
zhònɡ shuǐ fǎn yìnɡ duī
  • Heavy water reactor;heavy-water reaction
  1. 曾因在伊朗阿拉克(Arak)重水反应堆的工作而受到欧盟(EU)、美国及其他国家制裁的MachineSaziArak公司也在该网站的供应商列表之中,显示为锅炉、热交换设备及石化设备供应商。

    Machine Sazi Arak , a company that has been sanctioned by the EU , the US and other countries for its work at Iran 's Arak heavy water reactor , is listed as a supplier of boilers , heat exchangers and petrochemical equipment .

  2. 研究性重水反应堆改建的辐射防护评价

    Radiation protection Assessment for the Heavy water Research Reactor in Reconstruction

  3. 先进重水反应堆燃料棒束物理研究与设计

    Research and Design on Fuel Bundle of Advanced Heavy Water Reactor

  4. 对于水,它约为4×10~3大气压.研究性重水反应堆断电事故研究

    On loss of power accident for the heavy water research reactor

  5. 研究性重水反应堆内壳放射性的测量

    Radioactivity measurement on the reactor vessel of the heavy water research reactor

  6. 重水反应堆热柱中子能谱测量

    Measurement of neutron energy spectrum at thermal column of heavy water reactor

  7. 研究性重水反应堆重水回路去污因子的测定及辐射监测

    Determination of decontamination factor in heavy water circuit and in-situ monitoring for radiation safety

  8. 轻水冷却重水反应堆

    Light water cooled heavy water reactor

  9. 氚水蒸气浓度连续监测装置在重水反应堆烟囱流出物监测中的实验研究

    The experimentation on continuously monitoring of TRITUM oxide from a stack of the experimental heavy water reactor

  10. 本文叙述了在更换研究性重水反应堆内壳中的辐射防护方法、辐射监测与评价。

    This paper describes radiation protection methods , radiationmonitoring and assessments in replacement of the HWRR reactor vessel .

  11. CANDU6型重水反应堆装料区γ辐射源的来源分析及降低剂量率的建议

    Analysis of the source γ radiation in fuel loading zone of CANDU Reactor and suggestion for reducing γ dose rate

  12. 在这项工作中,一种紧沟天窗与混合燃料集束压力重水反应堆的概念被调研。

    In this work , a tight pitch lattice and mixed fuel assemblies pressured heavy water reactor concept was investigated .

  13. 本文总结了研究性重水反应堆断电事故冷却方式研究结果。

    This paper presents the results on cooling mode investigation during loss of power accident of the heavy water research reactor .

  14. 重水反应堆n+γ混合束照射离体人血诱发染色体畸变的研究

    A study on chromosome aberrations of human blood induced in vitro by n + γ mixed irradiation from the heavy water reactor

  15. 联合国国际原子能机构核查小组星期一查看了伊朗的一个重水反应堆。

    A team of inspectors from the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) visited a heavy water reactor in Iran on Monday .

  16. 协议内容涉及伊朗的浓缩铀活动、阿拉克市内的重水反应堆以及伊朗纯度为20%的浓缩铀储藏。

    Issues including Iran 's enrichment of uranium , the heavy water reactor in Arac and dealing Iran 's stock pile of 20 % enriched urium .

  17. 样品经冰干处理后密封在石英管中,在重水反应堆中心孔道照射约40小时,通量为5×10~(13)n/cm~2·s。

    The freeze-dried samples are irradiated in the core channel of a heavy water reactor with a flux of about 5 × 1013n / cm2s for 40 h.

  18. 利用飞行时间法,用机械选择器测量了中国原子能科学研究院重水反应堆热柱的中子能谱.结果表明,该热柱能谱和理论Maxwel谱有偏离。

    The neutron energy spectrum at the thermal column of the heavy water reactor of China Institute of Atomic Energy has been measured by using a mechanical chopper by time-of-flight method . The result shows that the energy spectrum deviates from Maxwell distribution .

  19. 在核工业系统中有很多地方涉及到氚的职业照射,其中最典型的是核电站,无论是重水反应堆还是轻水反应堆中都会产生一定数量的氚。

    There are many places related to occupational radiation of tritium in the nuclear industry system , in which the most typical is nuclear power station , whether the heavy water reactor or the light water reactor will produce a certain amount of tritium .

  20. 伊朗官员说,他们在北部的阿拉克镇被拘押,伊朗正在那里建造一个重水核反应堆。

    The officials say the two were detained in the northern town of Arak , where Iran is building a heavy water nuclear reactor .

  21. 三期工程由中国和加拿大政府合作,采用加拿大提供的重水型反应堆技术,建设两台70万千瓦发电机组,于2003年建成。

    It still proved China 's competence to design , construct , manage and operate a nuclear plant.The two reactors of the third-phase project , with a capacity of 700 , OOOkw , jointly developed commercial-purpose heavy - water nuclear reactor power plant was completed and put into full-capacity operation in 2003 .

  22. 重水研究性反应堆主热交换器泄漏事故处理

    Disposal of Leaking Accident in Main Exchangers of a Heavy Water Research Reactor

  23. 核试验反应堆使用过或辐照过的容器迪多型重水研究用反应堆

    Spent or irradiated cartridge of nuclear reactors dido type heavy water research reactor

  24. 浓缩铀重水慢化反应堆

    Enriched uranium heavy water moderated reactor

  25. 迪多型重水研究用反应堆

    Dido type heavy water research reactor

  26. 固体径迹探测器测量重水零功率反应堆快裂变因子

    Measurement of Fast Fission Factor for Heavy Water Zero Power Reactor ( HWZPR ) by Solid State Nuclear Track Detector

  27. 伊朗正在阿拉克修建一个重水核研究反应堆,并声称这是出于该国农业和医疗发展的需要。不过,美国和以色列认为这会让伊朗得以开发钚核弹。

    Iran is building a heavy-water nuclear research reactor at Arak , which it says is needed for the country 's agricultural and medical development but which the US and Israel say could allow it to develop a plutonium nuclear bomb .

  28. 重水慢化水冷反应堆核能--轻水堆核燃料衰变热功率的计算

    Nuclear energy-Light water reactors ? Calculation of the decay heat power in nuclear fuels

  29. 重水慢化加压重水冷却反应堆

    Heavy water moderated pressurized heavy water cooled reactor