
  • 网络pollutant removal
  1. MBR的DO分布及其对污染物去除的影响

    DO Distribution and Its Influence on Pollutant Removal in MBR

  2. 真空紫外光(VUV)催化技术是一种条件温和的污染物去除技术,它在水和空气净化方面具有很大的应用前景。

    VUV ( vacuum ultraviolet ) photocatalysis is a pollutant removal technology under mild conditions , which has wide perspective and practicability on the purification treatment of wastewater and air .

  3. 化肥作为补充N源对堆肥碳素转化和污染物去除的影响

    Effect of Supplementary Nitrogen Chemical Fertilizer on Carbon Change and Degradation of Organic Pollutants During Composting

  4. 随着温度的降低,各污染物去除率下降,在COD、氨氮和溶解性磷酸盐三指标中,氨氮去除率下降最为明显。

    The removal ratio can be reduced with decrease of temperature .

  5. EM对生活污水中常见污染物去除效果的影响

    Effect of Effective Microorganisms on Removal of Common Pollutants from Domestic Sewage

  6. 引入SBR工艺处理酚氰废水,研究了曝气时间及污泥负荷对污染物去除率的影响。

    The effect of aeration time and sludge loading are discussed .

  7. 虽然好氧区pH值在5.8~7.1之间,但系统仍能保持很好污染物去除效果。

    Although the pH was 5.8 ~ 7.1 in aerobic area , the system has better removal effect for pollutants .

  8. 滤池随着气水比的增加,各污染物去除率增加,但各污染物的去除效率变化不同,氨氮较COD、溶解性磷酸盐变化大。

    The removal ratio can be enhanced with increase of ratio of air and water .

  9. 一体式MBR膜自身对有机污染物去除的强化作用

    Intensified removal of organic contaminant by membrane itself in submerged membrane bio-reactor

  10. MBR中膜的截留作用提高了系统的污染物去除能力和抗污染、pH值和温度的冲击能力。

    The blockage of membrane module in MBR enhances removal efficiency and ability to resist impact of pollutants , pH and temperature .

  11. 然而目前对EPS在这些痕量污染物去除中的内在作用机制并不清楚。

    However , the crucial roles of EPS on the migration and removal of trace toxic contaminants are not clear .

  12. 以城市垃圾渗滤液为处理对象,就膜生物反应器(MBR)在处理垃圾渗滤液过程中对污染物去除效果进行了研究。

    The removal effect of contamination was investigated by treating the urban landfill leachate with a membrane bioreactor .

  13. 土层厚度、EM投加量、水力负荷周期对污染物去除效果的影响及机理分析。

    The influence of pollution removal efficiency and mechanism analyses if adjusting soil depth , the quantity of EM , hydraulic loading period .

  14. 影响各污染物去除效果因素的主次为,水力负荷周期、EM投加量,土层厚度。

    The influence factors for removal efficiency sorting by priority are hydraulic loading period , the appending quantity of EM rejuvenation , soil depth .

  15. 经用改性铝土矿粉处理,使COD去除率达88.6%,有44%的有机污染物去除率达70%以上。

    COD were reduced for 88.6 percent , and 44 percent of the organic pollutants were removed over 70 percent by using method of modified bauxite treatment .

  16. 针对RI系统的污染物去除机制、运行方式、系统恢复以及实践应用等方面的研究进展作一综述。

    Research advances in RI system were summarized , such as contamination removal mechanism , operation regime , system restoration , practice and so on .

  17. 膜生物反应器(Membranebioreactor,MBR)是一种高效的水处理技术,具有污染物去除效率高,出水水质稳定,操作管理方便,占地面积少等优点。

    MBR ( membrane bioreactor ) is an efficient water treatment technology , with the advantages of highly remove efficiency , stable water quality , easily management and low area .

  18. 通过建立反应器内有机底物的质量平衡方程,得到了MBR对有机污染物去除率的数学表达式。

    Through establishing the mass balance equation of organic substrate in MBR , the mathematic expression of organic pollutants removal efficiency could be achieved .

