首页 / 词典 / good

  • store up;save;keep in reserve
  • heir
  • 积蓄:~蓄。~备。~金。~放。~运。~户。~量(liàng )。~君(太子,亦称“储贰”、“储宫”、“皇储”)。

  • 姓。


(储藏; 存放) store up; save; keep [have] in reserve:

  • 储粮备荒

    store up grain against natural disasters;

  • 冬储白菜

    cabbages stored for the winter


(继承人) heir:

  • 王[皇]储

    crown prince


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 储大伯

    Chu Dabo

  1. 本论文在充分研究国内外汽车碰撞安全性发展水平、试验研究现状和相关法规标准的基础上,创新性地开发研制了具有优良性能的机械储能螺旋轨道转筒式汽车碰撞试验系统。

    An auto crash test system , which has good property using mechanism to store up energy and helix orbit cone to draught , was developed in this thesis .

  2. 这是因为,如我前面讲的,它们的食物随时触手可及,因此它们无须在严酷的冬季储食。

    It 's because , like I said , food is almost always within reach , and they don 't have to store up a lot of food energy for the harsh winters .

  3. 所有电子设备都储放在一个防水盒中。

    All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box .

  4. 把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。

    The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space .

  5. 标准配置里包含了不锈钢储液罐。

    The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks .

  6. 药品的储放应避免阳光直射。

    Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight

  7. 有那么宽绰的储物空间,他应该可以保持房间的整齐。

    He should be able to keep his room tidy with the generous amount of storage space .

  8. 热储岩体的岩石成份各式各样。

    The reservoir rock can be of various lithological compositions .

  9. 蓄水池里现在没水,但不久就会储满水的。

    The cistern is empty but soon fills again .

  10. 该科研团队基于编织方法,还实现了储能织物、触摸传感织物与显示织物的功能集成系统。

    Based on flexible textiles , the team developed an integrated system with functions such as display , sensing and power supply .

  11. 储层预测中BP神经网络的应用

    The Application of BP Neural Network in Reservoir Prediction

  12. Mg3La化合物储氢性能及Ni的加入对其性能的影响

    Hydrogen Storage Behavior of Mg_3La and the Effect of Ni Addition on It

  13. TiMn2储氢合金中部分Mn被取代后储氢性能的改善

    Improvement of Hydrogen Storage Performance by Partial Substitution of Mn in TiMn_2 Alloy

  14. 并行CORBA技术在油气储层建模中的应用研究

    The Application of Parallel CORBA in Reservoir Characterization

  15. 神经网络储层预测技术在HG地区的应用

    Application of neural networks reservoir prediction technique to HG area

  16. 激光腔镜兼作GaAs光导开关和储能电容

    Laser-cavity Mirror Incorporated with Photoconductive Switch and a Energy Storage Capacitor on a GaAs Wafer

  17. 采用扫描电镜(SEM)和差示扫描量热分析(DSC)对复合相变储热材料的结构和热性能进行了表征。

    The structure and thermal properties of PCMs were then characterized by means of SEM and DSC .

  18. 结果认为,侏罗系储层裂缝比较发育,裂缝方位为NE向。

    The result is that Jurassic reservoir fractures were relatively developed in NE azimuth .

  19. 受热流体影响的储层可能形成一些CO2,但产量不足以成为本区CO2的主要来源。

    The carbonate cements in reservoirs under the affection of hot fluid may form CO2 , but the yield of CO2 is low .

  20. 片内存储子系统的安排,对DSP的性能影响甚大。巴卡西林片在人体内的药代动力学

    The organization of on-chip memory system affects DSP 's performance a lot . THE PHARMACOKINETICS OF IMPORT AND DOMESTIC-MADE BACAMPICILLIN IN HUMAN BODY

  21. B油田开发中后期储层特征及渗流规律研究非稳定渗流期骤降判别及均质土坝稳定分析

    Research on the Reservoir Characteristics and Percolation Rule in Middle-later Development Phase , B Oilfield Judgment of Reservoir Water level Sudden Drop and Stability Analysis of Homogeneous Earth Dam during Unsteady Seepage

  22. 再通过LANDMARK系统,进行显示和沿目的层作层位切片,为描述油藏的储集特征,提供了极好的手段。

    To display by LANDMARK system and chip along target formation are good means for describing reservoir characteristics .

  23. 相变储能物质(CnH(2n+1)NH3)2MnCl4的研究及聚乙二醇复合储能材料的初步探索

    Research of Phase Change Materials ( C_nH_ ( 2n + 1 ) NH_3 ) _2MnCl_4 and Polyethylene Glycol Incorporating Energy Storage Materials

  24. 固&固相变储能物质(CnH(2n+1)NH3)2MCl4及其二元体系的研究

    The Research of the Solid-solid Phase Change Material ( C_nH_ ( 2n + 1 )) _2MCl_4 and Its Binary Systems for Energy Storage

  25. 岩石薄片分析及黏土矿物X衍射分析表明,各沉积微相带具有不同的岩石学特征,储集层敏感性分析也表明不同沉积微相中的储集层其敏感性有所差异。

    Rock thin section analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis show that different sedimentary microfacies have different petrographic properties . The experiment analysis also slows that same charateristics in reservoir sensitivity also exist .

  26. RFT资料在多井储层评价中的应用

    The application of RFT data in multi-well reservoir evaluation

  27. Mg2Ni的燃烧合成机理及三元合金Mg-Al-Ni储氢性能研究

    Research on Mechanism of Combustion Synthesis of Mg_2Ni and the Hydrogen Storage Property of Mg-Al-Ni

  28. 方法通过X-衍射、电镜扫描和电子探针能普等方法,分析了科尔沁油田交2块储层的敏感性及造成储层敏感性的原因,确定了该油田的粘土矿物含量及其分布。

    Method Using X-ray diffraction , electron microscope scanning and electronic probe spectrum , reservoir sensitivity of block Jiao 2 in Horqin oil field and its contributing factor were analyzed , clay mineral content and distribution in this oil field were determined .

  29. 地震方位各向异性技术在TNB地区嘉二段储层裂缝检测中的应用

    Application of seismic azimuth anisotropic technique in fractural detection of Lower Triassic Jia-2 reservoir in TNB area

  30. 特别是渗透率小于10×10-3μm2的储层对应力的变化非常敏感,由此所产生的流固耦合现象也十分明显。

    Especially the low-permeability reservoir with permeability of less than 1.0 × 10 - 3 μ m 2 is very sensitive to stress change , and the resulting solid-liquid coupling effect is also very evident .