
  • 网络Domestic sewage treatment equipment;SLZ
  1. WSZ-AO型生活污水处理设备

    WSZ-AO Type Domestic Sewage Treatment Equipment

  2. 介绍了SBR式流化床船用生活污水处理设备的组成结构,对该设备进行了启动试验和污水处理效果试验,结果表明该设备具有启动方便、反应时间短的特点。

    The paper presents the structure of the equipment of SBR biological fluidized bed for ship sewage treatment . The experiments of the startup and treatment efficiency of sewage were performed , which showed that the set of equipment was featured with easy start-up and short retention time .

  3. 城镇小型生活污水处理设备及其展望

    The Equipment of Small-scale Town Sewage Treatment and Its Development

  4. 小型生活污水处理设备的设计与研究

    Design and Research on Treatment of a Small Amount of Domestic Sewage by Integrated Wastewater Treatment Device

  5. 海上平台生活污水处理技术及处理设备

    Introduction of Sewage Treatment Technology and Equipment on Offshore Platform

  6. 本文结合中小城市生活污水处理关键技术及设备优化这一四川省重大招标项目,从项目实际情况出发,重点研究了污水处理曝气系统中的智能控制系统的设计和实现。

    Combining the important project of Sichuan province , this paper emphasis on the design and realization of the intelligent controlling system in aeration system of the wastewater treatment .

  7. 拦污(粉碎)设备,混合搅拌、泥沙分离、砂水分离、水体充氧、水流控制、生活污水处理一体化等成套设备;

    Block the dirt ( crushing ) equipment , mixed stirring , sediment separation , sand water separation , water , water flow control oxygen filling , sewage treatment integration of complete sets of equipment ;