
  • 网络corrosion rate;icorr
  1. 在大于110℃的高温下,碳化腐蚀速度受水泥水化产物中Ca(OH)2含量和水泥石碳化后渗透率大小的影响。

    At the temperature of 110 Cto 250 C , carbon dioxide corrosion rate is dependent on calcium hydroxide existing in cement hydration products and cement permeability ;

  2. 提高污水的pH值,能降低碳钢的均匀腐蚀速度,但pH值过高易引起碳钢的缝隙腐蚀。因此,pH值应小于8.5。

    Increasing pH value can decrease the uniform corrosion rate on low carbon steel , but the crevice corrosion exacerbates when the pH value is too high ( over 8 . 5 ) .

  3. 随温度升高CO2腐蚀速度增大;

    Higher temperature , higher corrosion speed .

  4. 海水流动对A3钢腐蚀速度的影响

    Effect of flow velocity of seawater on corrosion rate for A3 steel

  5. 结果表明,Fe-30Ce合金的腐蚀速度比纯Fe慢得多,但比纯Ce快得多,随温度升高其腐蚀速度加快。

    The alloy corrodes more slowly than pure Fe , but more rapidly than pure cerium , the corrosion rate of the alloy generally increases with temperature .

  6. 本研究还就温度、pH值、药液组成和浓度以及蒸煮中有机溶出物对碳钢在亚铵法蒸煮过程中及在亚硫酸铵溶液中的电化学特性和腐蚀速度的影响。

    The effects of temperature , pH , the components and concentration of liquors , and the dissolved organic compounds etc. on the electrochemistry and corrosion characteristics of steel are also investigated .

  7. 随CO2浓度的升高,腐蚀速度逐渐增大,当CO2浓度接近饱和时,腐蚀速度达到最大值,并维持在一定水平;

    Corrosion speed gets faster as the increase of CO 2 consistence and it reaches maximum , maintains at one high level when CO 2 consistence is saturated .

  8. 当Q235钢试样表面带有锈层时,铁细菌同样也加速试样的腐蚀速度。

    Iron bacterium also can accelerate the corrosion of carbon steel samples with rust layers .

  9. 还通过锌-铋合金粉在有机缓蚀剂TBI-15中的腐蚀速度实验,初步研究了两种缓蚀剂的协同作用。

    The effects of the synergetic effect of bismuth and TBI 15 ( organic inhibitor ) on zinc corrosion wer also tested .

  10. 在氧平衡态下静止海水中腐蚀速度软测量模型的基础上并进行了氧饱和度和流速的修正,得到了A3钢腐蚀速度与海洋环境参数间的函数表达式,即为软测量模型。

    In order to extend the applying range of the soft-measurement model in balance reported , the model is adjusted by oxygen saturation and velocity .

  11. 环境扫描电镜、析氧极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱测试表明,草酸对钛基体的腐蚀速度及涂层载量(Ir含量)随腐蚀时间的延长先增大后减小。

    ESEM , polarization curve and EIS indicated that the corrosion rate of the substrate and the loading of the oxide coating ( i.e. Ir content ) increase with etching time at the initial stage and then decrease .

  12. 结果表明,CO2使钢的腐蚀速度、点蚀倾向和缝隙腐蚀倾向增加,而增加的幅度则受到钢的成分、显微组织等冶金因素的影响。

    The result shows that CO2 makes the rate of corrosion , the tendency of pit and crevice corrosion increase , while the increased margin is influenced by the metallurgical parameters , including chemical composition , microstructure and so on .

  13. A3钢在砂型海底沉积物中的腐蚀速度约是其在粘土型海底沉积物中腐蚀速度的2倍。

    The corrosion rate of mild steel in the SBS falling into the sand type is higher onetime than it in the SBS falling into the clay type .

  14. 室内和实海挂片失重测试比较结果表明,海水流动能够加快A3钢在海水中的腐蚀速度,腐蚀初期尤其明显。

    Results of weight loss in lab and field site show that corrosion rate of A3 steel can be accelerated flow of seawater , especially in the initial stage .

  15. 对氧化铬耐火材料来说,其在三种含有模拟HLW废料的铁磷熔体中的熔线腐蚀速度小于01mmday。

    For the chrome refractory , the corrosion rate in three iron phosphate melts containing simulated HLW waste was under 0 1mm / day at the melt line .

  16. Pb-Ag-Ca新型阳极在MnSO4-H2SO4溶液中腐蚀速度的测定

    Determination of Corrosion Rate for Pb-Ag-Ca Anode in MnSO_4-H_2SO_4 Solution by Electrochemical polarization Curve method

  17. 结果表明由于10C放电条件下电池的温度较高,导致合金腐蚀速度增加。

    The results show higher temperature of Ni / MH battery at 10 C rate discharge results in the corrosion rate of alloys increasing .

