
  1. EDI在港口国际集装箱运输中的应用

    The Application of EDI in International Port-container Transportation

  2. 长江中下游港口国际集装箱运输与船型的新发展

    A Feasibility Study of New Developments in Container Shipping on Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

  3. 根据港口国际中转竞争力综合评价法,对深圳、香港和南沙港口国际中转竞争力进行综合评价。

    According to international transfer port competitiveness comprehensive evaluation method Shenzhen , Hong Kong and Nansha port competitive international transfer comprehensive evaluation .

  4. 港口国际物流分拔系统是我国各大港口尚未完全展开研究的新课题。

    The international logistics distribution system of the port is now a new subject that all the big ports of our country have so far not studied completely .

  5. 本文研究港口国际中转竞争力综合评价的理论和方法,提出一种新的港口国际中转综合评价方法&港口国际中转竞争力综合评价法。

    It also studies international transfer port for comprehensive evaluation theories and methods , a new international transfer port comprehensive evaluation method - international transfer port competitiveness comprehensive evaluation method .

  6. 本文基于多要素、多竞争对手博弈的理论和思想方法,以深圳港口国际中转为例,深入研究了港口国际中转竞争力综合评价的理论与方法问题。

    This paper studies the comprehensive evaluation of theory and methods on competitiveness of the international transfer port in Shenzhen based on the multi-elements and multi competitors ' Game theory .

  7. 2007年天津港集团提出了发展四大产业的战略,其中港口国际物流业作为重中之重,越来越受到天津港乃至市政府的重视。

    Tianjin Port Group in 2007 proposed the development of " four industrial " strategy , in which the international logistics industry as the most important port , Tianjin port and even municipal governments more and more attention .

  8. 结合深圳港实践,对港口国际中转竞争力综合评价的理论与方法进行系统分析和研究,并提出决策性建议和意见。(2)构建了港口国际中转竞争力综合评价指标体系。

    Combining with Shenzhen port practice , international transit port on the comprehensive evaluation of theory and methods of is analyzed , and proposals policy and advice is put forward . Second , this paper constructs the index system of international transfer port comprehensive evaluation .

  9. 我们将提高东京港口的国际竞争力。

    We will elevate the international competitiveness of the port of tokyo .

  10. 发展中国家沿海和港口工程国际会议

    International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries

  11. 港口城市国际研究主题的分析

    Analysis on the international study subjects of port cities

  12. 港口物流国际竞争力评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Port Logistics International Competitiveness

  13. 第五届发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会议论文概貌

    General Review of Papers for 5th International Conference for Coastal Port Engineering in Developing Countries

  14. 针对实施沿海贸易权政策的另一项举措便是指定了25个港口作为国际枢纽港。

    Another initiative aimed at implementing the cabotage policy is the designation of25 ports as international hubs .

  15. 港口作为国际货物运输的重要节点,显示了越来越重要的作用。

    Port as an important node in the international transport of goods , shows the increasingly important role .

  16. 国际物流企业在港口开展国际联运业务时,手续繁多、情况复杂多变。

    International logistics enterprises doing business through ports , procedure is more complicated and situation is more various .

  17. 清政府还赔偿日本两亿两银子,并开放多处港口用于国际入口和交易港口。

    Qing government also paid Japan a war indemnity of200 million Kuping taels , and opened various ports and rivers to international entry and trade .

  18. 采用检索方式介绍第五届发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会议论文概貌和特点。

    A general review and features of the papers for the 5th International Conference for Coastal Port Engineering in Developing Countries are presented by means of data retrieval .

  19. 就以东非为例,由于内陆雨水最多,大多数人都居住在内陆,因此远离港口和国际贸易路线。

    In East Africa , for example , the rainfall is greatest in the interior of the continent , so most people live there , far from ports and international trade routes .

  20. 集装箱港口在国际物流和国民经济中具有很重要的战略性地位,泊位分配计划是港口作业的基础,对港口运营方和船公司来说,制定合理高效的泊位计划都是非常重要的。

    While berth schedule is the basis of all operations in a port , it is very important to generate high efficiency berth planning to both the port owner and vessel companies .

  21. 沿海港口作为国际贸易的重要门户,在国家经济发展和对外开放中发挥了巨大作用。

    Ocean transportation also plays an irreplaceable role in the national economy and social development , as international trade portal , coastal ports has played an important role in the development of national economy and opening-up .

  22. 使港口成为国际贸易和运输的物流平台&第三代港口,是顺应世界经济全球化,更是顺应改革开放潮流加入世贸组织的必然趋势。

    To develop to become the logistics platform of international trade and transportation ? The third generation port is even more an inexorable trend to enter into the WTO and conform to the trend of reform and development .

  23. 而国际货物的运输90%以上都是通过海运来实现,使得港口成为国际物流链中的一个关键环节,使其在现代物流发展中的地位越来越重要。

    Above 90 percent of the international transport is implemented through the sea , making the port becoming one of the key links in the international logistics chain , and becoming more and more important during the development of modern logistics .

  24. 随着全球化国际贸易的迅速发展,港口在国际货物流通中的作用日益重要,对港口大型装卸机械结构进行监测保证安全生产具有重要的社会意义和经济意义。

    Along with the fast development of global international trades , ports are playing more and more important function in international cargo circulation . So it has great significance to monitor the port cranes structures , in order to make sure the safety of production in ports .

  25. 加快港口发展适应国际集装箱运输需求

    Quicken Port Development to Gear to the Needs of International Container Transport

  26. 港口是当今国际贸易的基础。

    Port is the basic element of international trade in this century .

  27. 港口工程施工国际招标中应重视的商务与技术问题

    Commercial and Technical Issues to be Focused in International Bidding of Port Engineering Construction

  28. 上海作为中国最大的港口,是国际贸易的重要运输渠道。

    Shanghai is the biggest port in china , which is the principal shipping channel of international trade .

  29. 为了适应这一形势发展的需要,世界各国或地区纷纷采取措施,加大深水大港的建设,以求将本国或地区的重要港口建设成为国际性或区域性的航运中心。

    In order to meet the needs of the situation , many measurements to be made to build deep-water-harbor into international or zone shipping-center .

  30. 本文首先概述了在上海港与东北亚港口争建国际集装箱枢纽港的背景下,港航费收博弈的意义、目的和研究现状,提出了论文的研究思路和技术路线。

    First of all , the text summarizes the competition among ports of the region and give the purpose and technique route of the thesis .