
Renminbi deposits are now 25 per cent of Hong Kong dollar deposits , according to data from Morgan Stanley .
HK deposits rose for the third consecutive month .
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Examining factors that explain recent decline in the ratio of Hong Kong dollar deposits to total deposits .
The Sub-Committee noted a special analysis of the decline in the ratio of Hong Kong dollar deposits to total deposits .
III The apparent big difference in interest rates between HK $ and RMB made part of funds crowded into mainland market .
The decline was mainly attributable to a fall in time deposits , which more than offset increases in demand and savings deposits .
The increase in HK deposits was led by rises in demand and time deposits , which outweighed the fall in savings deposits .
As the cost of funding for Hong Kong dollar deposits rises while US rates remain static , banks need to raise lending spreads .
The fall in the Hong Kong dollar deposits was largely attributable to a shift from deposits to cash ahead of the Chinese New Year holidays .
The rise was mainly attributable to an increase in savings deposits , while demand and time deposits were virtually unchanged compared with the previous month .
The increase in HK deposits was mainly attributable to a shift from currency held by the public to bank deposits after the Chinese New Year holiday .
Banks are now being squeezed as both their US dollar and Hong Kong deposits grow far less swiftly than demand for dollar loans , forcing them to go to the wholesale market for their funding .
At Bank of East Asia , renminbi deposits pay only 0.5 per cent interest , against 1.25-2.75 per cent for Hong Kong dollar deposits .
Hong Kong dollar loan-to-deposit ratio
However , Hong Kong banks are now facing a liquidity squeeze of their own as the allure of the renminbi drives depositors away from the Hong Kong dollar and US dollar .
Also , converting Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi deposits became more expensive this week following a hike in transaction charges .
Rapid growth in RMB deposits is effectively sucking Hong Kong dollar liquidity out of the system , and forcing Hong Kong banks to offer much higher Hong Kong dollar time deposit rates than would be warranted by the current US interest rate context .