
  1. 红香树扦插繁殖研究

    Research on cutting propagation of Anneslea fragrans ROSES ARE RED

  2. 贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、平儿四人同一天过生日。众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机在芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞厅内饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。

    As jia baoyu , Xue Baoqin , Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day , the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them .

  3. 树屋旅馆位于西雅图以南80英里处草木苍翠的雷尼尔山雨林中,建在50英尺高处的一棵200岁的红香柏树上。

    Cedar Creek Treehouse is80 miles south of Seattle and is set50 feet up in a200-year-old western red cedar tree , right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier .

  4. 红藕香残玉簟秋,

    Pink fragrant lotus fade ; autumn chills mat of jade .

  5. 花谢花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?

    As blossoms fade and fly across the sky , Who pities the faded red , the scent that has been ?

  6. 作为美的具体形象,它贡献出又红又香的花瓣,让人们带到遥远的国度里去,作为纪念。

    The architect had planted it upon Thorwaldsen 's grave , where it bloomed as an emblem of ' the beautiful ' and yielded fragrant red rose-leaves to be carried as mementoes to distant lands .

  7. 口感描述:此款酒呈现中度酒体口感,入口丝滑,充满李子和红浆果氛香。

    Tasting Note : This is a medium bodied , soft , mouth – filling wine with generous plum and red berry characters .

  8. 如今,你将会在由油酥千层糕式海扇贝配红鱼子酱百香果或由野猪肉和狐狸浆果制成的斯德罗戈诺夫式酱肉的菜肴中得到证明。

    Today , you will find evidence of that tradition in dishes like sea scallops served mille-feuilles style with red caviar and passion fruit balls or stroganoff made with wild boar and fox berries .