
  • 网络Irrigation;sewage irrigation;wastewater irrigation;irrigation with sewage
  1. 本研究在两种土壤上,以温室盆栽研究了处理后生活污水灌溉对大白菜和菠菜产量、粗蛋白、Vc等营养品质和养分元素吸收等的影响。

    Greenhouse pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of sewage irrigation on the yield , nutrient uptake and quality of Chinese cabbage and spinach .

  2. 通过相关性分析和主成分分析得出,污水灌溉是导致土壤中Cu、Zn、Ni、Cd、Pb积累的重要原因之一。

    The correlation analysis and the principal component plot analysis demonstrated that sewage irrigation was the major source of Cu , Zn , Ni , Cd , Pb pollution in the soils .

  3. EM用于污水灌溉对小白菜产量和土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of EM Application in Wastewater Irrigation on Yield of Cabbage and Soil Fertility

  4. 而土壤-作物系统是农业生态系统的核心,它是农用化学物质施用及污水灌溉等的主要场所,是Cd向人类食物链迁移积累、直接或间接地危害人体健康的关键环节。

    As a core of agricultural ecosystem , soil-plant system loads chemicals and sewage , and is the key of transfer of cadmium to food chain .

  5. 污水灌溉对浅层地下水已产生一定程度的影响,COD、NO3&N等9项污染物含量均高于清灌区。

    The ground water in shallow land is polluted , The contents of nine kinds pollutions-COD 、 NH_3-N et al . are higher than clean water irrigation area 's.

  6. 方法调查了90名居住在含镉污水灌溉区30年以上的居民尿中尿镉、尿CdMT和尿肌酐的变化。

    Methods The urinary samples of 90 residents having lived in a cadmium polluted area for more than 30 years were collected . The contents of urinary cadmium , Cd MT and creatinine were determined .

  7. 污水灌溉对于缓解水资源紧缺地区的农业用水危机起到了举足轻重的作用,同时,污水中含有丰富的N、P等营养成分,提高了农业生产产量。

    The waste-water irrigation plays a very important role on the agricultural water crisis which alleviates the short supply of water resource , at the same time , waste-water contains abundant nutritional component such as N , P , etc. , which improves the yields of agricultural production .

  8. 通过采样和化学测试,对污水灌溉条件下,小麦、水稻、蚕豆和油菜果实中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr和Cd的含量及土壤中重金属本底浓度进行测定和分析。

    The content of Cu , Zn , Pb , Cr and Cd in wheat , paddy , horsebean and rape , and the background concentrations of heavy metals in soil were measured and analyzed through sampling and chemical test in this paper .

  9. 由于工业污染、污水灌溉、污泥施用以及施肥等原因,我国农田土壤Cd污染问题日趋严重,对我国的食物安全和生态安全构成了严重的挑战。

    Cd pollution of croplands of China has been shown intensified due to the increasing Cd loading from industrial contamination , sewage water irrigation , application of sewage sludge and Cd-containing fertilizers , which poses critical challenge for food security and ecological safety of China .

  10. 北京地区污水灌溉农田若干特征研究

    Study on Some Characteristics about Sewage Irrigation Farmland of Beijing Region

  11. 污水灌溉对凤仙花植物-土壤系统影响的研究

    Impacts of Irrigation with Domestic Sewage on Impatiens balsamina Plant-soil System

  12. 城市二级污水灌溉对几种园林植物生长的影响

    Irrigation of secondary municipal effluent on the growth of garden plants

  13. 污水灌溉与污水土地处理系统在公厕污水处理中的应用

    Application of a wastewater land treatment system combined with wastewater irrigation

  14. 污水灌溉对作物产量及土壤质量的影响

    Effect of Sewage Irrigation on Crop Yield and Soil Quality

  15. 污水灌溉对农业生产与人体健康的影响

    Effect of Sewage Irrigation on Agricultural Production and Body Health

  16. 污水灌溉区土壤重金属的空间分布特征

    Characteristics of heavy metals space distributing in Wastewater Irrigation Area

  17. 含氮污水灌溉氮素运移与转化研究进展

    Advance of Research on Nitrogen Transportation and Transformation in Nitrogen-containing Sewage Irrigation

  18. 污水灌溉对土壤环境的影响研究

    The Environmental Impact of Irrigation with Reclaimed Water on Soil

  19. 北京市城近郊区污水灌溉农田发展过程探讨

    Discussion on Sewage Irrigation Development Process in the Suburbs of Beijing City

  20. 城市污水灌溉对农田土壤环境影响的调查分析

    Study on the Impact of Urban Sewage Irrigation on Farmland Soil Environment

  21. 长期污水灌溉对小麦根际土壤微生物区系的影响

    Effect of Long-term Sewage Irrigation on Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Populations of Wheat

  22. 污水灌溉技术在土地处理中的应用

    The application of sewage irrigation technology in sewage land treatment

  23. 污水灌溉在干旱缺水的北方意义重大。

    Sewage irrigation has great worth in northern arid areas .

  24. 我国污水灌溉存在问题和对策探讨

    Discussion on problems of sewage irrigation and countermeasures in China

  25. 白银市污水灌溉对农田土壤质量的影响

    Influences of sewage irrigation on the field soil quality in Baiyin City

  26. 污水灌溉对冬小麦产量及籽粒品质影响试验

    Effects of Sewage Irrigation on Winter Wheat Quality and Yield

  27. 含氮污水灌溉实验研究及污染风险分析

    Nitrogen wastewater irrigation study and its contamination risk analysis

  28. 污水灌溉对土壤及蔬菜影响的调查

    Survey of Effect Soil and Vegetable by Irrigating Sewage

  29. 城市污水灌溉对地下水水质的影响分析

    Influence Analysis of Municipal Sewage Irrigation to Groundwater Quality

  30. 本文提出了由污水灌溉带来的一些问题及对策。

    This paper puts forward the problems arose from which and some countermeasures .