首页 / 词典 / good

  • Li;severe;strict;stern;rigorous
  • 严格:~禁(a.列队警戒;b.严厉的禁令)。~行(xíng )节约。

  • 严肃:严~。声色俱~。

  • 凶猛:~害。雷~风行。色~内荏。

  • 磨,使锋利:~兵秣马。再接再~。

  • 古同“疠”、“癞”,恶疮。

  • 姓。


(严格) strict; rigorous:

  • 厉禁

    strictly forbid;

  • 厉行禁令

    carry out law strictly


(严肃; 猛烈) severe; stern; grim:

  • 厉色

    harsh countenance;

  • 声色俱厉

    stern in voice and countenance


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 厉温敦

    Li Wendun

  1. 在此基础上,贿赂犯罪的刑事政策就应当改厉而不严为严而不厉。

    The criminal policy of bribe crime shall be modified from " severe but not strict " from " strict but not severe " .

  2. 第三章主要论述要在严而不厉的指导思想下完善我国网络著作权保护的刑法立法和刑事司法。

    Chapter III mainly discusses the guiding ideology of " rigorous but not severe " to perfect the network copyright protection under criminal law and criminal justice .

  3. “绝对不行!”医生厉声道。

    ' Hell , no ! ' the doctor snapped .

  4. 这位大名鼎鼎的电影制片人声色俱厉地抨击了这些说法,称之为“无耻的谎言”。

    The famed film-maker slammed the claims as ' an outrageous lie '

  5. 骚乱爆发时,我们周围充斥着尖厉的哭喊声和难以入耳的咒骂声。

    Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out

  6. “好了,安静点,”母亲压低嗓音厉声道。

    ' Now , quiet , ' my mother hissed

  7. 接着,一个女人的尖厉声音盖过了犬吠声。

    Then there was a woman 's voice , rising shrilly above the barking .

  8. 玛丽·安的声音变得尖厉了。

    Mary Ann 's voice grew shrill .

  9. 他哈哈大笑以宣泄情绪,声音如野兽般尖厉,眼泪都笑出来了。

    His laughter was cathartic , an animal yelp that brought tears to his eyes .

  10. 他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。

    He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers , and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm .

  11. 厉风骤停。

    The violent wind stopped suddenly .

  12. 他的笑声粗厉可怕,跟乌鸦的怪叫一样,而那条病狼也随着他,一阵阵地惨嗥

    His mirth hoarse and ghastly , like a raven 's and the sick wolf joined him , howling lugubriously .

  13. 本文利用电子光子MonteCarlo方法模拟单个电子入射阳极后的游动厉史,运用不同的电极材料,计算了正针负板电极在不同的冲击电压作用下所产生的X射线的能量分布及角度分布。

    In this paper the moving process of electrons injected into anode is simulated by Monte Carlo method , and the radiation energy spectrum , angle distribution in positive rod plate gap with different voltage and different electrod materials are calculated .

  14. 希刺克厉夫一惊;他的眼睛很快地把我们的脸扫视一遍。

    Mr Heathcliff started ; his eye rapidly surveyed our faces .

  15. 但是,希刺克厉夫夫人的回答止住了我。

    Mrs Heathcliff , however , checked me by her answer .

  16. 诚朴雄伟,厉学敦行。

    Be honest and intelligent , study hard and act sincerely .

  17. 希刺克厉夫,亲爱的!现在你不该沉着脸。

    Heathcliff , dear ! you should not be sullen now .

  18. 从狞厉神秘到屈曲宛转&委蛇的齐文化特征及文学内涵

    On the Serpent of Qi State Culture and Its Literature Connotation

  19. 你和埃德加把我的心都弄碎了,希刺克厉夫!

    ` You and Edgar have broken my heart , Heathcliff !

  20. 德国纽伦堡法律变本加厉地延续反犹条例。

    The Nuremberg Laws codified and extended anti-Jewish legislation in Germany .

  21. 因为他糟糕的英语,她经常声色俱厉地训斥他。

    She often bites off his nose on his bad English .

  22. 对传统思想文化,梁启超淬厉其精华。

    For traditional thought and culture , Liang Qichao assimilates its essence .

  23. 希刺克厉夫上楼去过一次,给她看林惇的遗嘱。

    Heathcliff went up once , to show her Linton 's will .

  24. 这跟迪克·特雷西毫无关系,他厉声道。

    " This is no matter of Dick Tracy ," he snapped .

  25. ‘跑吧,希刺克厉夫,跑吧,’她小声说。

    " Run , Heathcliff , run !" she whispered .

  26. 昨晚的瀑对上,玛丽醉得厉窖,

    A : Mary was really drunk at the party last night .

  27. 从希思克厉夫到哈里顿:人性的扭曲与复归

    From Heathcliff to Hareton : the distortion and restoration of human nature

  28. 吴荪甫笑了笑,他的眼光忽然变成很狞厉;

    Wu sun-fu smiled , then suddenly his eyes smouldered .

  29. 我再也不想称希刺克厉夫为一个绝妙的人了。

    I no longer felt inclined to call Heathcliff a capital fellow .

  30. 你父亲照顾你周到吗,希刺克厉夫少爷?

    Is your father attentive to you , Master Heathcliff ?