
  • 网络end voltage;Cut-off discharge voltage;end point voltage
  1. 在全充阶段,系统按照光伏电池所提供的电流对蓄电池充电,其充电终止电压根据蓄电池的SOC值和充电电流的大小,采用模糊控制算法而得;

    In the full-charge step , the lead-acid battery was charged based on the current provided by PV system , and the end voltage was calculated based on the SOC and charge current of the battery with fuzzy control arithmetic .

  2. VRLA电池小电流放电终止电压的确定

    Determination of the cut - off voltage of VRLA battery at Low discharging current

  3. 终止电压为1.0V时,锌空电池比能量可达427Wh/kg。

    The specific energy of Zn-air battery reached 427 Wh / kg at cut off voltage of 1.0 V.

  4. 特别在寿命特性方面,着重阐述了电池组在模拟GEO,79%DOD下40个阴影期间最大放电深度时终止电压变化特性,电池组容量变化以及第3阴影期和第36阴影期放电终止电压变化情况。

    Especially in life performance respect it emphasizes the EOD potential characteristic in simulated GEO , 79 % DOD and the maximum DOD of 40 eclipse season s , the capacity change and the EOD potential change of the 3rd and 36th eclipse season of the batteries .

  5. 讨论了影响电动自行车用MH-Ni电池组使用寿命的因素,包括电池设计、制作工艺、电池组合结构设计、电池的一致性、充电制度、放电终止电压控制以及车辆机械性能等;

    The factors affecting the cycle life of Ni MH batteries for electric bicycle were discussed . The factors include the electrochemical performance design of cell , structure design of batteries , technology factors , charging method , discharging voltage controlling , mechanical performance of bicycles , and so on .

  6. VRLA电池组中的单块电池和单格电池在放电电压达到终止电压(10.5V和1.75V)之前是比较均匀的,它们之间的标准差较小,且很少变化;

    Before the discharging procedure was proceeded to the terminal voltage ( 10.5 V and 1.75 V ), the single battery and single cell in the VRLA group were more uniform , the standard difference between them would be smaller and behave less change only .

  7. 标称容量是指在常温20℃下放电至终止电压为2.0V时的容量。

    Nominal capacity shown is based on standard drain and cut off voltage down to2.0V at20 ℃ .

  8. 但当接近终止电压时,均匀性变差。

    When the discharging procedure was come close to the terminal voltage , the uniformity would be lacking .

  9. 全充阶段的充电终止电压采用模糊逻辑算法而得;

    In the period of deep charging , the end point charging voltage is calculated by fuzzy logical algorism .

  10. 随着氧化时间的延长、终止电压的升高,与着色盐所形成的化合物在陶瓷层中所占的比例增大,分布趋于均匀。

    With the increase of terminal voltage and oxidation time the proportion of coloring salt in MAO film increased .

  11. 对接入网电池在小电流使用状态下终止电压的确定作了简单地介绍。

    The determination of the cut-off voltage of VRLA battery applied in access net at low discharge current was introduced in brief .

  12. 在快速充电时,建议使用有终止电压控制开关和/或温度感应器的充电器,以保护电池。

    In the fast-recharging , the proposed use of the termination voltage control switch and / or temperature sensors recharger to protect the batteries .

  13. 本文通过对船舶铅酸蓄电池充放电端电压变化的监测,得到了充放电终止电压的重要参数。

    Important parameters of lead acid battery charging and discharging end voltage are obtained by measuring the voltage variation of charging / discharging end of the battery .

  14. 陶瓷膜颜色的深浅可以通过着色盐添加量、主盐的添加量以及微弧氧化终止电压来控制。

    The depth of ceramic coating color can be controlled by the content of colored salt , or main salt , or the final voltage of micro-oxidation .

  15. 结果表明:膜层表面微观形貌呈网状多孔结构,不同时间和终止电压下,膜表层结构区别较大;

    The results show that the film surface morphology is reticular porous structure , at different time and termination voltage , there is large difference between membrane surface structure ;

  16. 若将电池组放电终止电压由315V提高到325V,虽然放电时间会缩短2%左右,但对防止单体电池过早失效有效。

    It was efficient to prevent early failure of single cell when the discharging terminal voltage was raised from 31.5 V to 32.5 V , although discharging time would be decreased about 2 % .