
  • 网络Magnetization process
  1. Ho2Fe(14)B化合物的高场磁化过程

    High-field magnetization process of ho_2fe_ ( 14 ) b compound

  2. 对Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe纳米复合磁体单个粉末颗粒的磁化过程进行了计算机模拟。

    The computer simulation of magnetization process of a single powder particle of the Nd2Fe14B / α - Fe nanocomposite magnet has been performed .

  3. 简述了用δM(H)曲线和不可逆磁导率的变化研究晶粒交换耦合相互作用及反磁化过程的方法。

    The technique for investigating the intergranular exchange ? coupling interaction by using δ M ( H ) plot and the demagnetization process by studying the variation of irreversible susceptibility are reviewed .

  4. R2Fe(14)B型永磁材料中第二磁晶各向异性常数对反磁化过程的影响

    Effect of the second-order magnetocrystalline anisotropic constant on the magnetization reversal in R_2Fe_ ( 14 ) B magnets

  5. 利用玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝的磁畴模型,分析不同长度时玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝的磁化过程,合理解释了GMI效应随玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝长度增加而明显的现象。

    Using domain model of glass-covered Co-rich amorphous wires , it can be explained by the magnetization process that the GMI becomes acutely with longer length .

  6. 方程求解中,分别采用了奇异值分解(singularvaluedecomposition,简称SVD)、Tikhonov正则的SVD法与线性约束二次规划方法,利用磁化过程的先验信息提高求解的稳定性。

    Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ), Tikhonov canonical SVD and linear constrained quadratic programming method were applied in the solution of inverse problem . The prior information of the magnetization process is utilized to improve the stability of solution .

  7. 分别针对零场冷(ZFC)和场冷(FC)磁化过程,利用有限元方法分析了在外磁场减小过程中边缘裂纹尖端的应力强度因子。

    For the zero-field-cooling and the field-cooling magnetization processes , respectively , the stress intensity factors at the edge-crack tip of HTS in the decreasing process of the external magnetic field are analyzed by the finite element method .

  8. 磁性多层膜的磁化过程的一种唯象理论研究

    Study of a phenomenological theory on magnetization progress of multilayer film

  9. 磁化过程包括许多小而不连续的磁通变化。

    The magnetization process consists of many small discontinuous flux changes .

  10. 高温超导体脉冲磁化过程中的磁热不稳定性

    Magnetic instabilities in high-t_c superconductor during impulse excitation

  11. 纳米复合磁体磁化过程的计算机研究

    Computer study of magnetization in nanocomposite magnets

  12. 根据对5种样品的实测数据,讨论了薄膜的动态磁化过程。

    According to the experimental data of five samples , the dynamic magnetic properties are introduced .

  13. 实验结果显示材料磁化过程中的磁矩转动有利于提高传感器的线性度。

    The experimental results show that the magnetic moment rotation in magnetization processes is helpful to improve the linearity of sensors .

  14. 认为超导体在磁化过程中的上述特征内耗是量子磁通的运动所引起来的。

    It is considered that , the eigen-IF of superconductor mentioned above during magnetization process stems from motion of quantum flux .

  15. 硬磁层主要是通过形核的畴壁移动来实现其反磁化过程的。

    For the hard magnetic layer , the magnetization reversal process belongs to displace of the domain wall of formed nucleus ;

  16. 对水磁化过程中,磁场强度、切割磁力线次数及温度的影响进行了研究。

    The influencing factors , including intensity of magnetic field , cutting times of magnetic lines and temperature of water , were studied .

  17. 我们还估出了磁化过程中磁性转变(即磁矩变化)的大小。

    We have also estimated out the size that magnetic change ( namely the magnetism square change ) in the course of magnetization .

  18. 磁力共振是一种与磁性介质尺寸有关的共振现象,它是在磁化过程中伴之较大的磁致伸缩振动引起的力学共振。

    Magnetomechanical resonance is a resonant phenomenon related to the size of magnetic medium and it is a mechanical resonance caused by magnetostriction vibration during magnetization .

