
zhōnɡ lǎo
  • die;spend one's remaining years till death
终老 [zhōng lǎo]
  • [spend ones remaining years till death] 指度过晚年;养老

  • 为终老之计

  1. 他觉得自己注定要孤独终老。

    He felt condemned to being alone

  2. 她们独身终老,或是一辈子做修女。

    They wind up spinsters or , worse still , nuns .

  3. 她就是会孤独终老,但是会在事业上取得大成功。

    Still dying alone ... with nothing but her great success .

  4. 我生于此也希望终老于此

    I was born here and I hope to die here .

  5. 孤独终老和快乐有仇你有过真正的朋友吗

    All alone.The enemy of fun.Do you even have any friends ?

  6. 我是不是要孤独终老啊?

    Tina : Am I bound to be dying alone ?

  7. 爱的花朵常开,直到终老,就不会匆匆凋谢枯黄。

    Love that lasteth till ' tis old Fadeth not in haste .

  8. 不会发生,然后你会孤独终老。

    Won 't happen , and you will die alone .

  9. 跟我挂一幅“孤独终老”一样多余

    Like me having art that says " will die alone . "

  10. 麦克斯,你不会想孤独终老的。

    Max , you don 't want to die alone .

  11. 他认定我是他孤独终老的原因。

    He thinks I 'm the reason he ended up in solitary .

  12. 你想和你妈妈一样终老一生?

    And you want to end up like your mom ?

  13. 那也是我将要终老的地方。

    This is where I will end my days .

  14. 如今俺要孤独终老了。

    Now I 'm gonna die sad and alone .

  15. 艾薇,你不会孤独终老的。

    Ivy , you 're not gonna die alone .

  16. 你可以拿走我的爱人,让我来孤独终老。

    You can have my great love , and I 'll die alone .

  17. 我会像他一样孤独终老。

    Chandler : I 'm gonna end up alone , just like he did .

  18. 若我最后孤独终老便是你的错。

    If I end up old and alone , it 's all your fault .

  19. 我将要功成名就,然后孤独终老!

    I 'm gonna be successful and alone !

  20. 噢,我真为将和他终老的女人难过。

    Oh , I feel bad for the woman who ends up with him .

  21. 而没人想孤独终老吧

    And no one wants to die alone .

  22. 我们要在那儿终老。

    We 'll spend our lives here .

  23. 你不必一直做个美发师终老余生。

    You don 't have to be a hairdresser for the rest of your life .

  24. 我想熊猫都是孤独终老的。

    I think that panda died alone .

  25. 这样怎么算啊?我到底会还是不会孤独终老啊?

    So what is it ? Am I or am I not gonna die old and alone ?

  26. 小说会有结局,妈妈会终老,妈妈的爱永远不会结束。

    A story will end , a mother will grow old , but her loves will never stop .

  27. 我一直想把他撤回澳大利亚,可是他说,他宁肯在卡罗-卡罗终老天年。

    I 've tried to retire him to Australia , but he says he wants to remain and die on Karo-Karo .

  28. 它指的是你害怕被剩下来,孤独终老,但又不愿打开心扉,与人建立亲密关系。

    Stable ambiguity is when you are too afraid to be alone but also not really willing to engage in intimacy-building .

  29. 他本来可以活下去看着他的孙子长大,然后平平安安地终老。啊,他干吗要去呀?

    He should have lived and seen his grandchild grow up and died peacefully in bed . oh , why did he go ?

  30. 我会一辈子幸福快乐,而大人物将会孤独终老。

    Now , I 'm gonna end up deliriously happy and Big is gonna die old and alone ...... and I pity him .