
  • 网络Xu Bo;slow wave
  1. 但正如徐波清楚表明的,城镇化浪潮虽然使这一群体中的很多人摆脱了农村的贫困,但这股浪潮并非仅仅向着一个方向涌流。

    But as Mr Xu makes clear , the tide of urbanisation that raised many of this group out of rural poverty does not just flow in one direction .

  2. 徐波或许并不符合西方对于中产阶层的认识,但在中国的环境里,他和2.7亿名像他一样的进城务工人员属于一个向上移动的新兴消费者阶层。

    Mr Xu may not fit the western idea of middle class , but in the Chinese context he and 270m migrant workers like him are part of a new category of upwardly mobile consumers .