  19. 随着雨水流量的增大,各污染物去除率均有明显的下降,以COD去除率下降趋势最为明显。

    The removal rates against the pollutants descent obviously along with the increase of the flow of rainfall , among which the downtrend of the removal rate of COD is most obvious .

  20. 通过混凝实验比较,采用粉煤灰或高岭土作为助凝剂可以与PAM作为助凝剂达到相当的污染物去除效果。

    Experiments showed that with flyash or kaolin as the flocculant , COD and turbidity could be removed from the black liquor with the same efficiency as with PAM .

  21. 介绍了近年来多环芳烃污染物去除方法的研究现状,包括自然降解法、生物修复法、UV光解法、吸附法、高级氧化法及超声分解法等。

    In this paper , the research situation about the removal techniques of PAHs including the natural degradation , bioremediation , UV photolysis , adsorption , advanced oxidation processes ( AOPs ) and sonolysis are introduced detailedly .

  22. 试验结果表明,植物在该系统中对污染物去除起到明显的促进作用,该装置能够有效降低排水中N、P的含量,对改善水质和减缓水体富营养化问题具有重要意义。

    Results indicated that plants contributed much to the removal of pollutants , and the CW system was a practical alternative for removing N and P from discharge of municipal Wastewater treatment plant , which is significant for improving water quality and mitigating of eutrophication problem .

  23. 试验同时还考察了不同HRT条件下,水解酸化段对污染物去除效果及对废水可生化性的影响。

    At the same time , the contamination removal effect and the system stability under different condition of HRT of aeration part and anoxic part were studied in this paper .

  24. 投加块状填料和粉末活性炭(PAC)的MBR对有机污染物去除率较高;投加沸石粉的MBR和悬浮生长型MBR有机物去除效果较前两者低。

    MBRs filled with nubby filler or powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) were more effective to remove organic matters than MBR filled with zeolite powder and MBR of suspended growth type .

  25. 结果表明,通过缩短淹水周期,加大系统淹水和落干的频率,可以明显改善CRI系统的污染物去除效果。

    The results show that the removal effect of CRI is improved apparently by shortening the flooding period and increasing the flooding and drying alternate working fashion .

  26. 一体化AmOn工艺污染物去除机理研究内容包括:(1)利用PCR-DGGE方法分析研究AmOn一体化污水处理系统中氨氧化细菌和亚硝酸氧化细菌群落的结构和多样性特征。

    The mechanism research of the integrated A_mO_n process includes : ( 1 ) Study and analysis of community structure and characteristic of resources diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the integrated Wastewater treatment by the PCR-DGGE methodology .

  27. 膜生物反应器(MBR)是通过膜强化生化反应的污水处理新技术,具有污染物去除效果好,污泥产率低的优点。

    Membrane Bioreactor ( MBR ) is a new technology in wastewater treatment , using membrane to enhance biological-chemical reaction . It has many advantages such as high efficiency and low sludge production rate .

  28. 采取间歇性淹水落干的运行方式,并结合反冲洗,提高了CRI系统的水力负荷,改善了污染物去除效果,增强了其实用性。

    By adopting the operation pattern of intermittent flooding-drying , the HL is raised , the removal effect is improved and the practicability of the CRI system is enhanced .

  29. 采用臭氧&混凝法处理造纸废水,COD、SS等主要污染物去除率均高达99%以上,各项指标超过一级排放标准,水质完全可以回收利用。

    Paper effluent is treated by ozonization and coagulation , the removal of main pollutant substances such as COD 、 SS are over 99 % , every index exceeded primary discharging standard , the water could be recovered as a byproduct .

  30. 实验结果表明:在上述最佳工艺条件下对该废水进行处理,酚类污染物去除率接近100%,COD去除率为74.82%,废水的COD/BOD5由0.11提高到0.19。

    It shows that , at the optimal process conditions , the removal efficiency of phenolic contaminant is near 100 % , the removal efficiency of COD is up to 74.82 % , the biodegradability of effluent is heightened from 0.11 to 0.19 .