
  • 网络Repeated exposure;double exposure;Multiple Exposure
  1. 本研究旨在探讨心率变异性与重复曝光,以镇静或兴奋的音乐。

    The present study aimed to examine heart rate variability with repetitive exposure to sedative or excitative music .

  2. 如果存在纯净的欲望,对频率谐振仪重复地曝光会产生移位。

    Repeated exposure to frequency resonance can generate shifts if there is sincere desire .

  3. 分步重复缩小投影曝光技术在SAW器件制版工艺中的应用

    Step-and-Repeat Reducing Project Exposure Technique Used for the Mask Fabrication of SAW Devices

  4. 采用该掩模,可进一步解决深X射线光刻中的重复对准多次曝光问题。

    The overlay or multi exposure in deep X ray lithography could be well solved using the mask .

  5. 提出了利用电子束重复增量扫描曝光方式制作PCR微流控芯片微圆通道的新方法。利用电子束重复增量扫描曝光方法可以进行曲面加工的优势,来制作PCR芯片微圆通道。

    A new way of fabricating the circular microchannel of PCR chip is proposed on overlapped increment scanning exposure method which can fabricate the curved surfaces .

  6. 电子束重复增量扫描曝光技术

    Electron beam lithography based on overlapped increment scanning

  7. 进行了利用电子束重复增量扫描曝光方法制作软刻蚀技术用微三维母版的实验研究。

    A new way of fabricating micro three-dimensional master of soft lithography by overlapped increment scanning exposure method is studied experimentally .

  8. 通过曝光实验进行了验证,从理论和实验上证明了电子束重复增量扫描曝光方法产生三维结构的可行性。

    These conclusions are correct proved by the results of exposure experiments . The overlapped increment scanning exposure method can be used in 3D micromachining by the theoretical and experimental confirmations . 2 .