  18. 在上述3种试验合金中,Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag的腐蚀速度较缓慢,因此,它较适合作阀控铅蓄电池的负极汇流排。

    Therefore , the Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag alloy was more suitable for negative bus-bar of VRLA battery .

  19. 在碳锰钢中添加单一稀土元素镧和铈,通过测试其腐蚀速度和点蚀特征参数值,考察了材料耐蚀性能的变化。J(IC)和冲击功A(KV)之间的关系研究

    In this paper , experiments were made on carbon-manganese steel with La and Ce respectively to observe corrosion parameters such as rate of corrosion , pitting and so on . Investigate on the Correlation between Fracture Toughness J_ ( IC ) and CVN for Low Carbon-Manganese Steel

  20. 以上现场应用试验表明,该缓蚀剂能将腐蚀速度(A3钢试片)控制在0.076mm/a以下,且施工工艺简单,有效期长。

    The use of this inhibitor can control the corrosion rate ( A3 steel coupon ) at less than 0.076 mm / a. It is simple in application process and long in effectiveness .

  21. 铜、铜合金的腐蚀速度与SO2浓度非常相关,与NO2浓度显著相关,碳钢的腐蚀速度与SO2、NO2和TSP浓度没有明显的相关性;

    There was very obvious correlation for the corrosion rate of copper and its alloy with the concentration of SO_2 and NO_2 in ambient air . There wasn 't correlation for the corrosion rate of steel with the concentration of SO_2 , and NO_2 , and TSP in ambient air ;

  22. 研究了Fe3Si和316不锈钢在460℃下工业锌液中的腐蚀速度、界面组织结构和成分变化情况。

    Corrosion speed , interface structure and composition change of Fe_3Si and 316 stainless steel in industrial zinc liquid at 460 ℃ are studied .

  23. 结果表明:Si(100)面的腐蚀速度随着腐蚀液浓度和温度的升高而增大,随着TMAH与KOH摩尔比的降低,KTMAH腐蚀液对掩膜层的腐蚀程度加剧。

    The results indicated that the etching solution velocity of Si ( 100 ) increased with the increasing of the etching solution concentration and temperature , and the etching solution degree was speeded up with the decreasing of the mol ratio of TMAH / KOH for different system .

  24. 实验数据表明,在10MPa、60℃的SCCO2中浸泡处理3.0h和4.5h后,铀样品的抗大气腐蚀速度都较未经过SCCO2处理的样品有明显的减慢。

    Results showed that the corrosion of specimens treated by SCCO-2 of 10 MPa and 60 ℃ for 3 hours or 4.5 hours were both slower than the specimens without treatment .

  25. 结果表明,电磁搅拌加0.2%~0.8%Ce可显著降低合金的腐蚀速度,其中电磁搅拌电压为100V,加入0.5%Ce对合金的腐蚀速度降低幅度最大。

    The experimental results showed that electromagnetic stirring and 0.2 % ~ 0.8 % Ce could reduce corrosion rate remarkably . When electromagnetic stirring voltage is 100V , 0.5 % Ce addition could get the minimum corrosion rate .

  26. 试验结果表明,IMC-50-S可使A3钢的腐蚀速度降低到0.07mm/a以下,阻垢率可达90%以上。

    The tests show that , for A3 steel , IMC-50-S can control the corrosion rate down to less than 0 . 07 mm / a , and can achieve a scale-arresting rate of over 90 % .

  27. 目前工业上广泛使用的两种工质对LiBr-H2O和NH3-H2O存在设备腐蚀速度快、高浓度结晶、操作压力高和毒性等缺点。

    LiBr-H2O and NH3-H2O are widely used as working pairs which have the following shortcomings : serious corrosion to the equipment , crystallization in high concentration , high operation pressure , toxicity , et al .

  28. 结果表明,微量Cl~-(50ppm)的吸附对316L的活性溶解有抑制作用。Cl~-浓度再高则腐蚀速度增大。

    Trace Cl ~ - ( 50ppm ) has a slight inhibition effect on the anodic dissolution of the material because of its adsorption on the surface , but corrosion rate increases when the concentration of Cl ~ - increases to 200 ppm .

  29. 同时,氧化铝和氧化铬耐火材料在铁磷熔体中的腐蚀速度小于它们在硼硅酸盐熔体DWPF中的腐蚀速度。

    In general , the corrosion rate of the alumina refractory and the chrome refractory in the iron phosphate melts was not higher than their corrosion rate in the DWPF melt .

  30. 提出了交流阻抗和弱极化技术相结合的腐蚀速度测量的方法,并依此研制了CMB-4510腐蚀速度测量仪。

    A method of combining AC impedance and weak polarization technology to measure corrosion rate of metals is presented . Based on this method , an instrument , CMB-4510 , has been developed .