
  • 网络raw milk
  1. 含pvL的金葡菌主要在生牛乳、肉制品、速冻食品中,这些二次加工的食品与温度,卫生,人口流动性大有关。

    PvL containing Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk , meat products , frozen food , these two processing of food and temperature , health , population mobility related .

  2. 结果表明,在30C温度条件下,激活的LPS不但可延长生牛乳的保鲜期约4.5h,而且对乳蛋白、乳脂、非脂乳固体及各种氨基酸的营养成分均没有影响。

    The results showed that activation of LPS could not only prolong the freshness period of the raw milk for about 4.5 hours , but also had no influence over its nutrition composition including protein , fat , nonfat milk solid and amino acids when the temperature was 30 centigrate .

  3. 目前市售鲜乳主要为巴氏杀菌乳和UHT灭菌乳,但也有一部分未经消毒的散装生牛乳。

    At the present the fresh milk on sale mainly are pasteurization milk and ultra high temperature ( UHT ) sterilization milk , but still some not disinfected milk was saled .

  4. 目的:了解生牛乳中沙门菌、单核细胞增生李斯特菌、EHECO157∶H7及金黄色葡萄球菌污染状况及金黄色葡萄球菌的耐药性。

    Objective : To learn the status of Salmonella , Listeria monocytogenes , EHEC O157 ∶ H7 and Staphylococcus aureus and the drug resistance to Staphylococcus aureus in fresh milks so as to reduce the dangerous caused by foodborne pathogens .

  5. 生牛乳中乳酸细菌的分离鉴定及其应用

    The isolation , identification and application of Lactobacillaceae from raw milk

  6. 利用乳过氧化物酶体系保鲜生牛乳的试验研究

    Study on the Fresh - keeping of Raw Milk by Utilizing Lactoperoxidase System

  7. 生牛乳中致病菌污染状况及金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性研究

    Study on epidemic status of four kinds of pathogens and drug resistance of Staphylococcus aureus in fresh milks

  8. 结论:生牛乳中金黄色葡萄球菌污染较重,其次为沙门菌。

    Conclusions : There occurred Staphylococcus aureus pollution seriously and Salmonella in fresh milks next to staphylococcus aureus .

  9. 研究了在不同的保存温度条件下利用乳过氧化物酶体系保鲜生牛乳的效果。

    The effects of lactoperoxidase system on the fresh-keeping of the raw milk were studied under the condition of different temperatures .

  10. 蒙牛乳业的首席执行长孙伊萍说,这样做的目的既是保证生牛乳原料的质量,也是为了保证数量。

    It did so to ' secure both quality and quantity of raw milk sources , ' Mengniu Chief Executive Sun Yiping said .

  11. 方法:对采集的生牛乳样品进行致病菌检验并对检出的金黄色葡萄球菌作药物敏感试验。

    Methods : Collecting 171 fresh milk samples for isolating four kinds of pathogens mentioned above and make drug resistance tests for isolating Staphylococcus aureus .

  12. 实验采用国家规定的标准办法检验未经消毒的生牛乳中的细菌总数和大肠菌群数。

    The objects of this experiment were to checkout the bacteria count and the coliform group most probable number ( MPN ) of these fresh milk , which was not disinfected , with the conventional method .

  13. 〔目的〕了解兰州地区鲜(生)牛乳与消毒牛乳中抗菌类兽药残留水平。

    Objective To compare the levels of antibiotic remains in fresh milk and disinfected milk in Lanzhou .

  14. 目的揭示鲜(生)牛乳、熟肉制品、冷饮及糕点中结核杆菌和李斯特菌的污染状况。

    OBJECTIVE To present the contamination of listeria monocytogenes and mycobacterium tuberculosis in fresh milk , cooked meat product , beverage and pastry .

  15. 结果鲜(生)牛乳受到结核杆菌的较严重污染,阳性率为19.09%,熟肉制品、冷饮中李斯特菌的阳性率分别为2.94%和1.79%。

    RESULTS Fresh milk was seriously contaminated by mycobacterium tuberculosis , and its positive rate was 19.09 % ; cooked meat product and beverage were contaminated by listeria monocytogenes , and their positive rates were 2.94 % and 1.79 % respectively .

  16. 过量铜、锌对外生菌根菌牛乳牛肝菌生物量、呼吸和糖酵解酶活性的影响

    Effects of Excessive Cu or Zn on Biomass , Respiration and Activities of Glycolytic Enzymes in Mycelia of Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Suillus bovinus