
  • Pollution ratio;【石油】damage ratio
  1. kg-1.脲酶对Hg污染比转化酶敏感;有机质对土壤酶活性有一定的保护作用。

    Urease was more sensitive than invertase to Hg contamination , while organic matter had a protective effect on soil enzymes .

  2. 从减产效应和对稻米卫生品质损害来看,杂交水稻对环境Cd污染比常规水稻更加敏感。

    From this experiment , it can be concluded that the hybrid rice is more sensitive to an environmental Cd pollution than the conventional rice in aspects of the reduction of yield and the damage effect on hygienic quality of rice grains .

  3. 和嗅觉污染比起来,当地政府认为噪音污染对社会的影响更大。

    The Government curiously considered noise pollution to be more anti-social than olfactory pollution .

  4. 室内污染比室外污染的危害大三到五倍。

    Indoor pollution can be three to five times more harmful than outdoor pollution .

  5. 室内环境污染比室外环境污染对人体健康的威胁更大。

    The indoor environmental pollution causes more threats to human body health than the outdoor environmental pollution does .

  6. 为何老师说是英国很多城市污染比世界卫生组织规定标准高?

    The levels of air pollution in British cities are often the standards set by the World Health Organization .

  7. 两煤矿下风向区域(西北)重金属污染比上风向区域严重。

    The heavy metal pollution in downwind area ( at northwest ) of two mines is more serious that in upwind area .

  8. 石油焦是蒸馏原油所得副产物,燃烧时对空气造成的污染比直接烧煤更严重。

    This fossil fuel is a byproduct of the oil refining process and is much , much dirtier than burning actual coal .

  9. 但对于环境状况来说是无法想象的,因为这些车型造成的污染比小型车更严重,燃烧的汽油也更多。

    It really is a horrible thing for the environment , since these vehicles produce more pollution and use more gas than smaller vehicles .

  10. 利用改变覆冰水电导率的方法来模拟覆冰绝缘子污染比采用涂污法所得的闪络电压低,气压特征指数大;

    The iced insulator flashover voltage of adopting freezing water conductivity way is higher than the brushing dirtiness way and the former pressure index is higher than the latter ;

  11. 结果表明:如果不建坝,到本世纪末,氮肥污染比目前加重1.3倍左右;若建坝,到本世纪末,氮肥污染比目前加重1.67倍。

    The result shows : by the end of this century nitrogen fertilizer pollution will increase 1.3 times as against nowadays If damming , it will increase 1.67 times .

  12. 下一个大的汽车是电动汽车技术变革,它的研究显示较少污染比所有汽油发动机,特别是如果汽车在夜间收费。

    The next big technology change in cars is electric vehicles , which studies have shown are less polluting than all-gasoline engines , particularly if cars are charged at night .

  13. 美国一向认为自身污染比中国小,在应对污染问题和再生能源危机时更加积极主动。

    The United States likes to feel that they 're a much cleaner country than China , and that they 're doing more to deal with the crisis of pollution and renewable energy .

  14. 在单次测试中,本法测试成本约为标准法的50%,其潜在的二次污染比标准法低。因此,微波消解光度法具有良好的应用前景。

    The cost of this method is 50 % less and potential secondary pollution is lower than standard method , which indicates that there is a wide application possibility for microwave digestion in the future .

  15. 在中国,北方的污染比南方更严重,因为中国在冬季为北方提供了燃煤供热补贴。我们发现,北方人的寿命平均减少了5年左右。

    Comparing China 's pollution in the north - where it 's worse , because of subsidies for coal heating in the winter - with the south , we found the north experienced reductions in life spans of about five years .

  16. 像这样的绿色建筑对投资者来说不一定划算,但是它产生的污染确实比通过化石燃料来产生能源所造成的污染少。

    Green buildings like this aren 't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor , but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels .

  17. 他们的分析发现,这样的污染水平比世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)推荐的安全上限高出60%以上。

    Their analysis found that such levels of pollution exceed World Health Organization-recommended safe limits by more than 60 % .

  18. 在水中的实验表明:镀TiO2薄膜后的光纤传感头的抗污染能力比镀膜前的有一定程度的提高。

    The experimental results in the water indicate that the anti-pollution capacity of the coated fiber sensor head is much better than uncoated one .

  19. 属燃料电池(MFC)是一类特殊的燃料电池,具有成本低、无毒、无污染、比功率高、比能量高等优点。

    Metal fuel cells are a particular type of fuel cell which is cheap , non-toxic , non-polluting and efficient in energy and power output .

  20. 结果表明,2000年珠江口生物体主要残留物为As、Cd、Pb,其污染负荷比分别为36.8%、25.6%和19.8%;

    The analysis results show that the main residues in the animal muscles are As , Cd and Pb with the pollution duty ratios of 36.8 % , 25.6 % and 19.8 % , respectively .

  21. PVDF微滤膜的抗污染能力比PS超滤膜强,清洗后膜透水速率的恢复率达到了97.8%;

    PVDF microfiltration membrane had stronger anti - pollution ability to pineapple juice than PS ultrafiltration membrane , the recovery rate of permeation flux of water reached 97.8 % after cleaning .

  22. 在首都北京,PM2.5污染水平比一年前下降了17.9%。

    In the capital Beijing , levels of PM 2.5 - dangerous tiny pollutants - fell 17.9 percent from a year earlier , the ministry said .

  23. 里约热内卢——澳大利亚的丹和安东尼•里格尼(DanandAnthonyRigney)兄弟去看了周日的奥运举重比赛。对于这个项目的受污染情况比瓜纳巴拉湾更甚这一点,他们并不觉得难堪。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The brothers Dan and Anthony Rigney of Australia attended the Olympic weight lifting competition on Sunday and were not exactly mortified that the sport is more polluted than Guanabara Bay .

  24. 材质对运行周期有影响,长纤滤布的污染速度比短纤快。

    The pollution rate of the long-staple was faster than short-staple .

  25. 乡下的污染要比城里少得多。

    There is less pollution in the country than in the city .

  26. 华盛顿的污染程度比加州科学家认为的安全水平高出9倍。

    Washington was9 times higher than what California state scientists think is safe .

  27. 据研究人员表示,光污染实际比其他污染更严重。

    Light pollution is actually worse than that , according to the researchers .

  28. 阳光镇的空气污染要比北京其它地区少。

    There 's less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing .

  29. 细菌的交叉污染情况比霉菌和大肠菌群严重。

    The cross contamination of bacterium is more severe than that of molds and coliform groups .

  30. 地铁里的空气污染应该比街道的毒性弱。

    Air pollution on underground trains tend to be less toxic than that at street level .