
  • 网络sanitary sewer;sewage;Sewage System
  1. 依据污水下水道建设方案计划,预计至2011年为止,台湾地区之下水道普及率预估可达36%。

    In accordance with the government 's ' Sewage sanitary sewer construct program ' plan , the universal rate of sanitary sewer will be estimated to reach 36 % until 2011 in Taiwan .

  2. 规划期间,应考虑相关措施,预防来自污水下水道系统(如废水提升装置,或某些情况下使用的满水保护阀)的反压力。

    Measures preventing backpressure from the sewage system , such as waste-water raising plants or , under certain circumstances , antiflooding valves , need to be taken into consideration during planning .

  3. 前项污水下水道不包括设施经营者拥有或营运之污水处理设施、腐化槽及过滤池。

    Paragraph 8.2 The preceding sewerage does not include treatment facilities for polluted water , septic tanks , and filtration ponds owned or operated by the facility operator .

  4. 下水污泥灰如何朝向资源、减量、安定及无害化的目标,已是未来污水下水道推广衍生的新课题。

    It 's a serious assignment in the future for sewage sludge ash ( SSA ) treatments to achieve the purpose of Resource , Reduction , Stablization and Safety .

  5. 但同样浓度下,液体XM菌剂好于固体XM菌剂,当液体XM菌剂添加量分别为0.1%和0.2%时,对生活污水及下水道污水除臭效果最好。

    The odor removal efficiencies for domestic wastewater and sewage were bast under the condition of 0.1 and 0.2 % of liquid XM microbial community respectively .

  6. 土地本身是免费的,但得由小镇提供诸如街道、路边水槽、污水和下水道等的评估服务。

    The land itself is free , but assessments for services provided by the town such as streets , curb and gutter , water and sewer .

  7. 他们要求更多的公共设施,如污水处理和下水道系统等等。

    They demand more services such as sewage and drainage .

  8. 家用物品更加密集;他们需要诸如污水处理和下水道之类的更多设施。

    There is a greater density of household goods ; they demand more services such as sewage and drainage .

  9. 氡气通过水泥地面和墙壁连接处的裂缝、地面的缝隙、空心砖墙上的小洞以及污水坑和下水道等进入室内。

    Radon gas enters houses through openings such as cracks at concrete floor-wall junctions , gaps in the floor , small pores in hollow-block walls , and also sumps and drains .

  10. 在试验条件下,当汞和铅的原水浓度达到污水排入城市下水道水质标准时,去除率在70%以上,出水满足农业灌溉水质标准。

    Under experimental conditions , when initial contents of Hg and Pb reach the water quality standards for municipal sewer sewage , the removal efficiency is beyond 70 % , and the effluent can reach the water quality standards for agricultural irrigation .