- 网络pollution factor

To Cu , Hg and Pb , precipitation is a pollution factor of surface water .
Among them , the highest quality fraction of pollution factor in the oysters was 6.01 times of the limit standard .
The main pollution factors are TN , TP and COD .
Wind Accretion of the System of the Ba Star and the Contamination Factor
The dust , soot and SO2 were identified as the key pollutant factors .
By investigating the wastewater discharge and wastewater quality in the enterprises along the river , pH value and salinity were the main pollution factors .
The main pollution sources of shallow groundwater are gas-field water in the gas-field exploitation process . The pollutants mainly include COD , sulfides and Cl - .
In addition the research analyzes the relation between environmental factors and the amount of urban automobiles in Xi ' an ; finds the prominently relative factor-NOx , by regression analysis ; proves the theoretical analyses .
Among the polluted factors , PM 2.5 and PM 10 have the greatest impact , while SO 2 , NO x have relatively sight impact .
The water pollution factors include conventional pollutants , characteristic pollutants fluorine , arsenic and heavy metal ion ; The pollution factors of air are sulfur dioxide , sulfuric acid mist and particulate .
Based on water quality monitored data of Yanhe River for 5 years , water quality of abundant , usual and low water season was evaluated .
Firstly , through the still water experiment , taking SS ( main pollution factor ), pH , and temperature as the monitoring items , determinates the best coagulating drugs and the best using dose , and carries on an economical appraisal to it .
It is revealed that the main pollution factor is Cd . The sequence of ecological risk is Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu > Cr , and the potential ecological risk is Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn > Cr.
The mainstream river ecosystem function has been severely degraded by continuous input the COD , TN , TP and other major pollution factors , and threat to the Liaodong Bay and further into offshore water quality .
PM_ ( 10 ) is the main pollution factor influencing Qingdao environmental air quality , the next is SO2 . In winter , the pollution load modulus of SO_2 is the most and pollution occurred is more severe comparatively .
The primary pollutants are ambient particulates ( PM 10 , PM 2.5 ), Gaseous pollutants ( SO 2 , NO 2 , O 3 ) as well as volatile organic compounds .
In this paper , the application of EM ( Expedient Microbes ) technique for the liquid waste disposal in sugar refineries is introduced , and the pollution factor and its eliminating rate in the process of EM technique are discussed .
The Grey Correlation Analysis of atmospheric environment pollution factors ( SO2 , NOx and TSP ) in air quality index in Yantai was conducted with the Grey System Theory and the atmospheric environmental quality in future five years in Yantai downtown was predicted .
The data obtained indicated that the contents of Cu , Pb , Zn , Cr , Cd , and As in the soils were lower than their regional background values . However , Hg content in the studied soils greatly exceeded its background value , demonstrating significant soil pollution .
From the model of pollution factors determine the weight of respirable particulate matter ( PM10 ) air quality for the Baoding constraints factor , and nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and gradually increase the weights .
Comparing with the soil natural background value standard of " Soil environmental quality standard " ( GB 15618-1995 ), it is appraised that every pollution factor of each sampling point of whole district exceeds standard in varying degrees . In which chromium and mercury is relatively serious .
The main polluting element in water are ammonia and nitrogen ;
Identification of Membrane Fouling Factors and Structure Analysis of Cake Layer
The main polluted factors are general hardness and SP ;
The suggestion of selecting pollution items on water quality evaluation
Application of Potential Hazardous Index Method to Selecting Pollutant Factor
Application of grey model in distinguishing the key pollution factors
Study on Air Environment Quality : Key Pollution Factors and Change Tendency
The primary pollutant of surface sediment is Organic matter .
Adsorption characteristic of modified soil to the main pollution factors of Gangue Leaching