
  • 网络pollution level;contamination level;MCL
  1. 目的为了能够快速检测粮谷类食品中伏马菌素B1的污染水平,研制具有我国自主知识产权的针对伏马菌素B1快速检测试剂盒。

    Objective To detect the contamination level of fumonisin B_1 in grain , and to develop rapid detection kit that possess patent of China .

  2. 监测数据表明,采取以上措施后,车间和周围环境中的气载放射性核素浓度仅为国标(GB479284)DAC规定值的1/30,工作场所表面污染水平均在GB870388给出的控制水平之内。

    The monitoring data showed that after applying the measure mentioned above , the concentration of airborne radioactive nuclide would be 1 / 30 of ( GB4792-84 ) DAC national standard , and the contamination level would be under control .

  3. 他们被要求降低污染水平,违则罚款1万英镑。

    They were required to cut pollution levels , on pain of a £ 10 000 fine if they disobeyed .

  4. 他们的分析发现,这样的污染水平比世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)推荐的安全上限高出60%以上。

    Their analysis found that such levels of pollution exceed World Health Organization-recommended safe limits by more than 60 % .

  5. 南充市大气PM(10)污染水平的分布特征

    Distributing Characteristics of PM_ ( 10 ) in Nanchong City

  6. 北京市冬季大气PM(2.5)中多氯联苯的污染水平与分布

    Pollution Level and Spatial Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Atmospheric Matter PM_ ( 2.5 ) in Beijing

  7. 车外的空气质量已经成问题了:污染水平受到追踪的那些城市的居民,超过80%暴露在质量未达世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization,简称WHO)所设限值的大气中。

    Air quality is already a problem outside ofcars : More than 80 percent of people living in cities where pollution istracked are exposed to air quality levels below World Health Organizationlimits .

  8. 辽河水中PAHs的污染水平及源解析

    Pollution level and source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in Liaohe River

  9. 安阳市环境空气中TSP、PM(10)污染水平及相关性

    Pollution of TSP 、 PM_ ( 10 ) Pollution and Their Correlation in Ambient Air of Anyang

  10. 玻璃瓶装酸奶中霉菌及酵母污染水平远高于塑料瓶装(P<0.005)。

    There is a significant difference in the levels of contamination of mould and yeast between yoghurt filled in the glass bottles and that in the plastic bottles ( P < 0 005 ) .

  11. 杭州市大气PM2.5污染水平及水溶性离子组成

    Pollution levels and water-soluble ions of PM2.5 in atmosphere in Hangzhou

  12. 采用灰色预测方法对营房室内有害气体污染水平进行预测,在GM(1,1)模型的基础上进行改进,从而建立起营房室内有害气体污染水平预测模型。

    This paper sets up a forecast modal of the indoor gas pollution of barracks based on the modal of GM ( 1,1 ) .

  13. 大中型商场PM(10)、PM(2·5)污染水平与来源分析

    Pollution Level and Source Analysis of PM_ ( 10 ) and PM_ ( 2.5 ) in Large and Medium Sized Shopping Centre

  14. 南宁市大气颗粒物PM(l0)、PM(2.5)污染水平

    Pollution Levels of the Airborne Particulate Matter ( PM_ ( 10 ), PM_ ( 2.5 )) in Nanning City

  15. 北京秋季室内外PM2.5污染水平及其相关性

    PM2.5 Concentrations in Indoor and Outdoor Air and Their Relationship in the Fall of Beijing

  16. 绿色和平组织最近发布了最新版本《环保电子指导书》(GuidetoGreenerElectronics),书中将各大高科技企业按生产过程中产生的污染水平进行分级排名。

    Activist group Greenpeace has released a new edition of its Guide to Greener Electronics , which ranks major high-tech corporations in terms of their alleged environmental friendliness .

  17. 本文报道六六六停用几年后安徽省砀山等16县农田土壤中六六六、DDT污染水平。

    Residues of BHC and DDT in soil samples from 16 counties of Anhui province were measured 6 years after stopping use of BHC .

