
  • 网络Sludge disposal;Sludge Treatment
  1. 最近在中国长春市研发的碎石接触氧化反应(GCOR)系统表明在活性污泥处置中微生物是十分有效的。

    The recent invention of a gravel contact oxidation reactor ( GCOR ) system in Changchun city in China showed that microbes could be very reliable in activated sludge disposal .

  2. 污泥处置过程中,浓缩通常是第一道工序。

    Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing .

  3. 苏州市城市污泥处置对策和投资分析

    Disposal measures and project investment analysis on Suzhou STP wastewater sludge

  4. 银川市污水处理厂污泥处置及利用的探讨

    Discussion on disposal and utilization of sewage sludge of Yinchuan city

  5. 污泥处置与资源化新技术探讨

    Discussion on New Techniques of Sludge Disposal and Use as Resources

  6. 宁波市城市污水处理厂污泥处置方案探讨

    Discussion on disposal way of sludge in Ningbo Wastewater Treatment Plant

  7. 城市污水处理厂污泥处置与利用探讨

    Disposal and Utilization of Sludge in Urban Sewage Treatment Plant

  8. 中小城市污泥处置现状及其发展趋势分析

    The present situation and trend of the sludge disposal of small-medium city

  9. 云南省城市污水处理厂污泥处置技术探讨

    Research on the Sludge Disposal Technology in Yunnan Urban Sewage Treatment Plant

  10. 三峡库区污泥处置方式的适应性分析

    Adaptability Analysis of Sludge Treatment Mode for Sanxia Reservoir Region

  11. 造纸污泥处置新技术&流化床焚烧法

    A New Technology for Paper Mill Sludge Treatment : Fluidized Bed Incineration

  12. 小城镇水厂污泥处置及资源化方向分析

    Analysis of Waterworks Sludge Disposal and Reclamation for Small Towns

  13. 上海市电镀废水及其重金属污泥处置现状

    Existing conditions of Disposing Electroplating Wastewater and Heavy Metal Sludge in Shanghai

  14. 污泥处置的第二个方法,是用厌气细菌消化。

    A second method of sludge disposal is digestion by anaerobic bacteria .

  15. 多元综合好氧堆肥工艺在城市污泥处置工程中的应用

    Application of compound aerobic composting technology in the sewage sludge disposal project

  16. 同时配套建设完善污泥处置系统。

    Sludge disposal facilities should be installed for the need of sewerage treatment .

  17. 德国污泥处置技术的分析与研究

    Analysis and research of sludge disposal technology in Germany

  18. 我国城市污水厂污泥处置途径的选择

    Selection on Disposal Ways for Sludge from Municipal Sewage Treatment plants in China

  19. 浅谈污泥处置方式及资源化利用

    Talking about Recycling Use and Disposal Methods of Sludge

  20. 国内外城市剩余污泥处置与利用现状

    Analysis of Urban Residual Sludge Disposal and Utilization of Both Home and Abroad

  21. 因此,污泥处置的最有效方法是土地利用。

    Therefore , the most effective way of sludge disposal is land use .

  22. 污泥处置与资源化研究现状

    Study on Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge

  23. 污泥处置方法的研究

    Study of sustainable developmental method of sludge disposal

  24. 国外污泥处置技术

    Technologies for Sludge Disposal in Foreign Countries

  25. 土地利用越来越被认为是一种积极、有效、有前途的污泥处置方式。

    Land utilization is increasingly considered as a positive and effective method for sludge disposal .

  26. 70年代以来,世界城市污水、污泥处置有了很大发展。

    The sewage-sludge treatment industry has had great development at home and abroad since 1970 's.

  27. 关于张家口市主城区污水处理厂污泥处置的思考

    Consideration about the Sludge Disposal of the Waste Water Factory in Zhangjiakou Main City Proper

  28. 生物干化工艺在城市污水污泥处置中的应用

    Applying of Composting in Municipal Sewage Sludge

  29. 制革污泥处置方法初探

    Investigation on the Disposal of Tannery Sludge

  30. 污泥处置国内外进展

    The Development Of Sludge Disposal Strategy