
  1. 文中利用光纤耐高温、耐腐蚀、抗干扰性强等特点,研制了高温光纤液位传感器及控制系统,很好地解决了石油,化工等工业中聚合管液位检测与控制问题。

    A high-temperature fiber optic liquid-level sensor is developed and applied in solving the problem of liquid-level detecting and control of the polymerization pipe in the oil and chemistry industry with the special fiber optic which has resistance to high temperature , corrosion resistance and noise-proof feature .

  2. 这种方法具有设计合理、结构简单、防爆、耐腐蚀、防电磁干扰等优点,适用于在恶劣和危险的环境中应用。

    The method have rational design , structure simple , explosion-proof , able to bear corrode , merit of defending electromagnetism interfere etc , Suitable for the application in the abominable and dangerous environment .

  3. 光纤传感器由于其自身的相容性好、抗耐腐蚀、抗电磁干扰、传感准确度高等优势,已经日益被广泛应用于复合材料监测等领域。

    Optic-fiber sensor has been applied to monitoring the status of fiber reinforced composites for its good compatibility , corrosion resistance , electromagnetic interference and high sensing accuracy etc. After embedding optic-fiber , the continuity of composites is destroyed for the resin enriched region formed around optic-fiber .

  4. 光纤法珀应变传感器具有结构简单、耐腐蚀、抗电磁干扰、灵敏度高、温度影响小、长期稳定性好等特点,非常适合于大型桥梁长期监测中使用。

    Compared with traditional electric resistance strain gauge and fiber grating sensor , fiber Fabry-Perot strain sensor has the advantages of simple structure , corrosion resistance , anti electromagnetic interference , low sensitivity towards temperature , excellent long-time stability , and very suitable to use in bridge monitoring .

  5. 测量和分析了干扰电压、电位梯度、点电流密度、失重量及腐蚀坑深后,可以看出失重量随平均电流密度而增加,腐蚀坑深随干扰电压而加剧。

    After measurement and analysis of the interfering voltage , potential gradient , the point current density , the weight-loss increases with average current density , and the depth of penetration increases with the interfering voltage .