejiang sent ", after Li ' e and before Wu Xiqi , he is the representative , in the pie having a connecting link between the preceding effect , so he has greater influence in the period of the Qing dynasty poetic world .