
  • 网络floating production system;FPSs
  1. 浮式生产系统新的发展动向

    The New Development Trend of Floating Production System

  2. 它本质上是一个细长的,灵活的管道,主要负责井口和浮式生产系统之间流体的输送。

    It is essentially a slender , flexible pipe conveying fluid between the wellhead and a floating production system .

  3. 隔水管是海洋浮式生产系统中的重要附属设备。

    Marine riser is an important appertain equipment of ocean oil producing system .

  4. 以一个转塔式系泊浮式生产系统为例进行了等效水深截断系统优化设计计算。

    And an example of the equivalent water-depth truncated mooring system optimization design is carried out on a turret mooring floating production system .

  5. 内部转塔锚泊生产储油船是海上石油浮式生产系统适用于深水及恶劣环境条件的一种新型生产系统。

    The internal turret mooring tanker-based production storage unit is a new type offshore oil production system especially suitable for deep water and harsh environment application .

  6. 讨论了海上浮式生产系统在设计中环境条件的选择问题以及环境条件对慢漂阻尼力的影响。

    The selection of environment condition in the design of offshore floating production system and the affection of environment condition on the low drift damping are discussed .

  7. 在科研成果方面着重叙述了南中国海浮式生产系统、极浅海步行座底式钻井平台以及超浅吃水船型的开发。

    In regard to the previous research achievements , the research and development of floating production system in South China Sea , the extremely shallow water walking type platform and extremely shallow draft ship forms are described .

  8. 浅水浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)二阶波浪力数值仿真研究

    Study on Second Order Wave Drift Force on FPSO in Shallow Water

  9. 结合三维势流理论和有限水深复合格林函数,计算了浅水超大型浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)水弹性响应。

    Both the three-dimensional potential theory and the composite Green funtion of restricted water depth were applied to the hydroelastic analysis of a very lager FPSO in shallow water .

  10. 当今世界范围内用于深水油气开发的平台类型主要包括浮式生产储油系统、半潜式平台、张力腿平台以及Spar平台。

    Nowadays , the mainstream platforms used in deep water around the world include Floating Production Storage and Offloading System , Semi-submersible , Tension Leg Platform and Spar platform .

  11. 浮式生产储油系统(FPSO系统)问世二十多年来,已成为当今海洋石油开发的主流设施,在我国也有广泛应用。

    FPSO ( Floating Production , Storage and Offloading ) sy stem has become a very popular solution used in offshore oil and gas exploitation both at home and abroad .

  12. 浮式生产储油系统的水池模型试验研究

    Model Test Research of FPSO System in Wave Basin

  13. 单点系泊的铸钢吊点是单点系泊系统联接浮式生产储油系统的重要枢扭。

    The steel casting lifting point of single point mooring ( SPM ) is an important pivot of the SPM to connect floating production storage system .

  14. 浮式生产储油船中控系统介绍及设备调试方法

    Introduction of the central control system of FPSO and debugging

  15. 研究成果可以为浮式生产储油船锚泊系统设计、校核计算和锚泊系统形式与参数优化提供初步计算结果以及用于设计方案的比较。

    All of computational results including response characteristics and motion values of ship hull and tension on mooring lines can be used for designing and checking and optimizing the structural form and the geometric parameters for mooring system of FPSO , and be considered as a basic comparative computational system .