
  1. 使用中的容器类型包括杜瓦瓶、低温液体钢瓶和低温储存罐。

    The types of containers in use include the dewar , cryogenic liquid cylinder , and cryogenic storage tank .

  2. 用超声水准发射器对料泵活塞筒,设备柜,试剂调配槽及储存罐进行测量。

    Use ultrasonic level transmitters for slurry pump box level , bin level , reagent mix tank level , and storage tank level measurements .

  3. ASU生产过程从一个主气流压缩机开始,产品储存罐的输出后结束。

    The ASU manufacturing process begins with a main air compressor and ends at the output of the product storage tanks .

  4. 储存罐的容量单位是加仑。

    The unit measure of capacity of tanks is the gallon .

  5. 油料储存罐火灾初期模式实验研究

    Analysis of the Earliest Fire Mode in Petroleum Storage Tanks with Experiments

  6. 管道和储存罐上的接头随制造商的不同而不同。

    Connections on the lines and tanks vary by manufacturer .

  7. 使用隔热的弹性或刚性管道来从储存罐中取出液体产品。

    Insulated flexible or rigid lines are used to withdraw product from storage tanks .

  8. 用户使用的设备一般包括储存罐、汽化器和压力控制管。

    Customer installations generally include a tank , vaporizer , and pressure control manifold .

  9. 苏化所有的地上储存罐都达到良好的国际行业操作的要求。

    All the above-ground storage tanks meet the requirements of good international industry practices .

  10. 用聚亚安酯泡沫把储存罐和防止恶劣天气的蒸气屏障隔离开。

    Tanks are insulated by polyurethane foam with a vapor barrier which provides weather protection .

  11. 汽油和柴油储存罐的泄漏已成为地下水污染的主要原因之一。

    One of the common reasons of groundwater contamination is the leaking of underground storage tanks .

  12. 许多石油化工企业的油品储存罐仍使用着靠人工读数的浮子式液位测量装置,其工作效率低、误差大,而且无法实现自动化控制和管理。

    The floater-type measurement devices with their readings recorded manually are still used in many petro-chemical enterprises .

  13. 吸收式冷冻机在中国格外受欢迎,因为许多工厂已经有了柴油发动机和柴油储存罐。

    Absorption chillers are particularly popular in China because many factories already have diesel generators and diesel fuel storage tanks .

  14. 西弗吉尼亚州化学品泄漏导致水源污染,要为此次事件负责的公司被要求拆除其位于查尔斯顿的所有地上储存罐。

    The company at the center of a chemical spill in the water contamination in West Virginia has been ordered to dismantle all of its above ground stored tanks in Charleston .

  15. 直接接触式气体水合物蓄冷实验台包括制冷系统,可视化水合物反应罐,可视化水合物储存罐和空调末端放冷系统。

    This direct contact gas hydrate cold storage installation is composed of a refrigerating system , a viewable hydrate reaction tank , a viewable hydrate storage tank and a cold releasing terminal system .

  16. 设计出一种新型罐式沼渣车,该车主要由载重车体、储存罐、真空泵、压缩机、气水分离器、阀组、自动停止控制器以及传动装置等组成。

    The newest progress in micro flow system is introduced , which includes new type of micro accelerometer , micro pump , micro nozzle , micro valve , micro channel and micro system .

  17. 哪怕把钻井平台搭在别的地方,开采天然气还是需要井口设备、储存罐、压缩机,一个平台经常要围上三到五亩地的围墙或栅栏,重型卡车来来回回倾泻废料……这些问题在人口聚居区域很难被忽视。

    Even after the rigs go elsewhere , producing the gas requires wellhead equipment , storage tanks , and ( often ) a compressor , on a fenced or walled industrial site of three to five acres ; heavy trucks come and go to haul off drilling wastes . That 's hard to ignore in a residential neighborhood .

  18. 分析了LNG储存过程中罐内液体蒸发,经过分析得出储存过程中液体的蒸发发生在液体表面及其附近,而蒸发气相空间可认为与上层液体近似地达到了气&液两相平衡。

    A conclusion has been drawn through analyses of the evaporation inner tank liquid , which is the evaporation of liquid occurred at and near surface during storage and boil-off gas and up liquid gets equilibrium during storage .

  19. 低温储存液化烃罐消防设计探讨

    Discussion on Fire-fighting Design for Liquefied Hydrocarbon Storage Tank at Low Temperature

  20. 将所有的粉混合在一起,储存在密封罐中。

    Mix and store in an airtight container .

  21. 储存在各罐体内的多组分原料由计量装置计量输出,并经混合装置混合后由喷洒装置雾化喷洒出。

    Multi-group raw materials stored in the cans output through the pump metering device and spray out from the spraying device after mixed by the hybrid device .

  22. 树木成排种植,依靠由建筑屋顶所收集的雨水,之后储存于地下罐中积存下的水来灌溉。

    Rows of trees which have been planted are irrigated by an underground reservoir that relies on rain water , which is collected from the roof of the building and stored in a tank .

  23. 内腐蚀主要为内部储存介质、罐底积水及罐内空间部分的凝结水汽的腐蚀作用,其中罐底的内腐蚀尤为严重,主要是由滞留在罐底的沉积水所引起;

    Interior corrosion is mainly caused from harmful medium and water in the tanks together with gas in the upper tank . It is known that water at the bottom is the primary corrosive factor for interior corrosion .

  24. 常温常压储存液化石油气球罐的工艺设计

    Technological Design of LPG Sphere Tank at Ambient Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure

  25. 介绍储存液化石油气球罐常见缺陷类型,开罐检查及其缺陷处理,处理后可继续安全运行。

    An introduction to the common defects in relation to the LPG storage spherical tank and the check way of the opened tank and thereafter the treatment of the detected defects . The tank can be used safely and continuously after relative treatment .

  26. 净化的氩以液态形式储存在现场的储存罐。

    Purified argon is stored as a liquid in storage tanks at the site .

  27. 与常温压力储存液化石油气相比,低温储存有单罐容积大、节约钢材、安全性好等优点。

    Compared with the pressured storage of LPG at ordinary temperature , there are many virtues in the storage at normal pressure with low temperature .

  28. 大量的二氧化碳典型地作为液体储存在容量为6、14、26、和50吨的储存罐里。

    Bulk carbon dioxide is typically stored as a liquid in storage tanks with capacities of 6 , 14 , 26 , and 50 tons .