
  • 网络floating
  1. 在确定浮态时,使用MOSES软件建立Spar平台的各压载舱模型,根据相关规范要求,结合不同工况的下的具体情况,得出最为切实可行的压载方案。

    In order to confirm the floating condition , the paper established the models of ballast tanks by using the MOSES procedure , and then according to relevant criterion and combining the practical engineering in different situations , a most practicable ballast project was acquired .

  2. 船舶几种浮态下阻力的数值计算方法

    Numerical Calculation Method for Resistance of Ship with Different Floating States

  3. 基于CFD的两栖车辆阻力和浮态数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the amphibious vehicle 's drag force and attitude based on CFD

  4. 基于Solidworks二次开发的两栖车辆浮态设计及静稳性分析

    Floating State Design and Hydrostatical Stability Performance Analysis of Amphibian Vehicle Based on Solidworks Secondary Development

  5. 建立了基于NURBS的船体在任意浮态下的三维几何特性计算新方法。

    Computation method of geometric properties of closed surface applied to performance calculation of ship hull surface based on NURBS is presented .

  6. 通过对两条实船完整浮态和破舱浮态进行计算,并与传统方法的计算结果对比表明,用GA来解船舶自由浮态的方法是简单可行的。

    The calculation results and their comparison with the conventional ones of two full-scale ships verify the feasibility of the free floatation calculation with GA and the theory is comprehensible .

  7. 根据船舶自由漂浮的平衡条件,将自由浮态计算归结为多目标约束优化问题,并引入遗传算法(GA)对该优化问题进行求解。

    According to the equilibrium condition of ship free floating , the calculation of free floatation boils down to a multi-objective constrained optimization problem and genetic algorithm ( GA ) was applied to the solution of it .

  8. 筒形基础结构浮态运动特性的试验研究

    Test Study on floating kinetic properties of the bucket foundation structures

  9. 气浮结构的浮态和运动特性分析与试验

    Study on floating state and kinetic properties of the air floated structures

  10. 船体结构有限元分析中的浮态自动调整方法

    Method of adjusting the afloat condition of the ship automatically in FE analysis

  11. 遗传算法在船舶自由浮态计算中的应用

    Application of Genetic Algorithm in Ship Free Floatation Calculation

  12. 大纵倾下船舶浮态及初稳性计算

    Computation of Floating State of Ship and Its Initial Stability in Large Trim Condition

  13. 关于解船舶浮态问题的矩阵方法

    Matrix methods for solving ship floating state problem

  14. 基于非线性规划法的船舶浮态计算

    Ship floating calculation based on nonlinear programming

  15. 气浮结构的静浮态分析

    Floating State Analysis of Air Float Structures

  16. 由于工程船的一些特殊特点,船舶的浮态调整非常重要。

    Due to special features of workboat , their afloat condition adjustment is very important .

  17. 简易气泡船型不同浮态下粘性流数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flows Around an Simple Air Cavity Craft Under Different Floating States

  18. 探讨了计算组合体破损浮态及稳性的一种方法。

    A method for calculating combination 's damage and floatation stability is studied in the paper .

  19. 为此探讨了优化方法在船舶空间浮态计算中的应用。

    In this paper , the application of an optimization method to the calculation was studied .

  20. 在此数据库基础上完成了船舶的任意浮态计算、稳性计算及水尺计重。

    Based on this database , completing the calculation of Floatation , Stability and Draft Survey .

  21. 船舶浮态的计算

    Calculation method of ship floating condition

  22. 所建立的气浮结构静稳性分析理论和浮态分析理论符合实际情况,可以在工程中应用;

    The results show that the static stability analysis theory can be applied to engineering problems .

  23. 工程作业船舶的浮态调整

    Afloat condition adjustment of workboat

  24. 破损船舶自由浮态计算

    Ship damage floating calculation Freedom

  25. 最优化法在计算平台破损后浮态及初稳性中的应用

    Optimization Method for Computation of Intact and Damage in Floating State of Platform and Its Initial Stability

  26. 浮态对箱形驳船砰击特性的影响显著,在考虑是否进行砰击加强时应予以考虑。

    Floating condition affects the slamming characters significantly , and must be taken account for slamming strength requirement .

  27. 弃船时机与破损进水船舶的强度、稳性、浮态达到临界状态的最短时间有直接的关系。

    The time to abandoning a damaged ship is in great relation with the strength , stability and buoyancy .

  28. 不仅可以用于计算完整船舶浮态,而且还可以用于计算破舱船舶浮态。

    It can also be used for the calculation of the floating state of intact ship and damaged ship .

  29. 对已确定的浮态,进行稳性校核,绘制出静稳性曲线。

    Furthermore , based on the determined floating condition above , the stability checking and curve of static stability were described .

  30. 这种方法不仅适合于传统的静水力特性计算,又适合于任意浮态下的静水力特性计算。

    This method is appropriate to not only the calculation of the conventional hydrostatic performances but also the ones under any inclination floatation .