
  • 网络stable potential;steady potential
  1. 结果表明,稳定剂可以提高浸锌后试片的稳定电位,提高浸锌层在3.5%NaCl溶液中的耐蚀性。

    It could be concluded from potential and corrosion resistance of zinc platings that stabilizer could improve the stable potential and the corrosion resistance in 3.5 % NaCl solution as well .

  2. 用循环伏安法、小片电极充放电、恒电位下和稳定电位下O2的析出,研究了某稀土化合物对铅酸蓄电池正极活性物质放电性能、析O2行为的影响。

    The effect of some rare earth compound on active material performance and O 2 evolution behavior of positive electrode in lead acid battery were studied by determination of cyclic voltammogram , charge and discharge characteristics , and O 2 evolution at various potentials including stable potential .

  3. 采用X-射线衍射(XRD)的方法测定氧化膜的组织结构,氧化膜的耐蚀性能通过点滴试验及3.5%NaCl溶液中的稳定电位来评定。

    The structure of the film is studied by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) . And corrosion resistance of the film is determined by drop test and corrosion potential in 3.5 % NaCl solution .

  4. 着重研究IPAB作还原剂与化学镀中三种金属的催化活性,由三种金属电极的极化曲线分别求出了特征电位、表观活化能、稳定电位。

    From the polarization curves of these metal electrodes , the characteristic potential ( E ) , the apparent activation energy and stable potentials was , determined separately .

  5. 结果表明:Ni-19.2P非晶态合全稳定电位高,极化阻力和反应阻抗大,腐蚀速率小,具有优良的耐蚀性能。电化学测量技术是研究镀层耐蚀性能快速有效的方法。

    Following is concluded : non-crystalline Ni-19.2P alloy has good corrosion resistance because of its high stable potential , polarization resistance and reaction impedance .

  6. 一种小型高稳定电位差计专用电源

    A special power supply for a small , highly stable potential difference meter

  7. 通过对氧化前后试片极化曲线的测定,发现经高温氧化后镀锡层的稳定电位发生了变化。

    They were also revealed by tafel curve test that the corrosion potential of the tinplate changes after its oxidation at high temperature .

  8. 但母材横截面的开路稳定电位比母材沿轧制方向表面高。

    However , for the parent , the open-circuit potential of the cross-section is higher than that of the surface along the rolling direction .

  9. 诱发反应的有效性可从基体金属的稳定电位-时间曲线看出。

    When an autocatalytic meta is in contact with the substrate metal in the bath , a sudden decrease of stationary potential is observed .

  10. 硫化矿物电极电位不是可逆电极的平衡电位,而是不可逆电极的稳定电位。

    The electrode potential of sulfide minerals is not an equilibrium poten-tial of a reversible electrode , but a steady potential of a nonreversible elec-trode .

  11. 亚氧化钛导电陶瓷具有优异的导电性、极强的化学稳定性和宽的电化学稳定电位窗口等优点,因而在各种化学电源上均有较好的应用前景。

    Titanium sub-oxides conductive ceramic with excellent electrical conductivity , strong chemical stability and wide electrochemical stable potential window , which have good prospects in a variety of batteries .

  12. 结论:辅酶Q10具有增强小鼠免疫力作用,其作用机制可能与辅酶Q10能激活NK细胞、T细胞、巨噬细胞功能及清除氧自由基、稳定膜电位等有关。

    Its mechanism could be concerned with activation of NK cells , T cells , macrophages and scavenging oxygen free radical , membrane-stabilizing properties .

  13. 在硬膜外放置刺激及记录电极线记录SCEP的方法可得到大而稳定的电位波幅,能够准确地反应出脊髓功能的即时变化。

    A large and stable potential wave can be obtained if putting the stimulating and recording electrodes into the epidural space and therefore the incentive chang of spinal cord function can be accurately displayed on the screen .

  14. 容积敏感氯通道是细胞膜上调节细胞容积和稳定膜电位的通道。

    Volume sensitive chloride channel regulates cell volume and stabilizes membrane potential in cell membrane .

  15. 活菌培养计数结果显示:添加新鲜配制和保存8个月的新型稳定中性电位水的培养皿上均未见菌落生长。

    Living bacterial counting revealed that no colony growth was observed in culture media with novel stabilized neutral potential water freshly prepared and preserved for8 months .

