
chóng wéi
  • tight encirclement
重围 [chóng wéi]
  • [tight encirclement] 层层的包围

  • 杀出重围

重围[chóng wéi]
  1. 能否突出重围,就要看你的眼力和反应了!

    Can tight encirclement , depends on your eyesight and reactions !

  2. 我们这次一定要杀出重围。

    We must break through the tight encirclement this time .

  3. Uber现在肯定觉得自己身陷重围,哪怕他们做得比任何一家印度出租车公司都多(也更为迅速地配合执法部门方面)。

    For Uber & They must be feeling under siege now in a situation where they did more than any Indian cab company ( and way , way more in working with law enforcement promptly ) .

  4. 民营航空业:飞出垄断重围

    Private Airline : Fly Out of Tight Encirclement of Monopoly

  5. 他能在西部突破重围获得总冠军吗?

    Can he trigger a championship season way out west ?

  6. 突不出的重围&在与解冻文学比较中反思百花文学

    Reflection on Bai Hua Literature in Comparison with Soviet Union Thawed Literature

  7. 但我想我可以给你指条路突入重围

    But I think I can talk you through breaking in there .

  8. 在如此激烈的竞争之下中国本土企业如何突破重围?

    How tobreak the siege under such fierce competition for Chinese enterprises ?

  9. 敌人已陷入重围,无法脱身。

    The enemy was caged and could not escape .

  10. 海王星之突出重围玩家有1-8网的选择!

    Neptune 's network Win1-8 players have the choice !

  11. 驾驶飞行战机完成任务,努力突破重围吧!

    Flying planes completed their tasks , and strive to break the siege !

  12. 突出重围:河北省民营经济应对危机的对策选择

    Suggestions for the Private Enterprises in Hebei Province to Cope with the Financial Crisis

  13. 入世后,我国零售企业如何突出重围?

    How will our retail business make a breakthrough after our entry into wto ?

  14. 突破重围的文化形态

    The Culture Condition Breakthrough of Tight Encirclement

  15. 对于一个亚洲艺人来说,想要冲出重围在美国打下一片天地是不是困难的事?

    Is it difficult for an Asian entertainer to break though in the United States ?

  16. 当意识觉醒时,却发现自己身首异处,身陷重围。

    When we awake , we find ourselves at foreign land , and are besieged .

  17. 现代母亲颇有身陷重围之感。

    The modern mother feels embattled .

  18. 之后,共和党将他描述成一个鲁莽、天真、缺乏经验的人,但他最终却冲出了重围。

    He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless , naive and inexperienced .

  19. 风险重围中的银行业

    Bank industry besieged with risks

  20. 当你面对生活中各个领域中的竞争时你如何突出重围呢?

    How can you come out ahead when faced with competition in all areas of your life ?

  21. 然而太阳在黑云里放射的光芒,透过黑云的重围,替黑云镶了一道发光的金边。

    But its radiance managed to show through the dark clouds to edge them with golden lace .

  22. 突出重围&康明斯与陕汽将合资生产大马力柴油机

    Fly out of the tight encirclement - Cummins and Shanxi Automobile will jointly produce large diesel engines

  23. 我们还不如找到敌人的薄弱点,然后杀出重围呢

    We may be better off probing for a weak point and then fighting our way out .

  24. 李麻子也逃出重围来了,一手拖住那个女工。

    Pockmarked Li had also escaped from the hut , and still had hold of the same girl .

  25. 基于配置及价位两项指标,本方案杀出重围,独占鳌头。

    Based on the configuration and price gauges , the offer beats all competitors and takes the top spot .

  26. 教育观念的滞后性,使得大多数离异单亲家庭的家庭教育难以突出重围;

    On Home-Education of Children from Single-parent Families 2 . The parents ? education ideas lagging behind the time ;

  27. 相信女性报纸必能突破重围,走入蓬勃发展的黄金时代。

    We believe that female newspaper will be breakthrough the difficulties and get into a thriving development of golden age .

  28. 我开始意识到,如果想要生活在中国,你就必须突出重围。

    I realized that if you want to survive in China , you just have to fight your way through .

  29. 而在硬件方面日益同质化的经济型酒店,如何杀出重围独树一帜,服务方面会显得尤为重要。

    And in an increasingly becoming similar hardware economy hotel , how to run-off unique and services will is particularly important .

  30. 1992年西格尔主演了戴维斯执导的轰动一时的电影《身陷重围》,引起了主流电影界的瞩目,这也是他最受欢迎的作品。

    Seagal attracted mainstream appeal in1992 when he starred in the Davis directed hit under siege , his most popular movie .