
  • 网络Europe Travel;European travel
  1. 旅行社向那位女士建议90天欧洲游。

    The travel agent suggested a ninety-day tour of Europe to that woman .

  2. 受此影响,合肥的多家旅行社已经暂停了欧洲游的项目。

    As a result , travel agencies in Hefei have suspended their European tour programs accordingly .

  3. 受禁飞影响,合肥“五一”前后出发的欧洲游旅游团已全部推迟或取消。

    Tour groups from Hefei to Europe around May1 have all been postponed or cancelled due to the ban on air travel in these countries .

  4. 孟买的一家旅行社去年打出了“不含伦敦”欧洲游的旅游广告,特别强调不必申请赴英签证的好处。

    One Mumbai tour operator last year advertised a trip to Europe " without London " , emphasising the benefit of not having to apply for a UK visa .

  5. 莱昂纳多用奢侈欧洲游和华美约会俘获了布莱克的芳心,但是现在看来他们似乎更愿意享受单车给他们带来的这种简单的快乐。

    Leo won over Blakes heart with extravagant European excursions and luxurious dates at the start of their relationship , but now they seem more than content to enjoy the simple pleasures of two wheels .

  6. 巴黎旅游局的官员表示,但对于如何执法该提案暂被搁置。法国首都——它以美丽,文化和多变而闻名——依旧散发着的巨大魅力,让巴黎成为中国白领和富豪欧洲游的首选目的地。

    Paris tourism officials said the proposal was shelved amid concerns overhow they would operate.TheFrench capital - celebrated for its beauty , culture and savoirfaire - still retains huge allure , making it the No. 1destination in Europe for China 's burgeoning middleclass and growing legion of millionaires , according to the European Federationof Chinese Tourism .

  7. 我们的欧洲背包游颇为惊险刺激。

    Our backpacking trip through Europe was quite an adventure .

  8. 话说回来,去欧洲背包游也有其独特的教育意义吧。

    Then again , backpacking through Europe could be educational in its own way .

  9. 你将获得由青年旅行社提供的“免费七日欧洲双人游”。

    You will be granted a two-person 's free tour of Europ given by Youth travell Agency .

  10. 他住在爱丁堡一间租金便宜的房子里,正攒钱计划一次欧洲十国游。

    He lives in a low-rent room in Edinburgh and is saving for a trip around 10 European countries .

  11. 嘿,混蛋!不管你是去欧洲背包游还是做什么蠢事,不如你把我失去的六年生活还给我?

    Hey , douche ! Instead of backpacking in Europe or whatever the fuck you 're doing , how about you give me six years of my life back ?

  12. 养殖欧洲鳗鲡狂游病的病原体研究

    Studies on Frenetic Disease in Anguilla anguilla

  13. 很清楚的一个事实是,他们是在度假期间见义勇为的。你可能也多少知道,他们是在欧洲进行背包游,离家(和自己的衣橱)很远。

    It drove home the fact that the men acted when they were off duty , effectively backpacking through Europe - you know the narrative - away from home ( and their closets ) .

  14. 在初步研究过欧洲的中国出境游情况之后这次我将重点专注于意大利&这一个欧洲国家最受欢迎的旅游目的地。

    After having study Chinese tourists in Europe , I will focus on Italy , as one of the favorite destinations among European countries .