
  • 网络sludge bulking;SBR
  1. 丝状菌污泥膨胀对COD去除率影响不大,但对膜污染有严重影响,膜清洗周期缩短到7d。

    Sludge filamentous bulking had little effect on COD removal , but great on membrane fouling .

  2. 在室温较低的情况(8~13℃)下,实验室试验中以人工配水为污水水源,采用连续进水间歇出水的SBR工艺时发生了丝状菌性污泥膨胀。

    When synthetic wastewater was fed to a sequence batch reactor ( SBR ) using the mode of continuous water inflow and intermittent water outlet at low temperature ( 8 ~ 13 ℃) in the laboratory , sludge bulking caused by filamentous bacterium occurred .

  3. 缺乏营养物质(N、P等)引起的污泥膨胀及其控制

    Activated sludge bulking due to lack of nutrient and its control

  4. 低pH值与低有机负荷引起的活性污泥膨胀及其恢复

    Activated sludge bulking due to low pH value & organic loading and its resume

  5. 间歇曝气法对AB工艺污泥膨胀的控制

    Control for Sludge Bulking by Intermittent Aeration in AB Technigue

  6. 提高曝气池的pH值在8.5左右的情况下,不经过预曝气,也可以控制已经发生的污泥膨胀。

    In condition of increasing pH of aeration basin at 8.5 or so , sludge bulking can also be controlled without pre-aeration .

  7. SBR法处理工业废水中有机负荷对污泥膨胀的影响

    Influence of organic loading on sludge bulking

  8. 膜生物反应器(MBR)污泥膨胀控制对策的应用实例

    Application on Control Methods of Sludge Bulking in Membrane Bio-Reactor

  9. 低温时污泥膨胀对MBR中膜污染的影响

    Effect of Sludge Bulking on Membrane Fouling of MBR Under Low Temperature

  10. MBR系统内丝状菌污泥膨胀的分子生态学解析

    Molecule Ecology Analysis of Filamentous Bacterium Sludge Bulking in MBR

  11. SBR运行中污泥膨胀的发生原因分析

    Activated Sludge Bulking in SBR Process

  12. SBR工艺污泥膨胀的纠正方法

    Rectification of Sludge Bulking in SBR

  13. 但是,这并不意味着SBR法不可能发生污泥膨胀,通过大量试验发现,在低负荷和沉淀及闲置时间过长时.SBR法也会产生污泥膨胀。

    While low-loading and much longer settling and idling time , sludge bulking would occur in SBR .

  14. 从水流流态及运转方式、流量和水质变化、其他环境因子(PH,温度,营养成分)等环境条件论述其对污泥膨胀的影响;

    The environment conditions such as flowing state of the flow , operation manner , variation of water quality and other factors ( pH , temperature , nutrition ) etc.

  15. SBR抗冲击负荷能力较强,运行周期可灵活调整,自控程度高,无需另设二沉池,并可有效抑制污泥膨胀。

    SBR has such characteristics as great shock-load resistance , flexible operational cycle , highly auto-control , secondary sedimentation tank exception and sludge bulking restraint .

  16. 对于在驯化期间出现的污泥膨胀、DM培养液的添加时间和污泥驯化效果都进行了相应的讨论。

    The phenomena of sludge bulking , the time of adding the DM and the results of the acclimated sludge are discussed during the acclimating aerobic denitrifying bacteria .

  17. 低温15°C时,降低DO引发了严重的污泥膨胀,SVI值达到350mL/g以上;

    Under the condition of low temperature of 15 (° C ), reduced DO caused serious sludge bulking , and SVI value reached above 350 mL / g.

  18. 通过调整BOD负荷变化速率、提高混合液中的溶解氧含量,可使污泥膨胀得到有效控制。

    Adjustment of variation rate of BOD loading and raising of DO content in mixed liquor can effectively control the sludge bulking .

  19. 厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)的工艺特征与运行性能

    Characteristics and Advantages of Expended Granular Sludge Bed Reactor

  20. 污泥膨胀会加剧膜污染,并导致NH3-N去除率下降,但对有机污染物的去除效果影响不大;

    Sludge bulking will aggravate membrane fouling and decrease ammonia nitrogen removal rate , but has less influence on removal of organic pollutants .

  21. 从碳水化合物含量高的废水、陈腐或腐化的废水、含有毒物质的废水、N、P含量不平衡的废水、低PH值的废水等方面论述进水水质对污泥膨胀的影响;

    The factors affecting the sludge bulking were discussed from the aspects of wastewater quality , such as wastewater with high content of carbon hydrate , decayed wastewater , wastewater with toxic substance , wastewater with unbalanced content of N and P and wastewater with low pH value ;

  22. 以啤酒废水为研究对象,用SBR法研究了进水中不同有机物与营养物缺乏程度(以BOD/N/P计)对活性污泥膨胀的影响。

    The effect of nutrient deficiency ( evaluated by BOD / N / P ) on activated sludge bulking was studied specially in some experiments carried on a sequencing batch reactor fed with beer wastewater in paper .

  23. 三相分离器的设计是厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器成功运行的关键。

    The design of the three-phase separator is the key to the successful running of an anaerobic granular-sludge expanded-bed ( EGSB ) reactor .

  24. 研究了厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器处理高浓度酵母废水的启动规律及微生物相。

    Start-up laws and microbe for an anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed ( EGSB ) reactor were investigated , to treat high strength yeast wastewater .

  25. 通过土豆食品加工废水处理的工程实例,指出在处理易生物降解和溶解性有机废水的SBR系统中,采用较高负荷运行会发生溶解氧偏低而造成的污泥膨胀。

    Through an engineering example of potato food processing wastewater treatment , it is pointed out that sludge bulking can occur because of higher sludge loading which results in low dissolved oxygen concentration in sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) used to treat easily biodegradable and dissolved organic wastewater .

  26. 分析了颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)的工艺特征以及特殊条件下的处理性能。

    The process characteristics of a new type of anaerobic reactor , expended granular sludge bed ( EGSB ) reactor , and its treatment performance at a few special conditions were reviewed and evaluated .

  27. 由于连续进水、连续出水的UNITANK系统在流态上接近完全混合,基质浓度梯度大大降低,这对于控制污泥膨胀是较为不利的。

    Due to the flow pattern of continuous inlet and outlet UNITANK system is proximate to complete mixing with very low substrate gradient , it is unfavorable to sludge bulking control .

  28. 工程实践表明,该工艺水解酸化段水力停留时间不宜超过5h,提高有机负荷能有效抑制污泥膨胀,选择DO作为SBR池曝气时间和反应周期的运行控制参数是可行和有效的。

    The operation shows that the HRT of the hydrolytic acidification segment should not exceed 5 hours , increasing organic loading can effectively inhibit the sludge bulking , and it is effective and feasible to select DO as the operational parameters of controlling SBR reaction and aeration period .

  29. 将厌氧污泥膨胀床(EGSB)分别与厌氧生物滤池、好氧生物滤池和活性污泥法串联并用其处理城市污水,考察了EGSB在常温下的工艺性能和去除有机物的机理。

    Anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed ( EGSB ) process was combined in series respectively with anaerobic biofilter , aerobic biofilter , and activated sludge process for municipal wastewater treatment , and its process performance and mechanics in removal of organic matters at ambient temperature were investigated .

  30. 营养物缺乏引起的丝状污泥膨胀研究

    Research on the Filamentous Sludge Bulking Caused by Lack of Nutrients