
  • 网络Potentiostat;potentiostatic;EG&G PAR
  1. 消息机制的远程监控电化学恒电位仪设计

    A Novel Design of Message Mechanism for Remote-Monitoring Electrochemical Potentiostat

  2. 该智能无线遥控型恒电位仪是一种应用于阴极防腐保护的大功率直流电源。

    The intelligent wireless remote control potentiostat is a high power direct supply for cathodic protection .

  3. IBMPc微机控制恒电位仪测量极化曲线

    Measurement of polarization curves by potentiostat controlled by IBM PC computer

  4. 基于微阵列生物传感器的CMOS恒电位仪的设计

    Design of CMOS potentiostat based on microarray biosensor

  5. 新型IGBT逆变式恒电位仪的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a New IGBT Inverse Constant Potential Instrument

  6. HDγ-125型场效应管逆变式恒电位仪的研制

    Development of HDY-125 MOSFET Inverter Constant Potential Instruments

  7. :利用大功率开关电源技术研制出新一代的IGBT逆变式恒电位仪。

    A new generation of IGBT inverse constant potential instrument is developed by using powerful switching power supply technology .

  8. 硬件设计方面,采用了结合MCU和FPGA技术的数字信号发生器,使用了高性能运算放大器来搭建恒电位仪。

    DDS which is based on the combination of MCU and FPGA technology is applied in hardware design and high-performance operational amplifiers has also been used to build a potentiostat .

  9. 该文采用酶抑制分析原理,构建了一套便携式电化学检测系统。整个系统由恒电位仪采集数据,由ARM7系统板控制恒电位仪,结合丝网印刷工艺印刷电极。

    This paper establish a set of portable electrochemical detection system , including screen-printed electrodes , potentiostat and ARM7 systemic board .

  10. 自制小功率恒电位仪测定碳钢在(NH4)2CO3中的极化曲线

    Make a low power potentiostat to determine the polarization curves of simple steel in ( nh_4 ) _2co_3

  11. 对防腐设备恒电位仪的控制和现场远程数据采集选用I-7000系列模块,各模块与主监控机之间的数据传输通过RS-485总线完成,信号传输距离大于1200m。

    The I-7000 is used as its remote data acquisition module and the data transmission distance is above 1200 meters .

  12. CH-1型恒电位仪的研制与应用

    Model CH - 1 constant potential potentiometer

  13. HDY-125型恒电位仪利用逆变技术研制而成。

    HDY 125 constant potential instrument is developed by using the inverter technology .

  14. 运用无线收发模块和调制解调器组成的计算机通讯网,采用MODBUS通讯协议,实现对采油厂的计量间、中转站、联合站的恒电位仪进行监控和管理。

    MODBUS from which the computer communication net consists of the wireless receiver and modem is applied to supervising and managing the invariablenes electronics displacement instruments of gauge workshops , transfer stations and unite stations in the petroleum extraction factories .

  15. 介绍PS-1恒电位仪的特点和它在输油管道阴极保护系统的使用,总结出判断恒电位仪故障的方法和操作顺序,并列举应用这种方法和顺序处理恒电位仪故障的实例。

    The article introduces characteristic of PS-1 constant potential instrument and its applying in pipeline cathodic protection system , summarizes method of breakdown judgement and operation sequence , also gives some examples of them .

  16. 采用国产HDV-7型恒电位仪,作者测定了干馏松节油合成物的缓蚀性能,并使之与十二烷基硫酸钠等进行了比较。

    Using an HDV-7 potentiostat , we tested the inhibitory action of a synthetic made from light pine oil , and compared it with sodium lauryl sulfate , etc .

  17. 适用于阴极防腐保护的一种新型恒电位仪

    A Novel Constant Potential Apparatus Applied for the Cathode Anticorrosion

  18. 船用恒电位仪整流电路谐波分析

    Harmonic Analysis of Constant Potential Instrument 's Rectification Circuit Used in Ship

  19. 传感器输出线性直流电流信号,采用恒电位仪来控制传感器需要的定电位。

    Potentiostatic instrument is used to control the voltage that the sensor needs .

  20. IBM&PC机控制恒电位仪的自动极化测试系统

    Automatic Polarization Measure System Using Potentiostat Controlled by IBM-PC

  21. 电流型电化学传感器恒电位仪电路的研究

    Research on potentiostatic circuit of current mode electrochemical sensor

  22. 论文开发了一种用单片机控制的恒电位仪样机。

    The potentiostat prototype is developed based on a single-chip microcontroller ( SCM ) .

  23. 在实验过程中,光电化学催化反应器中的阳极偏压由双显恒电位仪提供。

    A bias-voltage between two electrodes is supplied by a potentiostat in the experiment .

  24. 恒电位仪研究现状及基于恒电位仪的电化学检测系统的应用

    Current state of research on potentiostat and applications of electrochemical detection systems based on potentiostat

  25. 三电极电化学传感器的恒电位仪设计

    Design of Potentiostat for Three-electrode Electrochemical Sensors

  26. 与台式电化学工作站相比,该恒电位仪体积小,成本低。

    Compared to bench electrochemical workstation , the proposed potentiostat is much smaller and cheaper .

  27. 恒电位仪从整流形式上主要有可控硅、磁饱和、数控高频开关。

    From the Potentiostat form , this are SCR , magnetic saturation and CNC high-frequency switch .

  28. 采用通用计算机和通用恒电位仪组成本文讨论的自动极化测试系统。

    An automatic polarization measure system can be made up of a commercial potentiostat and a computer .

  29. 辅助阳极采用网状阳极,每具储罐采用一台恒电位仪。

    The meshed anode shall be employed as auxiliary anode , one potentiostat is provided for each storage tank .

  30. 但在恒电位仪控制的高电位下,HS~-可以在黄铜矿表面发生电化学吸附。

    But at higher potential controlled by potentiostat , HS ~ - ion can be oxidized into neutral sulfur on the chalcopyrite surface .