
  • 网络float valve
  1. 杠杆差压活塞先导式钟形浮子疏水阀的设计

    The design of levers differential pressure piston pilot cup float steam trap

  2. 罗马工程师用在适当水位开、关的浮子式阀来保持沟渠系统的水位。

    Roman engineers maintained water levels in aqueducts by means of floating valves that opened and closed at appropriate levels .

  3. 钟形浮子式疏水阀在蒸发系统中的应用取消硫化机冷凝水排放的疏水阀,实现由温度和定时控制相结合的冷凝水自动排放方式,节约蒸汽用量;

    Application of Cup Float Steam Trap and Heat Recovery of Condensed Water in Evaporation System the automatic discharge of condensate by using the combination of temperature control with time control instead of the steam trap for discharging the condensate in the press to decrease the steam consumption ;