  16. 结果表明,新研制的镁合金在人造海水介质中的开路电位增加,自腐蚀速度降低,稳定工作电位提高,电极表面腐蚀均匀,可开发用于高电性能电池的负极材料。

    The polarization of the magnesium alloy was weakness and the electrode potential was very negative , so that the magnesium alloy could be used as cathode material in high-powered battery .

  17. 当恒定电位低于316L不锈钢的稳定孔蚀电位时,亚稳孔的最大峰值电流Im服从极值分布。

    When the constant potential was lower than Eb , the highest peak currents Im in different time range followed extreme value distribution .

  18. 混合配体络合物稳定常数的电位法测定

    A potentiometric method for the determination of stability constants of mixed ligand complexes

  19. 钾离子通道具有稳定细胞膜电位和调节细胞兴奋性的重要作用。

    Potassium channels play a critical role in stabilization of membrane potential and regulation of cellular excitability .

  20. 作者还报告了单个细胞内较长时间稳定记录动作电位的方法。

    We developed , in particular , a method of recording stably the action potential of single cells for a longer period .

  21. 因瓦合金箔分别在10%硫酸溶液、10%氢氧化钠溶液和3.5%氯化钠溶液中钝化稳定,钝化电位较宽,表现出良好的耐蚀性能。

    The alloy foil presents excellent corrosion resistance in 10 % H_2SO_4,10 % NaOH and 3.5 % NaCl solution respectively and the range of passive potential is broader .

  22. 组织组成物的阳极性能良好,在浓度为3.5%的NaCl介质中,当w(Mg)从1%提高至30%时,进入稳定状态的开路电位从-0.79V负移至-1.18V,阳极极化率亦降低。

    When the Mg contents were increased form 1 % to 30 % , the open potential of Al-Mg anodes was reduced form-0.79 V to-1.18 V in 3.5 % NaCl solution , and the polarization rate was also decreased .

  23. 红景天苷对低糖低血清损伤PC12细胞的保护作用与其调节凋亡相关基因、稳定线粒体跨膜电位和清除细胞内ROS有关。

    The protection effect of Salidroside against hypoglycemia and serum limitation-induced injury is probably related to the modulation of apoptosis-related gene expression , the restoration of mitochondrial membrane potential and the inhibition of the intracellular ROS production .

  24. 主要研究了Al-Zn-In-Sn、Al-Zn-In-Sn-Mg、Al-Zn-In-Mg-Ti、Al-Zn-In-Si牺牲阳极材料的成分、金相组织及电化学性能.结果表明四种阳极材料的开路电位基本处于稳定状态,但电位差别较大。

    The compositions , metallographic structures and electrochemical properties of Al-Zn-In-Sn , Al-Zn-In-Sn-Mg , Al-Zn-In-Mg-Ti and Al-Zn-In-Si as sacrificial anode materials are investigated , The results show that the open-circuit potentials of the four materials are stable in the main , but the potential differences are large .

  25. 用此方法可以稳定地记录触角电位2小时,便于比较性信息素不同组分的活性。

    With this method , the EAG can be recorded stably for 2 hours .

  26. 氧的逸出发生在稳定钝化区的电位,这可能是O~-在钝化表面继续放电的结果。

    The evolution of oxygen is possibly the consequence of discharge of O - on the passive surface .

  27. 耦合状态下,新鲜金属的耦合电位正向移动的速率极快,在40秒钟后已接近于铝合金稳定的自腐蚀电位。

    In the state of galvanic couple , the couple potential of the bare metal quickly shifts towards positive direction , and to approach the stable natural corrosion potential of Aluminum alloys after 40 seconds .

  28. 本文首先采用循环伏安法考察HA的电化学特性,包括清水中及不同pH条件下的KOH电解液中氧化还原特性的变化情况,结合水的电化学稳定区域找到HA的稳定电位窗口。

    Cyclic voltammetry ( CV ) is used to research the electrochemical characteristics of HA , including redox behavior in water without electrolyte and in aqueous solutions of different pH , and stable potential windows of HA is found based on stable electrochemical ranges .