首页 / 词典 / good

  • favour;kindness;benefit
  • favour;give
  • kind;generous
  • 恩,好处:恩~。~泽。~和。~爱。~握(恩惠深厚)。仁~。实~。施~于人。

  • 给人财物或好处:~政。互~互利。~及远人。~而不费(给人好处自己又没有什么耗费;常用以形容有实利而不多费钱财)。

  • 敬辞,用于对方对待自己的行动:~赠。~临。~顾。~存。~允。

  • 古同“慧”,聪明。

  • 姓。


(给予或受到的好处; 恩惠) favour; kindness; benefit:

  • 互惠

    mutual benefit;

  • 受惠

    receive kindness [favour]; be favoured;

  • 小恩小惠

    small favour


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 惠施

    Hui Shi


(给人好处) favour; give:

  • 平等互惠

    equality and mutual benefit


(敬辞, 用于对方对待自己的行动) kind; generous:

  • 惠鉴

    be kind enough to read (the following letter);

  • 惠书

    your letter

  1. 大人,我想请您施以大惠。

    Your Grace , I have a great favour to ask of you .

  2. 希望贵公司能惠予订购,我公司必将尽力服务。

    We hope that you will favour us with your order , which shall always meet with our best attention .

  3. 这件展品是艺术家的家人惠借而展出的。

    This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist 's family .

  4. 很多情况下,单是费用结构一项就会超过累积的税惠。

    In many cases , the fee structure alone will exceed the tax benefits accrued .

  5. “他开起车来像疯了一样”是他惠予的全部信息。

    ' He drives like a madman , ' was all the information he vouchsafed .

  6. 请惠予照拂。

    Please be so kind as to take good care of him .

  7. 承蒙惠助,不胜感激。

    Thank you for your kind offer of help .

  8. 孟子听了惠王的话,点头表示赞同。

    As Mencius heard this , he nodded in agreement .

  9. 庄子心平气和地给惠子讲了一个小故事:

    Zhuang Zi calmly told Hui Zi a story :

  10. 惠子听了连连点头,承认庄子比自己高明。

    After hearing this , Hui Zi nodded repeatedly and admitted that Zhuang Zi was wiser than he .

  11. 智慧的庄子和聪明的惠子在濠水的桥上游玩。

    The intelligent Zhang Zi and the clever Hui Zi were strolling on the bridge over the Haoshui River .

  12. 惠子说:“你又不是鱼,你怎么会知道它是否快乐呢?”

    Hui Zi said , " You are not the fish . How could you know that the fish is joyous ? "

  13. 惠王回答说:“你在说什么?钟怎么能不涂呢!把牛放了,就换只羊吧!”

    King Hui answered : " What are you saying ? How can you not paint the bell ! Let the ox go , but use a sheep instead . "

  14. 惠子不等庄子把话说完,抢着问道:“您觉得可惜,您想用它做什么呢?”

    Hui Zi couldn 't wait for Zhuang Zi to finish to ask : " You feel it is a pity , then what would you use it for ? "

  15. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪儿去啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked : " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  16. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪里啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked , " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  17. 惠子说:“现在有个人不知道‘弹’是一种什么东西。你告诉他:‘弹’就是‘弹’,他听得明白吗?”

    Hui Zi said : " Now someone does not know what a slingshot is . You tell him , ' 'A slingshot ' is ' a slingshot ' . ' Can he understand ? "

  18. 惠王听了,拍着桌子,说:“当然不对,不管逃五十步,还是逃一百步,一样是逃兵啊!”

    Upon hearing this , King Hui struck the table and said : " Of course not . No matter whether they flee 50 steps or 100 steps , they are deserters just the same . "

  19. 梁惠王接着说:“可是,我的百姓人数却没有增加,而邻居的百姓人数也不见得减少呀!你说,这究竟是什么原因?”

    King Hui of Liang went on to say : " Yet my population has not decreased and our neighbouring countries ' population has not decreased . Tell me , what exactly is the reason ? "

  20. 惠子说:“如果我告诉他,弹的形状像弓,弦是用竹子做的,是一种射具,他能明白吗?”

    Hui Zi went on : " If I tell him a slingshot is like a bow , its bowstring is made of bamboo , and it is a device for shooting , can he understand ? "

  21. 梁惠王看庖丁解牛,手起刀落,动作利索,恰到好处,连声夸奖说:“你的技术真是太好了!”

    King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting1 an ox. Up went his hand , down went the knife , cutting it just right with dexterous2 movements . The King praised : " Your skill is excellent ! "

  22. 国际评级机构惠誉18日发布的报告显示,天津化学品仓库8月12日爆炸导致的承保损失金额可能在10亿到15亿之间。

    The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday .

  23. 第二天,梁王见到惠子,就对他说:“你以后讲话直截了当讲,不要再用比喻,拐弯抹角的。”

    The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him : " From now on , when you speak , come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush . "

  24. 我们采取的措施既利当前、更惠长远,有能力防范出现大的起伏,更不会发生“硬着陆”。

    As the economic aggregate to fluctuations . The measures we have taken are good both for now and for longer-term interests , and will therefore enable us to prevent major fluctuations and make a ' hard landing ' even less possible .

  25. 惠子说:“我的确不是你,却是不知道你在想什么,你并不是鱼,因此,你不知道鱼是否快乐,这是完全可以肯定的了。”

    Hui Zi said , " No , I am not you and do not know what you are thinking about . But you are not fish . So you cannot know whether the fish is joyous or not . This is for sure . "

  26. 有人在梁王面前嘲笑惠子:“这个惠子说话爱用比喻,假如不准他用比喻,那他一定什么也说不清楚了。”

    Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors1 when he speaks . If he is not allowed to use metaphors , he surely won 't be able to explain anything at all . "

  27. 惠子说:“用别人已经了解的事物来比喻他还不了解的事物,目的是要使他了解。你让我说话不用比喻,那怎么行呢?”

    Hui Zi said : " The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they don 't know yet is to make them understood . You want me to speak without using metaphors . How can that be done ? "

  28. WTO的首要原则&非歧视原则,是通过最惠国待遇和国民待遇共同实现的。

    The first principle of WTO non-discrimination principle is commonly realized through most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment .

  29. WTO确立了最惠国待遇、国民待遇、透明度等原则。

    WTO establishes some principles as the most favored nation treatment , national treatment , transparency , etc.

  30. 请惠予向持函人r。c。先生提供不超过2000美元为限。

    Be good enough to furnish the bearer of this letter , mr.r.c. , with fund to the extent of $ 2000 .