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  1. 但是会从此举措间获益的徐姓居民说,她拒绝接受钱,因为这不会解决她家的地基问题。

    But resident Xu , who would benefit from the deal , said that she refuses to accept the money as it would not solve the foundation problems of her home .

  2. 这架客机并没有提及这名偷渡者的姓名,但是中国官方媒体新华社报道称,这是一名16岁的徐姓男子。据称,该男子表示待在货运舱感觉“非常舒服”。

    The airline did not name the stowaway but China 's official Xinhua news agency said he was a 16-year-old boy named Xu . The boy is reported to have said he was " very comfortable " in the hold .