
  • 网络Corrosion potential;ecorr;ECP
  1. 铁在硫酸中腐蚀电位下的EIS及添加DDA和Cl~-的影响

    The effects of inhibitors on EIS of iron at corrosion potential in sulphuric acid solution

  2. 由于存在TiO2粒子,提高了其腐蚀电位,降低了腐蚀电流密度,改善了Ni-P镀层的耐腐蚀性能。

    The TiO2 particles elevated the corrosion potential and depressed the corrosion current of Ni-P coating , thereby improved the corrosion resistance .

  3. 大面积金属电极腐蚀电位随时间变化的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Corrosion Potential of Big Square Metal Electrode

  4. 实验结果还证明,在pH值与Cl~-浓度两者对碳钢的腐蚀电位φc和腐蚀电流密度ic的影响之间没有交互效应。

    It was also demonstrated that there is no significant interaction between the effect of pH value and Cl ~ - concentration on φ _c and i_c .

  5. 比较了含与不含光触媒涂层的不锈钢基体在不同pH的氯化钠溶液中的腐蚀电位。

    The corrosion potentials of stainless steel substrate containing photocatalyst coating or not in aqueous solution with different pH value containing sodium chloride were compared .

  6. 经氮化钛涂层后Ni-Cr合金、Co-Cr合金的腐蚀电位有明显升高,差异均有显著性(P<0.001)。

    The differences between them were significant ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 随着pH值的升高,5083铝合金自腐蚀电位负移,维钝电流密度增大,钝化区范围扩大,但点蚀电位变化不大。

    The corrosion potential of aluminum alloy 5083 shifted negatively , passive current density increased and the passivation region broadened , but the pitting potential changed little with the increase of pH value .

  8. 通过扫描电镜(SEM)、腐蚀电位和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等方法对改性聚氨酯的富锌涂层进行了表征。

    The modified waterborne polyurethane zinc-rich coating was characterized by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), corrosion potential test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

  9. )和Fe~((?))离子在铝合金表面沉积为金属铜和铁而作为有效的阴极,使体系的腐蚀电位(Ec)向其临界孔蚀电位一方移动。

    Cu + + and Fe + + + ions deposit on the aluminum alloy surface as Cu and Fe acts as an efficient cathode , shifting the corrosion potential of aluminum alloy to the critical pitting potential .

  10. 通过比较添加缓蚀剂前后A3钢的极化曲线可以看出,添加缓蚀剂后自腐蚀电位正移,说明咪唑啉主要抑制阳极过程而起到缓蚀作用,属于阳极型缓蚀剂。

    The polarization curves show that the corrosion potential of A3 carbon steel becomes more positive after the inhibitor is added than that before .

  11. 极化曲线测试结果表明,细菌的存在使浸泡20天后A3钢电极的自腐蚀电位升高,腐蚀电流密度增大。

    Polarization curve results indicated that the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans resulted in higher corrosion potential of the electrode and obviously accelerated the corrosion current density .

  12. Gd基底溅射Ti膜在蒸馏水中的极化曲线显示,Ti膜有效的提高了腐蚀电位,对Gd抵抗电化学腐蚀贡献较大。

    The polarization curves of the Ti films sputtering on Gd show that the film boosts the corrosion potential effectively , which make a great contribution to the Gd endurance of electrochemical erosion .

  13. BTA浓度超过0.2%后,铜合金腐蚀电位和腐蚀速率趋于稳定;

    When BTA concentration more than 0.2 % , the corrosion potential and corrosion rate of copper alloy are tend to stabilize .

  14. 研究表明:随着乙腈与二乙胺体积比的升高和电解质浓度的增大,电流密度增加越来越明显,钽板的电化学溶解速度增大,但腐蚀电位Eb保持不变。

    With the increase of the volume ratio ( acetonitrile-diethylamine ) and electrolyte concentration , the pitting potential Eb unchanged , Current density and the electrochemical dissolution of tantalum plate velocity increased .

  15. 研究了铁电极在中性Na2SO4溶液中恒电位阳极极化下。和在不同pH的H2SO4/Na2SO4溶液中腐蚀电位下的交流阻抗特性。

    C. impedance characteristics of iron electrode under anodic polarization controlled potential in neutral Na_2SO_4 solution and in H_2SO_4 / Na_2SO_4 solutions of various pH at corrosion potential were investigated .

  16. 去膜表面发生点蚀的临界电位低于膜覆盖表面发生点蚀的临界电位。在自腐蚀电位和阳极电位条件下,SCC敏感性很低。

    The pitting critical potential of the fresh surface is lower than that of the surface covered by passive film . At free-corrosion potential and anodic potential , the susceptibility to SCC was very low .

  17. 试验中发现新13号合金预生膜试样在NP氧化预处理剂中不同于一般合金材料(如18-8不锈钢,Incoloy800合金),在低酸度区,腐蚀电位随酸度升高向正方向移动的特性。

    The behaviour of alloy 13 prefilmed specimen in NP preoxidation solution is different from 18-8 S. S. and Incoloy 800 . In the low acidity , the corrosion potential moves toward positive direction as the acidity becomes high .

