
  • 网络Float charging voltage;Float voltage;Floating voltage
  1. 浅析浮充电压的影响因素

    Primary analysis of factors influencing float voltage of VRLA batteries

  2. 通过测量阀控式铅酸蓄电池正、负极的镉压,判断浮充电压均匀性差的主要原因是由于负极电位的不均匀引起的。

    By measuring the cadmium voltage of positive and negative plates it has been found that the poor uniformity of float voltage of VRLA batteries mainly results from uneven potential of negative plate .

  3. VRLA蓄电池浮充电压均一性的探讨

    Study on the uniformity of floating charge voltage of VRLA battery

  4. 控制生产过程提高VRLA电池浮充电压的一致性

    Improvement on the float charge voltage consistence of VRLA batteries by strict processing control

  5. 电池组的浮充电压监控点选为V+1.5σ,其中V和σ分别代表各单电池浮充电压的平均值和标准差。

    And to preset the battery control point at V + 1.5 σ, in which , V and σ means the average value and standard deviation of individual cell accordingly .

  6. 通过对生产过程如极板制造、装配、加酸和化成等工序的严格控制,对于VRLA电池浮充电压一致性问题提出了一些解决方法和措施。

    Based on strict control of plate manufacturing , assembling , acid filling , formation and other procedures , some solutions and measures to improve the consistency of float charge voltage of VRLA batteries are presented .

  7. 主要研究了温度、静置时间、浮充电压、浮充时间等对AGM系列电池的电导/内阻的影响;

    The influence of temperature , storage time , float charge voltage , float charge time and so forth on the conductance / internal resistance of AGM VRLA batteries was mainly studied in this paper .

  8. 概述了我国铅酸蓄电池在VRLA技术方面的发展与进步,主要表现在电池浮充电压均匀性的提高。

    Development and technical progress of VRLA batteries in our country were introduced , such as increasement of floating charge voltage uniformity , modification of Pb-alloy , improvement of production technology , adoption of catalyst in batteries , enhancement of charge efficiency and cycle life ;

  9. 密封铅蓄电池浮充电压的选择与控制

    Selection and Control of the Floating Voltage for the Sealed Lead-acid Battery

  10. 谈谈浮充电压的确定

    On the choosing of floating voltage

  11. 阐述了阀控式密封铅蓄电池组中各单电池的浮充电压值是服从正态分布规律的。

    The values of floating charge voltage for all cells in the VRLA group were as the law of normal distribution .

  12. 脉冲充电阶段控制电压的最大值和最小值根据对蓄电池的浮充电压进行修正而得;

    In the other step , the maximum and minimum controlling voltages were obtained through correcting the floating charge voltage of the battery .

  13. 严格控制浮充电压和电池温度,是延长电池寿命的有效措施。

    It is favourable for prolonging the service life of VRLA groups for communication to control the floating voltage and the battery temperature strictly .

  14. 提出了通过在线监测阀控蓄电池单体浮充电压值和监测放电试验时放电电压值的变化来判别变电站阀控蓄电池性能的方法和标准。

    The paper presents a method and standard , which estimates the character by on-line monitor the change of the floating voltage and the discharge voltage .

  15. 统计结果表明,一旦出现浮充电压的均匀性开始变差和浮充电流持续增大,则蓄电池组的使用寿命只剩下约1/3了。

    Statistical results had showed that the remainder service life of this VRLA group would only be 1 / 3 of the over all , as soon as the uniformity of floating voltage became worse and the floating current became larger and larger .

  16. MPPT充电时能快速跟踪外界条件的变化,且稳态震荡小,提高了光伏电能的利用率;过充和浮充时电压精度高,可延长蓄电池的使用寿命。

    The MPPT charge rapidly tracking of external conditions change , and the steady-state concussion is little , so that this charge controller can improve the utilization of solar-energy , and high in accuracy in over-charging and float-charging stages , and prolong the life of battery .

  17. 分析了由于该类型号电池电液浓度过高,加之充电(包括浮充和均充电压)上限电压过低而导致电池的硫酸化,是电池容量锐减的主要原因之一;

    The main reasons of the battery capacity degradation are analyzed . Battery electrolyte concentration is too high , and the charge upper limited voltage ( includes float charge and average charge voltage ) is too low , these cause the sulphation .