  19. 提出了计及磁滞和涡流效应的描述磁化过程的物理模型,并给出了数值计算的结果。

    A reasonable physical model which describes the magnetization process and involves the magnetic hysteresis and eddy current is presented , and the numerical computation is made .

  20. 而对于S形磁结构,当场强较弱时,两边缘畴壁移动到磁体中部重合随后消失,完成反磁化过程。

    For the S-state , the magnetization reversal is realized through the motion of the end domain walls toward the central part of magnet and subsequently disappearing .

  21. 研究结果表明:在三维模型下,随着软磁层厚度的改变,体系的反磁化过程表现出了非常丰富的形式;

    The results show : in the three-dimension dynamic modal , with the change of the thickness of soft layer , there is a rich magnetization reversal form .

  22. 舰船在地球弱磁场中的磁化过程是线性、可逆的,可以将舰船磁矩分为固定磁矩和感应磁矩。

    Because the ships'magnetization process in global magnetic field is linear and reversible , the ship'magnetic moment could be divided into the peg magnetic moment and induce magnetic moment .

  23. 介质磁化过程遵循矢量磁滞模型,用磁头材料的测量值作为磁头的磁滞模型。

    The vector magnetic hysteresis model is used as the magnetization process of the medium and the measured values of the head material are used as the head 's hysteresis model .

  24. 基于此模型,推导了纳米线反磁化过程中不可逆磁化的临界场和矫顽力在一致转动和对称扇形模式下的表达式。

    Based on this model , the expressions of critical field for the irreversible reversal magnetization and the coercive force are derived for both the parallel rotation and symmetric fanning mechanisms .

  25. 基于相干转动的局域能量极小模型和经典的热激活模型研究了包含二次、双二次耦合的磁性多层膜的磁化过程。

    Based on the local energy minimum via coherent rotation of the magnetic and classical thermal activation , magnetization processes of magnetic multilayered films with both the bilinear and biquadratic exchange couplings are investigated .

  26. 另外,第一个从成核到钉扎的退磁化过程缓慢,对应磁滞回线的方形度也较差,尤其是界面为强耦合时这种现象更明显。

    In addition , the first demagnetization process from nucleation to pinning is slow accompanied by a deterioration of the squareness of the hysteresis loops , especially for the case with a strong interface coupling .

  27. 通过定性的量纲分析和半定量的模型方程求解,我们得到了等离子体系统发生自发磁化过程的温度&密度相图。相图的得到说明至少在理论上这一过程的发生是可能的。

    The temperature-density phase diagram for spontaneous magnetization of plasmas is obtained through these qualitative calculations and quantitative solutions of model equa-tions , indicating that the spontaneous magnetization process is possible , at least theoretically .

  28. 正确地模拟变压器铁磁材料的动态磁化过程,掌握变压器铁磁材料的动态磁化规律,是提高变压器暂态仿真准确性的关键。

    Accurately simulating the dynamic magnetizing processes of the ferromagnetic materials used in transformers and mastering the dynamic magnetizing law of the materials are the key factors to improve the transient simulation accuracy of transformers .

  29. 另外,分析了双边裂纹的存在对高温超导体俘获场的影响。最后,对具有矩形截面的高温超导体在磁化过程中受到复杂电磁力作用下的磁致伸缩行为也进行了研究。

    In addition , the effect of the two collinear edge-cracks on the trapped field of HTS is analyzed . Finally , the magnetostriction problem of HTS with rectangular cross section in the magnetization process is investigated .

  30. 本文运用人工神经网络模拟主磁滞回环,以及用线性变化的位移来生成局部磁滞回线的方法,建立铁芯动态非线性磁化过程的计算模型。

    Applying the artificial neural network , the paper simulates the major hysteresis loop , and uses the method of linearization of the displacement to generate a minor hysteresis loop for building a model to calculate the dynamic nonlinear magnetizing process .