  18. 在北京,PM2.5水平超过500会成为国际头条新闻;而在这里,比北京高出一倍的污染水平基本上被人们无视。

    In Beijing , PM2.5 levels that exceed 500 make international headlines ; here , levels twice that high are largely ignored .

  19. 目的:了解南通市地表水中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)污染水平和特征。

    Objective : To investigate pollution levels and characteristics of Phthalate esters ( PAEs ) in surface water in Nantong city .

  20. 在对六年内香港的每日污染水平和医院就诊人次进行考查之后,香港中文大学(ChineseUniversityofHongKong)的两位研究人员说,香港空气中的污染物增多与急诊病例数上升之间存在关联。

    According to a pair of researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , who examined day-to-day pollution levels and hospital visits over a six-year period , a rise in airborne pollutants in Hong Kong was associated with a rise in emergency hospital visits .

  21. 实验结果表明,不同污染水平污染土壤中,DDTs总去除率差异不显著。

    The results showed that there were no significant differences between the removal rates of DDTs in soils with different pollutant levels .

  22. 在首都北京,PM2.5污染水平比一年前下降了17.9%。

    In the capital Beijing , levels of PM 2.5 - dangerous tiny pollutants - fell 17.9 percent from a year earlier , the ministry said .

  23. 工业区和交通区的TSP浓度高于居住区和文教区,各区不同的污染水平主要取决于各区污染源的分布。

    Different pollution levels in each district depends on the distribution of district pollution sources . Industrial area and traffic area TSP mass concentrations are higher than the residential areas and cultural and educational area .

  24. 美国大使馆网站显示,本周,北京的空气质量指数(AQI)的监测值显示污染水平为不健康。

    This week , the Air Quality Index for Beijing registered unhealthy levels of pollution , according to the website .

  25. 研究区表层沉积物中总PAHs含量为229.17~609.94ng/gdw,属中上等污染水平。

    Total PAHs concentration ranged from 229.17 to 609.94 ng / g dw . The degree of surface sediment contamination by PAHs in study area is moderate / high in comparison with other surface sediments .

  26. 本文在全面调查和监测天津市大港石化发展规划区大气SO2现状污染水平的基础上,分析和计算出该区域SO2排放控制总量。

    On the basis of investigating and monitoring present pollution level of SO 2 in Tianjin petrochemistry industrial development and planning zone , the total control quantity of SO 2 from the zone was worked out .

  27. 目的了解目前室内装修后空气中挥发性有机物(TVOC)污染水平、特征、原因和所致健康效应。

    Objective To study the pollution levels , characteristics , causes and related adverse effects of indoor volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) on human health after decoration .

  28. 在Cd3.70mgkg-1的污染水平下,番茄和玉米间作和限制性间作条件与单作相比,Cd在番茄中的积累浓度提高(叶部从13.52mgkg-1分别升高至24.94mgkg-1和27.30mgkg-1)。

    Compared with monoculture , intercropping and restricted intercropping of tomato and maize increased the Cd extraction by tomato ( increased from 13.52 mg kg-1 to 24.94 mg kg-1 and 27.30 mg kg-1 in leaves ) .

  29. 畜牧场舍区空气、缓冲区空气和场区空气分别属于清洁水平、中度污染水平和轻度污染水平,最大污染因子分别为可吸入污染物、TSP、TSP。

    The level of air pollution in livestock shed , buffer , and field was clean , moderate pollution , and mild pollution respectively . Moreover , the main pollution factor was inhalable particles , TSP , and TSP respectively .

  30. 采用固相萃取及气质联用(SPEGCMS)的方法对我国北方某市自来水中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染水平及其在传统自来水处理过程中的行为进行了研究。

    Solid phase extraction ( SPE ) and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer ( GC-MS ) were used to investigate the pollution load of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) on drinking water in a southern city and their behavior in the traditional drinking water treatment .