
  • 网络Port dredging;harbour dredging
  1. 颗粒物捕集器在港口疏浚监测中的应用

    Application of the particulate matter trap in dredged port monitoring

  2. 日本港口疏浚土综合利用现状及典型案例

    Beneficial use of dredged materials in Japanese ports and typical case study

  3. 绞吸式挖泥船因其具有连续挖掘和输送泥浆的特点而广泛应用于江河湖泊清淤、港口航道疏浚工程中。

    Because a cutter suction dredger can continuously excavate and transport the dredged material , it has extensive adaptability in projects of rivers , lakes , harbors and waterway dredging .

  4. 管道输沙阻力损失计算也是江河湖泊、港口航道疏浚工程中的一个基本问题,它是设计输送系统的重要参数,直接关系到动力设备的选型和运行的能耗。

    Calculation of the flow resistance is also the basic problem in dredging engineering of rivers , lakes , harbors and waterways . It is an important factor to the design of the sand transport system , because it directly determines the choice of power drives and operation cost .

  5. 淤泥质港口维护性疏浚工程土方计量技术规程

    Technical specification for excavation volume measurement in maintenance dredging engineering for port on muddy ground

  6. 尤其对于淤泥质海岸港口而言,疏浚维护工作更是长期的和复杂的。

    Particularly for port on muddy coast , the maintaining dredging is a long-term and complex work .

  7. 港口建设与疏浚之间关系浅议&兼谈第16届世界疏浚大会有关情况

    A Preliminary Study on Relationship between Port Construction and Dredging & with an introduction to related subjects of 16th World Dredging Congress

  8. 简介实时差分GPS系统在港口引航和航道疏浚中的应用概况。

    Application of real-time difference GPS system in port pilotage and channel dredging are briefly introduced .

  9. 布宜诺斯艾利斯附近的拉普拉塔市(laplata)计划兴建一座新港口,中方参加了港口建设及疏浚作业的投标。

    China is involved in bidding for port and dredging operations in the construction of a new port in the city of La Plata near Buenos Aires .

  10. 随着港口深水泊位和深水航道建设的规模越来越大,港口的疏浚维护工作将成为未来港务工作的重点之一。

    As the deepwater berth scale being larger and water channel deeper , the maintaining dredging will become one of the major tasks for the port authority .