
zhōng jú
  • Final;end;outcome
终局 [zhōng jú]
  • [end;outcome] 本指棋局终了。后泛指人、事物的结局;了局

  • 战争的终局

终局[zhōng jú]
  1. 法谚云:执行乃法律之终局及果实(excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis)。以国家强制性公权力为后盾的民事强制执行是私权救济的最后保证。

    A legal proverb says , " Execution is the end and fruit of law ( excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis ) . " Civil compulsory execution which takes the state compulsory public powers as backing is the final guarantee for the relief of private right .

  2. 第三,劳动争议仲裁裁决不是终局结果;

    This is not end results for the adjudication of labor disputes arbitration .

  3. 澳大利亚队终局领先20分。

    Australia finished 20 points ahead .

  4. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  5. 吉姆参演过《终局》、《红男绿女》和《TheBalcony》等剧的演出。

    Jim 's theatrical credits include Endgame , Guys and Dolls , and The Balcony .

  6. 国际体育仲裁院(CAS)是国际体育界享有最高权威的终局性仲裁机构。

    Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) is an final arbitration institution with the highest authority in international area of sports .

  7. 在我国,作为新兴ADR方式之一的仲裁制度,凭借其特有的当事人意思自治、一裁终局的民间裁断的优势,在纠纷解决的领域也发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , as one of the ways the emerging ADR arbitration system , with its unique party autonomy , a final cutting edge of civil awards in the field of dispute resolution are increasingly playing an important role .

  8. 你是想帮Jenny?motive:动机irrelevant:无关紧要的aslongas:只要endgame:终局只要我们所求得游戏结果相同动机就不重要了不Blair,这对我可不是游戏,我不想让她受伤。

    Dan : And you 're in this to help jenny ? - Blair : Motive is irrelevant as long as our endgame is the same . - Dan : No , Blair , this is not a game to me , okay ? I don 't want her to get hurt . -

  9. 这些条件不是终局的,可予变更。

    These terms are not final and are subjected to alteration .

  10. 坍缩荷电星核的终局和光学表现

    The Optical Appearance and Final States of Collapsing Charged Stellar Cores

  11. 仲裁为终局裁决,对双方当事人均有约束力。

    The arbitration shall be final and binding on both parties .

  12. 刑事程序和裁判都需要终局性以及促使国家侦控机关进行全面有效的侦查和起诉。

    The need for finality and the need to encourage efficient investigation .

  13. 它具有法定性、主动性、非终局性和体系性的特点。

    It has legal , initiative , a final and system characteristics .

  14. 有你我难再继续,但无你我宁愿终局

    Can 't live with you , but I die without

  15. 压力很大,终局来了。

    The pressure is on . The endgame is near .

  16. 提高裁判质量,强化判决终局性。

    To raise the quality of judgment and to strengthen the judgment finality .

  17. ·仲裁对合约各方均是终局的并具有约束力。

    Arbitration is final and binding on the parties .

  18. 行政终局裁决行为及可诉性探析从语义上看,仲裁强调裁决的法律性拘束力;

    From the aspect of semantic , arbitration emphasizes the legal executive power ;

  19. 仲裁结果是终局性的并对双方具有约束力。

    The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto .

  20. 可以说,认证是整个诉讼的核心,直接关系着案件的终局裁判。

    It can be said that certification is the core of the proceedings .

  21. 他们会问,这件事的终局将会是什么样的?

    They ask things like how will this end ?

  22. 漫威的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》是中国票房最高的外国影片。

    Marvel 's Avengers : Endgame was the highest-grossing foreign film in China .

  23. 为了让政策激励变得合理,需要指明“终局”。

    To get the policy incentives right , the endgame needs to be specified .

  24. 我们是进入了一场大范围的、五年期终局较量(去杠杆化,无增长)?

    Are we entering a massive , 5-year endgame of de-leveraging and no growth ?

  25. 阿富汗战争已经开始走向终局。

    The end game has begun in Afghanistan .

  26. 独立性和一裁终局性体现了仲裁制度的基本精神,仲裁裁决由于其准司法特点,也必然受制于国家司法权力的监督和制约。

    Independence and first award being the final are fundamental characters of arbitration system .

  27. 对他的状况来说,“面对终局”这一点是必要的。

    In his situation , this is what is necessary , facing the end .

  28. 任何仲裁裁决应当为终局的并且对协议各方具有约束力。

    The judgment of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties .

  29. 以后的长久的岁月只是无终局的苦刑。

    In the long years ahead there would be only endless pain and misery .

  30. 我国司法裁判终局性之现实困境与制度出路

    The Finality of Our Justice System of the Present Difficulties and the Way out