
  1. 欧洲年与尼克松政府的西欧政策

    " Year of Europe " and the Nixon Administration 's Foreign Policy towards Western Europe

  2. 他暗示说,欧洲年的目的在于缓和我国国内的局势。

    He insinuated that the purpose of the Year of Europe was to ease our domestic situation .

  3. 普遍的欧洲年生草本植物,有白花和分开的叶子,有时在北美东部种植;有时归入母菊属。

    Ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America ; sometimes included in genus Matricaria .

  4. 航空复合材料技术的近期发展&欧洲2005年JEC复合材料展览会见闻

    Development of Aviation Composite Technology in Near Term & The Review of 2005 JEC Composite Show , Europe

  5. 后来,那场展览被提名为欧洲1994年最佳展览。

    The display was nominated as the best European exhibition of 1994 .

  6. 欧洲30年战争军事经济特征简析

    Military economic characteristics of the European thirty-year war

  7. 欧洲1900年的人口是多少?

    What was the population of Europe in1900 ?

  8. 欧洲三十年战争揭开了近代国际关系的序幕。

    The Thirty Years ' War in Europe served as a prelude to modern international relations .

  9. 该药目前在欧洲的年销售额约2亿美元。

    At present , the annual sale of cefixime in Europe is more than $ 200 million .

  10. 她发现“终身从事一种工作的人”在美国22年成为总裁,在欧洲24年成为总裁。

    She finds that " lifers " get to the top in22 years ( in America ) and24 years in Europe .

  11. 欧洲2006年境况极佳,主要是受到内部需求的推动,消费和就业增长率强劲得令人吃惊。

    Europe had an excellent year in 2006 , driven mostly by domestic demand with surprisingly strong consumption and employment growth .

  12. 糖尿病药物治疗新进展&来自2005年欧洲糖尿病年会的最新信息

    Advance in drug treatment of diabetes & the latest information from the 41 ~ ( th ) EASD Annual Meeting in 2005

  13. 介绍公布于第13届欧洲高血压年会的欧洲新高血压指南。

    European new hypertensive guide which was proclaimed at the13th Annual Meeting of European Society of Hypertension was introduced in this paper .

  14. 自从欧洲1999年实行单一货币以来,这是美元对欧元的最低比价。

    The dollar is now at its weakest exchange rate against the Euro since the introduction of the single European currency in1999 .

  15. 没什么人敢打保票说,美国或欧洲5年内能够恢复到充分就业(按照以往的定义)的状态。

    Few would confidently bet that the US or Europe will see a return to full employment , as previously defined , within the next five years .

  16. 据墨卡托中心称,主要因为这两项交易,德国成了欧洲2016年迄今最大的中国投资接受国。

    Largely because of those two deals , Germany has become the largest recipient of Chinese investment in Europe thus far in 2016 , according to the Mercator Institute .

  17. 威尼斯与热那亚(名列第七)看起来似乎是两个宿怨城邦的故事,却定下了欧洲几百年来的竞争基调。

    Venice vs. Genoa ( No. 7 ) may look like a dusty tale of feuding city-states , but it set the tone for hundreds of years of European competition .

  18. 阿根廷梅西被授予了金球奖在欧洲足球年,成为了第六个巴萨罗纳人获得此奖而第一个要追溯到2005巴西人罗纳蒂尼奥了。

    Argentina 's Lionel Messi has won the Golden Ball awarded to the European Footballer of the Year , becoming the sixth Barcelona player to take the award and the first since Brazilian Ronaldinho in2005 .

  19. 自欧洲三十年战争结束成为近代国际关系的开端并产生了以主权为本质属性的民族国家开始,国家利益就成为所有国家行为的起点和国家生存与发展的前提条件。

    National interests has been the starting point of national actions and the premise of the survival and development nations since nation states of sovereignty as the essential attribute came into being with the ending of European Thirty-Years War and the starting of modern international relations .

  20. 这项研究调查了927个家庭的族谱,包含北美和欧洲自1600年以来共556387人的信息。

    The research involved a study of 927 family trees containing information on 556387 people from North America and Europe going back to 1600 .

  21. 别忘了马丁•路德(MartinLuther)的思想曾引发了欧洲长达130年的宗教战争。

    Remember that Luther 's ideas triggered 130 years of religious wars in Europe .

  22. 友达光电太阳能事业群副总经理陈建斌(JamesChen)称,欧洲在三年内可以达到电网平价。

    James Chen , executive in charge of AU Optronics ' solar business , says grid parity could be achieved in Europe within three years .

  23. 在过去6年中,欧洲有5年位居ecm发行排行榜首或次席,今年滑落至第三位,亚太地区位居首位,美国名列第二。

    While Europe has held the top or second position in five of the past six years for ECM volumes , this year it fell to third , with Asia Pacific taking top spot and the Americas second .

  24. 在历史学家沃尔夫冈贝林格(WolfgangBehringer)研究的基础上,奥斯特发现,在16世纪和17世纪的欧洲,几十年的寒冷天气与审判女巫之间存在关联。

    Oster , building on research by historian Wolfgang Behringer , found a connection between cold decades and witch-trials in 16th - and 17th-century Europe .

  25. 虽然上述平均倍数低于欧洲在2007年的6.6倍,但银行家指出,一些收购案例中的融资倍数可能达到所收购公司经营利润的7倍,比如当前正在挂牌出售的英国道路救援集团rac。

    While this is lower than the 6.6 times seen in Europe in 2007 , bankers point to examples such as the current auction to sell RAC , the British roadside assistant group , with a financing offer that could approach seven times its operating profit .

  26. 我认为我们应该到欧洲去过几年。

    I think we need to spend a few years in europe .

  27. 博格坎普和阿贾克斯一起赢得了他的第二座欧洲奖杯&1992年的联盟杯。

    With Ajax Bergkamp won his second European Cup , the UEFA Cup in1992 .

  28. 按照最近的发展轨迹,这意味着欧洲在2007年已超越美国。

    On recent trajectories , this implies that Europe overtook the US in 2007 .

  29. 欧洲在一百多年前即有用臭氧消毒饮水者。

    Europe in more than 100 years ago that useful ozone disinfection of drinking water .

  30. 欧洲国际空间年会议,“空间为变化中的地球服务”

    European International Space Year conference ," space in the service of the changing earth "