
  • 【机】stabilizing gas
  1. 为研究城市生活垃圾填埋场孔隙气压对沉降的影响程度,把填埋场简化为非稳定单向气体渗流场,采用Gibson和Lo一维压缩模型及U。

    To study the influence of refuse pore gas pressure on the landfill settlement , a mathematical model was developed , which simplified the landfill as a one-dimensional unsteady gas seepage field . The model incorporated Gibson and Lo model , U.

  2. 后处理厂释放气体中稳定惰性气体同位素在核保障监督中的应用研究

    Stable Noble Gas Isotopes Released From Reprocessing Plant Used for Nuclear Safeguards

  3. 该文旨在研究稳定的气体爆轰波通过声学吸收壁强度衰减的过程。

    The paper presents an experimental investigation to study the strength attenuation of detonation when passing through acoustic walled channel .

  4. 催化裂化装置吸收稳定系统和气体分馏装置的联合优化

    Integration optimization of FCCU condensing system and gas fractionator

  5. 一是通过稳定大气温室气体浓度而减缓气候变化;一是通过降低脆弱性或者提高适应能力而适应气候变化。

    One is mitigation by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere , and the other is adaptation by reducing vulnerability or improving adaptive capacity to climate change .

  6. 为了提高立式转子的静平衡精度,研制了气悬浮测量装置,其核心部分是一个将转子稳定悬浮的气体静压球面轴承。

    In order to improve static balancing accuracy of vertical rotor , a set of air-suspending measuring devices were developed , its nucleus was an air static pressure ball-bearing to suspend the rotor stably .

  7. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的最终目的是减少人为温室气体排放,稳定大气温室气体浓度,避免气候系统受到人为的危险干扰。

    The ultimate objective of UNFCCC is to achieve stabilization of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system by mitigating the anthropogenic GHG emissions .

  8. 从装置五大系统(炉子、焦炭塔、分馏、稳定吸收。气体脱硫)出发,对各系统的腐蚀现状、防护措施、防蚀效果及存在问题进行探讨。

    The corrosion , the protection approaches , the protection results and the existing problems of five systems ( furnace , coke drum , fractionator , stabilization and absorption and gas desulfurization ) of delayed coking unit were studd-ied .

  9. 初步的试验结果表明:该装置能向试验管道内提供稳定的流动气体,对管内气流的加热温度能达到设计要求,能很好地模拟内燃机消声器内的声学条件。

    The experimental results show that a steady airflow can be set up in the test pipes , the airflow can be heated to the set temperature , and the acoustic conditional in the mufflers of internal combustion engines can be simulated properly .

  10. 他们得出结论说,除非人类能够迅速稳定进而削减温室气体排放量,否则全球变暖得到有效控制的机会将微乎其微。

    They conclude that unless mankind rapidly stabilises greenhouse gas emissions and starts reducing them , it will have little chance of keeping global warming within manageable limits .

  11. 此外,压力波、密度波和热模不稳定的结论与气体放电失稳性的实验相符合。

    In addition , the conclusion that pressure and density waves and thermal mode may be unstable agrees with the experimental fact about , thermal instability in high power laser discharges [ 6,7 ] .

  12. 对于大型铝合金和镁合金铸件来说,必须在配方中加入高耐热性的成分,在整个压铸过程中才能够持久而且稳定地释放出气体。

    It is necessary to add high heat resistant component to the coating to ensure consistent and stable release of the gas in the whole process for large aluminum alloy and Mg alloy casting .

  13. 与烧结陶瓷气敏传感器比较,溅射生成气敏膜对乙醇气体具有灵敏度高,长期稳定,对其它气体选择性好,而且响应恢复时间快。

    Compared with sintered ceramic gas sensors , the gas sensitive films thus realized possess not only higher sensitivity to ethanol , better long-term stability , and higher selectivity to other gases , but also faster response and restoration time .

  14. 用高效二氧化氯吸收稳定液吸收二氧化氯气体,制成浓度为2%-5%的稳定性二氧化氯溶液,该稳定液具有稳定性高,储存性能好,能长时间保存。

    Use efficiently absorption stable the liquid absorb chlorine dioxide gas , make into the thick degree to 2 % - 5 % stable chlorine dioxide aqua , and should stabilize the liquid to have the stability high , storage function good , can long hours keep .