  18. 应用动电位极化和丝束电极技术测量了碳钢、纯铝和不锈钢在NaCl溶液和添加缓蚀剂的溶液中的极化曲线以及丝束电极表面的自腐蚀电位和电化学阻抗谱分布。

    Polarization curves , corrosion potentials and electrochemical impedance spectra inside and outside the crevice of mild steel , pure aluminium and stainless steel were measured in NaCl and inhibitor-containing NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and the wire beam electrode technique .

  19. 随着Na2S溶液浓度的增加,合金的自腐蚀电位负移,腐蚀倾向增大,但因表面有钝化膜生成,合金腐蚀速度呈减小趋势。

    With an increase in concentration of Na2S , the free corrosion potential of alloys turns to be more negative , while the corrosion rates decrease .

  20. 镀层的自腐蚀电位接近-0.4V(vsSCE),阳极极化曲线有明显的钝化区;

    The corrosion potential of the electroless Ni-P coating in the solution of 3.5 % NaCl was about - 0.4 V ( vs SCE ), and the anodic polarization curve showed evidences to the existence of a passivation region .

  21. 这一电极体系能很好地克服自腐蚀电位漂移的影响和有效降低IR降,为土壤体系的腐蚀测试提供了一种可靠的电极体系。

    It has been proved that , with the new electrodes , the influence of the floating of corrsion potential and the ic drop between the reference and research electrodes can be effectively eliminated . A new electrode system was provided for the measurement of soil corrosion .

  22. 涂敷OPS的铁电极自然腐蚀电位与涂敷UPS的相等,但前者的腐蚀电流密度为后者的1/2,阻抗值比后者大,防腐蚀效果比后者好。

    Corrosion potential for Fe electrode covered with OPS is equal to with UPS , but the former ′ s corrosion current s a half of the latter while resistance stronger and the anticorrosion ability stronger than the latter .

  23. 结果表明:pH对铁闪锌矿的腐蚀电位几乎无影响,但随着pH增大,腐蚀电流增大,矿物表面的疏水性元素S0急剧减少,羟基化作用变大;

    The results indicated that the corrosive potential of marmatite almost is not affected by pH values , but its corrosive current rises , and hydrophobic sulfur on marmatite surface decreases rapidly and hydro action becomes obvious with the rising of pH values ;

  24. 讨论了硬铝(LY12)在不同条件下磷化过程中腐蚀电位和电流的变化,即磷化膜的生长过程。

    This article discusses the changes of corrosion potential and current for phosphating process of hard aluminium ( LY12 ) in different conditions , namely , the growing process of phosphate coating .

  25. Nb注入后,腐蚀电位有小幅提高,但电流密度显著降低,与铝注入的情况相似,铌注入剂量增加到一定程度后,电流密度反而升高。

    The corrosion potential increases slightly but the passive current density decreases greatly as the fluences increasing after niobium implantation . The passive current density increased after niobium fluence reaching to a certain extent , which is similar to that of aluminium implantation .

  26. 通过测量Tafel曲线可知,在Super-3900浓度为0.5%(相对于镀液的体积百分含量)时获得的镀层腐蚀电位最正,腐蚀电流密度最小;

    The corrosion potential was the biggest and the corrosion current was the smallest one when the concentration of Super-3900 was 0.5 % ;

  27. 光镍镀层在NaCl水溶液中的腐蚀电位高于哑光镍镀层的腐蚀电位,且在相同的极化电压下光镍镀层的阳极溶解速度远小于哑光镍的溶解速度。

    The corrosion potential of the bright coating in the NaCl aqueous solution was more positive than that of the dull coating , and the anodic dissolving rate of the bright one was also far lower at the same polarization potential compared with the dull one .

  28. 阳极化结果是原阴极β(Mg17Al12)相表面Mg发生溶解,增高了β相表面Al含量,提高了β相的腐蚀电位;上述两种作用增大了Mg的溶出量,导致负差数效应。

    Polarization leads to a rise of magnesium dissolution on the surface of β phase which increases both the corrosion potential of cathode (β phase ) and the Al concentration , resulting in the increase of magnesium dissolution which conduces the NDE of magnesium alloys .

  29. 采用自由测试法测定了铝合金分别与Q235钢、镀锌铁片和铜片三种不同材料组成的电偶在3.5%NaCl水溶液中的电偶电流、腐蚀电位和腐蚀速度。

    The galvanic corrosion of aluminum alloy coupled with different materials , including Q_235 steel , zinc-coated iron plate , copper plate , was studied by free running test in 3.5 % NaCl solution .

  30. 通过多种电化学实验方法测试各种添加剂对Al-In电极在中性及碱性电解液内的阳极极化曲线、析氢曲线、阳极利用率、电极电位、自腐蚀电位,并对其效果进行了综合分析。

    The electrochemical tests are used to study the anodic polarizing curve , H2-evolutive curve , electrode voltage , self-corrode voltage , and the anodic utilization ratio .