
  • 网络Henderson Land
  1. 香港顶级开发商——如新鸿基(SunHungKai)、恒基地产(HendersonLand)以及九龙仓(WharfHoldings)——地产销售占总收入不到一半。

    Hong Kong 's top developers - such as Sun Hung Kai , Henderson Land , and Wharf - derive less than half of their revenues from unit sales .

  2. 本月较早前,恒基地产成功配股集资二十九亿八千万元。

    Early this month , property developer Henderson Land Development completed a $ 2.98 billion placement .

  3. 尽管一些本地居民对这笔交易的真实性表示怀疑,但一位恒基地产的代表却斩钉截铁地表示:这百分之百绝对是真的。

    While some local people have expressed scepticism about whether the transaction is real or not , a Henderson representative was emphatic : It 's 100 per cent absolutely true .

  4. 就干德道39号来说,恒基地产在高层建造了宽敞的豪华复式公寓,每平方英尺的售价可能是同一栋搂中其它公寓的两倍。

    In the case of 39 Conduit Road , Henderson built spacious luxury duplex flats on high floors , which can be sold for twice the price of other apartments in the same building on a per square foot basis .